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Web Maester

Sunday, 21 July 2019 17:48


Sunday, 21 July 2019 17:48


Saturday, 15 June 2019 20:01


The recycler that OLT has relied on for the past several years has gone out of business. Recycling has become very difficult. Therefore, we are asking that you take your recyclables home and use your local recycling service providers. This is akin to the idea of pack-it-in/pack-it-out that characterizes camping in many areas. We are looking for a solution to the problem as recycling is a fundamental part of sound environmental awareness. Please help us keep recyclables out of the landfill.

Saturday, 15 June 2019 20:00

Reminder for Summer

Winter was cold and snowy. The number of visitors during the cold weather months was less than in recent years. Now the weather is warming up. We expect to see more pressure on the use of the hot springs during the summer months. If people are trying to make up for the times that they didn't come this winter, then we will have more people at the gate this summer. We will continue to keep the capacity within our usual limits, which will make reservations even more necessary. Valley View people tend to be spontaneous and act on whim. That may not work so well. Try to plan ahead and make advance reservations to avoid the unpleasant experience of being told that the hot springs is full. We don't enjoy turning people away but minimizing overcrowded conditions is important for everybody.

Saturday, 15 June 2019 20:00

Everson Ranch

There is a new face at Everson Ranch this summer. Meet our new ranch hand, Jacob Marsh. Jacob's passion for working on the land started in his own backyard. After purchasing a home in Aurora in 2009, Jacob quickly began the process of urban homesteading. He made two garden plots for veggies and herbs, another bed in the front yard to grow strawberries and raspberries, another for mint around the mailbox, lattice up the back deck for grapes, and an active compost pile. Soon after came the chickens, then the bees, then the rabbits. In the summers, about 40% of his food source was grown in the small backyard plot. The more work he put in, the bigger the passion grew. In early 2018, Jacob built out a Sprinter van into a mobile home, sold his house, and hit the road to work with and learn from builders, farmers and ranchers across the country. The trip started with a two week stay volunteering at Everson Ranch, and later included stints at farms in Vermont and Maine and North Carolina, as well as a month of workshops at the Maine Primitive Skills School. On April 1, Jacob became a proud staff member at Everson Ranch where he is helping build fencing for the livestock, care for the animals, give tours, build the new commercial food processing kitchen, maintain and restore the natural habitat of native plants and animals, and any other odd job that needs tending to. When not working on the ranch Jacob runs his two small businesses, Bite Back Bed Bug Removal and Fully Human SEO as well as enjoying time in the valley by hiking, mountain biking, volunteering with the Crestone End of Life Project, and maximizing time in rocking chairs staring off into the distance.

Preparing the Everson Ranch Market for guests - Cherrye O'Donal Bee Keepers at the Everson Ranch - Cherrye O'Donal OLT Ranch Hand, Jacob Marsh - Cherrye O'Donal

Saturday, 15 June 2019 19:57

Be a Gardener

Do you know that taste? When you snap a leaf of arugula off the plant. Fold it or crumple it or shovel it right in your mouth, whatever fits your style. That initial almost minty flavor, followed by a sweetness that leads quickly into a pleasant bitterness. The thickness of the greens that are still full of the mornings watering. The satisfaction of realizing there is so much more to pick. Either you know the taste, or I highly recommend experiencing it. Either way, that moment is waiting for you at Everson Ranch. All summer, every day, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Everson Ranch is inviting guests to grab a bag, head to the greenhouse, and pick a bag full of greens. Whether you are more of a spinach person, or if arugula is your thing, maybe butter leaf lettuce, or if you prefer a mixed bag; the choice is yours. And the price is of your choosing too. For each bag please give the ranch a donation. The money is helpful, but it is the experience that the ranch wants to share more than anything. And if you accidentally fall in love with the garden while you are here, Everson Ranch is always accepting volunteers for any length of time. And if you don't feel like picking your own, bags of fresh greens from the ranch can be found at the main office of Valley View Hot Springs.

Bird & Photography Workshop 2019 poster

The songbirds are starting to arrive at Valley View Hot Springs and Everson Ranch! If you love birds and are interested in photography, don't miss this rare opportunity to spend some time with Bird Photographer Dr. Daniel Flemming. We have three workshops planned!

Valley View Hot Springs

  • Saturday, May 18th, 6 am to 8 am; Meet at the Welcome Center (an overnight pass for Friday May 17th is required because of early start time)
  • Sunday, May 19th, 7:30 am to 9:30 am; Meet at the Welcome Center (an overnight pass for Saturday May 18th is required because of early start time)

Everson Ranch

  • Saturday, May 18th, 4 pm to 6 pm. Meet at the Everson Ranch near the bathhouse. Valley View Hot Springs passes are not required to participate in the this workshop

What to Bring

You will be doing short hikes, so wear good walking shoes, sunblock and a hat. Bring a water bottle & snacks. Binoculars, cameras with long lenses or zoom are very helpful! Please pre-register at the Welcome Center so we know how many folks to expect! There is no charge for these workshops.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019 18:38

Summer at the Ranch

Summer 2019 Events at Everson Ranch

Ever wondered where all the water goes after you soak in it at the hot springs? Well, this is the summer you can see for yourself! The Everson Ranch, part of the Orient Land Trust, is a working ranch just a few miles downhill from Valley View and it is here that we can show you.

Summer is the best time of year for visiting and experiencing life on the ranch and we are excited to announce our plans for 2019!

