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Wednesday, 12 November 2014 08:24

2013 in Review

Here are OLT's Audited Financial Reports for 2013. Last year we printed 2012 financial information with the printed 2013 Annual Report. We're planning to include 2014 financial information in the Annual Report / Newsletter  early next year.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014 18:46

Need Holiday Gift Ideas?

OLT has a variety of new T-shirts, hoodies and winter beanies (hats) just in time for your holiday shopping. Order by Dec 15th to receive in time for the holidays. A great selection of colors and styles are available! Especially popular have been the "Advice from a bat...advice from the moon, earth, night sky, etc" series of T-shirts and bookmarks! Orders can be placed by calling or emailing 719-256-4315/ .

Wednesday, 12 November 2014 17:28

Third Quarter Financial Snapshot

Summary: Good news!!! The financial position of OLT has improved significantly since the beginning of 2014. Net Income from all sources from January through September was $332,900, or $257,000 above expectations. This improvement was the result of a reduction in expenses of approximately $87,000 over the amount budgeted, and an increase in revenues of $ 158,500 over budget. The most significant factor in the revenue gain was the increase in Admission and Accommodation Fees of about $125,500 beyond budget. $176,000 of this net income has been transferred to the Winter Savings account to fund the slow season. Also, larger scale repair and improvements usually are done in December, so this will reduce the end of year net income further. Although OLT's financial position has greatly improved, the battle to get it on a solid footing financially is far from over. The Waste Water Treatment Plant has a $100,000 debt to be paid, the Everson Ranch needs significant capital improvements to get it on a self-sustaining basis, refurbishment of visitor accommodation and kitchen facilities needs to be done, and badly depleted financial reserves for land conservation and capital improvements need to be replenished. Realistically, it will take several years to regain a solid financial footing. But, the results for 2014 are an excellent start.

Some snapshot details:


  • Total income (revenue) increased in 2014 by $173,167, or 21.1%;
  • Total expenses in 2014 declined by $149,423, or 18.9%;
  • Total employee expenses in 2014 declined by $18,448, or 3.9%;
  • Visitation (person days) increased in 2014 by 2,187, or 9.8%;
  • Donations decreased slightly in 2014 by $1,036, or 0.7%, primarily because of large donations in July and September, 2013 that were not matched in 2014;

Tentative budget for 2015:

A tentative (draft) budget for 2015 has been prepared for presentation to the Board of Directors for approval. The tentative budget projects total revenues for 2015 of $1,040,157, total expenses of $871,751, and net ordinary income of $142,910. Total employee expense is projected to be $640,000.


OLT financial policies currently are under review. It is planned that a policy for allocating net income to various reserve accounts, including the Land Conservation Fund, will be presented to the Board in January for their approval. Finally, at its October meeting, the Board authorized creation of a task force to create a five year development plan that is consistent with the Strategic Plan adopted earlier in 2014. It is expected that this development plan will be presented to the Board at its April, 2015 meeting.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014 18:45

How 'bout that Weather?

OLT volunteer, Tom Bowes, returned from Michigan again this Fall. This time, he donated and installed a professional weather station. Local weather conditions appear not only on our website, but can now be gathered and studied. This collective information brings valuable insights for local agriculture, alternative energy, climate models, environmental planning, wildfire response, and of course... what to pack for your next visit.

Now live at Weather Underground as Station KCOMOFFA4

From the raptor pole overlooking OLT’s hydroelectric power plant we track the wind from 30’ above. At its base, air temperature, pressure, precipitation, and sunlight are each carefully measured. A wireless console inside the plant prepares and uploads these readings to Weather Underground and the Citizen’s Weather Observer Program (CWOP). After some quality checks, these data are compiled by NOAA’s MADIS database for use by the National Weather Service and other research. 

We’re even installing special sensors to understand OLT’s dramatic microclimates. Located 2 miles east and 600’ higher that our weather station, air temperatures at Valley View can be 10 degrees warmer at times! That warm welcome visitors feel as they arrive may indeed be more than the geothermal energy and friendly folks.

OLT is pleased to serve our visitors and the Northern San Luis Valley with this powerful system. We deeply appreciate the generosity, dedication, and expertise Tom brings us all.

Volunteers installing Weather Station at Hydro Plant - Volunteers installing Weather Station at Hydro Plant - Volunteers installing Weather Station at Hydro Plant - Volunteers installing Weather Station at Hydro Plant - Volunteers installing Weather Station at Hydro Plant -

Saturday, 08 November 2014 16:54



  Weather Underground (Station KCOMOFFA4)  





2 3 Weather Underground PWS KCOMOFFA4 4 Weather Underground PWS KCOMOFFA4 5 Weather Underground PWS KCOMOFFA4

Wednesday, 29 October 2014 11:40

Bat Science

Brazilian Free-Tailed Bats from Colorado Parks & Wildlife on Vimeo.