Thanks go out to the Board of Directors, staff, and dedicated volunteers who have been brilliant in developing the perfect mix of fun ranch activities and hands on experiential learning! Exploring Orient Land Trust now engages all five senses with the following activities.

Ranch Tours

Guests of Orient Land Trust are welcome to visit the ranch, farm animals, observe wildlife, and walk to the reservoir. Guided tours are offered daily 10am-2pm. So on your next visit to the hot springs, dry off for a bit and see what the ranch is all about!

Ranch Camping

Experience the feel of being on a working ranch with an overnight visit! Camping is now an option that includes a nice grassy tent spot or easy pull in vehicle site. Camping also includes the use of the (straw bale) bath/kitchen house. And best of all, it's clothing optional! Campers pay a facilities use fee of $15 per person.

Bird Watching & Photography Workshop

Long time land trust member, Dr. Daniel Fleming, will be at the ranch of May 18, 4-6pm, as part of his amazing Bird watching & Photography workshop that he offers at no cost. Participants will want to wear good walking shoes and bring water bottle, hat, and binoculars. Long lense or zoom cameras are helpful but not required to enjoy this workshop.

Everson Ranch Market & Grill

Memorial Day Weekend will kick off this season's Everson Ranch Market & Grill. This first Market Saturday, May 25, will feature a Plein Air Painting workshop with Salida artist, Carl Ortman. He will work with guests from 10am to 1pm and asks that guests bring their own easel and supplies.

The Market & Grill events will be held every Saturday and Sunday 10am to 2pm. A simple menu of our fresh farm foods will be offered and will vary depending on what we have on hand. There will be juicy meat dishes from the barbeque, grilled vegetables, fresh eggs, garden salads and smoothies made to order. Note: The Market and Grill will be unavailable for the month of July. July is the month we have the Science Camps for children, quarterly Board of Directors meeting, and Member Appreciation Weekend. We will continue to schedule Volunteers working in the garden for the month.

Mid-September will wrap up the season with our annual Harvest Celebration TBA

New this year!

Free Garden Classes with Sabine

New faces at the ranch this summer are Sabine Borchers, garden manager, and her assistant, Macon Terry. Sabine can guide you through a short meditation which will open your senses to set the tone for your experience in the garden. So that when you visit or volunteer even just a few hours you walk away inspired. She can direct you to different tasks in the garden as a learning experience or just for relaxation. She will be so grateful for busy hands wanting to help with high altitude gardening. Once upon a time she was a psychotherapist in a hospital where she also provided stress management. According to her picking spinach is definitely a form to manage stress. Come try it out. Sabine is aiming to take Wednesdays and Thursdays off. Check with staff if you want to take advantage of her inspiration on those days.

Front Porch Pickin' and Grinnin'

The idea here is to create a fun place for musicians to connect with other players, hone skills and make friends! We hope to attract musicians with diverse backgrounds to showcase their own style. Come and bring your instruments, singing voices or just your listening ear. The jam sessions will take place during the Market & Grill and begins when the first player starts!

Sheep Series with Amber

Amber Shook moved to the San Luis Valley 37 years ago. Newly married to Jeff, their dream of homesteading began. Her passion for fiber has been cause for owning angora bunnies, many types of sheep, and llamas. Harvesting wool, cleaning, spinning, dyeing, weaving and felting have been her focus. Whether you are interested in owning one fuzzy friend, or a flock of woollies, Amber's introduction to animal fibers will answer your questions.

Sheep Series (and other critters)

1) June 8 2-3:30 Raising Wool Producing Animals
 Rabbits, Sheep, Llama, Alpaca, Goat, Yak, Camel, Dog

2) July Sheep Shearing (all ages)
 Culling, butchering, shearing, and processing fiber

3) August 10, 2-2:30 Fiber Use
 Home, sale, natural/dyeing, spun, knit, crochet, felt

Everson Ranch will be closed for private events July 1 – August 11. Volunteers in the garden can still schedule. We appreciate your help!

John Eiseman at the BBQ - Cherrye Williams Everson Ranch Market Goods - Cherrye Williams Baby Lambs - Cherrye Williams

Tuesday, 14 May 2019 18:37

Update on the Drinking Water

You will notice some postings about the drinking water. Orient Land Trust has revised our application for pre-treatment of the drinking water. We were directed by Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to install filters at the beginning of each of our five treatment systems. They required that those be installed by the end of March. We are still waiting for approval of our revised application and have not installed those filters. Because we missed that deadline, we are required to post a letter informing you, the guest, that this has not been done. We have complied and the letter we posted has been written with language specified by the state and reviewed by the state. This is not an emergency, the water is disinfected and tested daily. We hope to have approval of our pre-treatment components soon and we will be buying and installing the necessary additions to the drinking water systems. Thank you for your patience.

Every year a devoted group of hardworking volunteers participate in our annual Weed Pull! Volunteers arrive on Tuesday, June 4th to set up camp and enjoy a day of relaxation at Valley View Hot Springs. Workshop begins early on Wednesday, June 5th, meeting at 8 am in front of the main bath house. Volunteers are trained on what invasive weeds we are targeting (Houndstongue, Bull Thistle, and Horehound) and how to mitigate them; then work in teams until noon. The same schedule applies for Thursday, June 6th. Volunteers have the rest of the afternoon to enjoy the springs before departing. Overnight admission passes for the springs and a tent site are included for Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

We are still looking for 8 more volunteers! Email or call 719-256-4315 and ask for Rosie to get signed up.

 - Robin Rosenberg  - Robin Rosenberg Volunteers Pulling Weeds - Robin Rosenberg

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.