Advisory board member and bat biologist, Kirk Navo, led a group of volunteers studying our bats with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Video footage shows the team of students and teachers working at the Orient Mine in August 2014. The mine's Glory Hole is located just a few miles north of Valley View Hot Springs. OLT offers free guided and self-guided tours of the area and wildlife. Even now that the bat colony has returned south for the winter, visitors still walk the scenic mining town and ruins. The colony will return next summer. With the help of these scientists, we hope they'll forever delight guests and support the Valley's rich agriculture. 

Monday, 15 September 2014 08:43

Lunch and Learn - Oct 11th

Enjoy a Cooking Class with fellow OLT member and Master Chef, Scott Sharot, in the OLT pavilion at Valley View on Saturday Oct 11th at 12:30 pm. The cost is $25 and will benefit OLT's new Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades. Chef Sharot will lead participants in a cooking demo of several delicious lunch dishes which they will get to enjoy and take home recipes from afterwards,

Wednesday, 12 November 2014 18:45

The Medicine of the Springs

A safe and sacred haven not only for humans, but for all manner of life, Orient Land Trust/Valley View Hot Springs is home to an abundant and diverse population of wild plants. One cannot help but notice the wild roses blooming in late spring, the aromatic mint surrounding the ponds and offering up its gentle fragrance in the warmth of the mid-summer sun, and the Chokecherries hanging dark and

Wednesday, 12 November 2014 18:47

Colorado Gives Day - Dec 9th

If you love Orient Land Trust and Valley View Hot Springs as a unique place of peace, community and soothing waters that nourish the environment and the soul, now is the time to give.

Support OLT in the spirit of Colorado Gives Day from now until December 9th when your gift to OLT will be matched proportionally. Colorado Gives Day is more than a day of giving, it’s a movement that inspires and unites thousands of donors to support their favorite causes online through This year, Colorado Gives is partnering with FirstBank to offer a $1 million Incentive Fund boosting every donation received online for December 9th. This means your donation goes farther on this one day!

Thursday, 04 September 2014 18:46

Members Appreciation Weekend in Review

Another exciting Members Appreciation week-end was logged on August 9th-11th at Valley View Hot Springs when a record 245 OLT members came from far and wide to participate in a fun-filled slate of activities or just "chillax" in our soaking ponds, pool and sauna amidst the ever-stunning Valley View-sheds. More active enthusiasts embarked on OLT's trails, hiked to the bats at Orient Mine, visited our Everson ranch to feed the pigs, took in some perfect Colorado night-sky astronomy, the geologic trench or our mountain-side's flora, fauna and wildlife. At Saturday's always sumptuous pot-luck dinner an annual auction was resurrected this year featuring, besides a few used Lost and Found robes and other unique "treasures" from people's garages, some rather interesting objets d'art, gift baskets, jewelry, a Playa Sonrisa vacation, and a popular retro sign titled "Fish Naked" replete with "bobbers..."! The silent auction netted some $1400 for the Waste Water Treatment Facilities Campaign. Friday and Saturday Night's bands it seemed were attended by all featuring phenomenal music by the groups, "Intuit" and "Atomga" respectively who played into the wee hours. The "Raft Record" contest in the pool boasted another record as folks struggled to hold on for dear life (or not drown holding on!) OLT Staff cooked a hearty breakfast Sunday morning for the largest crowd ever featuring fruit, yoghurt, eggs, sausage, pancakes (gluten-free and regular) with an optional fruit compote on top! New friendships were made and old friendships renewed as the pavilion campfires, s'mores and Oak House jam sessions melded hearts and built "community". Members departed this memorable week-end with a thank you packet of photocards capturing the always alluring OLT experience and landscapes.

Even during our biggest Member's Weekend (245 ppl), the ponds remain peaceful and serene (often empty).  - Doug Bates Even during our biggest Member's Weekend (245 ppl), the ponds remain peaceful and serene (often empty).  - Doug Bates Even during our biggest Member's Weekend (245 ppl), the ponds remain peaceful and serene (often empty).  - Doug Bates Hosting a fire at Soaking Pond for Member's Weekend - Doug Bates Brilliant sunset at Member's Weekend 2014 - Doug Bates Campers packed in tight for Member's Weekend - Doug Bates Breakfast at Members Weekend 2014 - Doug Bates Breakfast at Members Weekend 2014 - Doug Bates Bernie workin his magic! - Doug Bates Rosie and Kevin serving up a tasty breakfast - Doug Bates Squeezing tents in at Member's Weekend 2014 - Doug Bates Long line of off-site parking for Member's Weekend - Doug Bates In line for breakfast - Doug Bates Doug Bishop stylin his potluck tray - Doug Bates Pool Lights on at Member's Weekend - Doug Bates

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.