OLT - Items filtered by date: September 2024
Wednesday, 10 July 2024 23:47

Members Appreciation Weekend

Members are invited July 19th-21st for our annual members appreciation weekend! Potluck Saturday afternoon 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Bring something delicious to share. OLT staff will serve breakfast Sunday morning starting at 9:00 am. Live Music on Friday and Saturday nights from 8-midnight at the pavilion.

The River Arkansas

Friday night we welcome The River Arkansas

The four-piece each skillfully showcases their craft while seamlessly bonding together as a band. Bolder Beat noted that "Together, they give off a heartfelt and wholesome sound which resonates with the Colorado lifestyle of mountain life meets the pavement."

Check them out here! The River Arkansas "All the Way Down" (Official Music Video)

Saturday night will include a live performance from Float Like a Buffalo.

Float Like a Buffalo is a Denver-based 6-piece, 9-instrument, high-energy Funk Rock band. Our style is rock with funk, ska, reggae, and jam influences. Nods to the funk of Lettuce and The Motet, jam of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, rock of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Chicago Transit Authority, soul of James Brown, & high-energy guitar licks of Jimi Hendrix all combine to make a unique sound that's impossible not to dance to.

Enjoy this link: Float Like a Buffalo - Vertigo - Official Music Video

As a special treat, our own Melody Monroe will be playing near the pool on Saturday evening. Her one-woman show is sure to impress and inspire.

Check her out here: Summer Storm (Official Music Video)

This year, we will combine Member's Appreciation Weekend with our annual Outreach Board Meeting. Join us for the Board Meeting in the Pavilion on Saturday and meet our Board of Directors!

Montaño - Float Like a Buffalo band photo - The River Arkansas band photo -

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 23:47

OLT Board Chooses New Executive Director

Welcome to summer OLT members, The board of directors of Orient Land Trust is excited to announce that Crystal England has been selected as the new Executive Director-Select, taking over when current Executive Director Doug Bishop retires at the end of the year. Crystal worked as part of our front desk team for years before serving as Deputy Director for the last year.

Preparation and planning for our Executive Director's retirement has been a two-year process.

First, the OLT Board of Directors created the Deputy Director position so that the person selected would have time to train, work in a management position, and be prepared to take on the role of Executive Director when the time came.

Second, the board created a job description, posted the Deputy Director position, and accepted applications from around a dozen candidates.

Third, the Governance Committee made recommendations and the board conducted the first round of interviews with eight candidates. Fourth, we had the second round of interviews and finally a third round of interviews with the final two candidates. For these final interviews, the board invited OLT managers to join them and selected Crystal England for the position.

Recently the board posted and interviewed two current OLT employees for the Executive Director position and decided to hire Crystal.

Please join us in congratulating Crystal England on her new position as Executive Director-Select.

Roger D Courtemanche
Chairman of the Board
Orient Land Trust

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 23:47

Conservation Committee News

Seeking help with Adopt-A-Roadway cleanup on Sept 21.

OLT's Conservation Committee is sponsoring a cleanup of County Road GG on Saturday, Sept 21, 2024, in accordance with our participation in the Saguache County Adopt-A-Roadway program. All members are invited to help us out - we will gather at 9:00 am at the Welcome Center. Equipment and transportation will be provided by OLT. Several OLT Board members and staff will be participating, as well as members of the Conservation Committee. We should be finished around noon.

CDOT provides a training and safety video, and each participant is required to view it before the event. If you can view it before arriving, here is a link to the video:

If you are unable to view the video ahead of time, please arrive at the Welcome Center at 8:40 am on the morning of the event, and we'll have it available for viewing.

Recent Fire Hazard Clean-up

On April 21, as part of OLT's efforts to mitigate wildfire risk, Doug Bishop led a group of eight OLT members and staff in the removal of dead wood and other fire hazards from the tent camping sites between the Welcome Center and Meadow Pond. In less than two hours, the group had the campsites cleaned up and looking good. Thanks to all who helped! 

Adopt a Highway clean up of GG - Crystal England Adopt a Highway clean up of GG - Crystal England

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 23:46

Worm Wrangling!

Saturday August 10th, from 10am-1pm.

The Everson Ranch is hosting the Wyoming Worm Wrangler! Last year's hands-on worm casting workshop was a lot of fun and very educational for everyone. We will gather again this year for this workshop. Join us to learn how to set up a worm bed, how to maintain the worm bed, and how to sort out the worms from their castings. We will look for different sites for the worms at the ranch. Both indoor and outdoor vermicomposting systems will be discussed. Bring your questions and ask the Worm Wrangler! Pitchforks will be put to use!
If you wish to purchase worms or worm castings to be picked up at the event, please contact Erika (Wyoming Worm Wrangler) in advance. Worms may be available at the event, but there are no guarantees. You can reach her at 307-760-6171 via phone or text, email at , or through her Wyoming Worm Wrangler Facebook or Instagram pages.

You should feel confident in starting your own worm bed after this workshop!

This is a free event and donations are appreciated to support Erika and the Everson Ranch.

After the event we offer tours for those that are interested in learning more about the Everson Ranch.

Location: Everson Ranch, 29398 County Road 61, Moffat, Colorado 81143

Info: , garden manager/ranch caretaker

Wyoming Worm Wrangler - Worm Casting Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers Worm Casting Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers Worm Casting Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers Worm Casting Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 23:44

News from the Everson Ranch

The Everson Ranch participated in the annual, international World Naked Gardening Day in May.

We had perfect weather to attend to the garden in the open and shed some or all clothes to experience the natural world. Some had never gardened before, some were experienced and some had joined this event several times. All reported that being physically active in the outdoors and in the open was a liberating experience! Thank you volunteers for your enthusiasm and for all your help! It means a lot to us! We are looking forward to celebrating World Naked Gardening Day with you in 2025.
If you don't want to wait so long and would like to experience a good physical workout by mowing our lawns for about 3 hours the next time you come to Valley View, please contact Sabine, garden manager at: .

World Naked Gardening Day illustration - Robin Rosenberg World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers

In June, we offered as our free, educational event at the ranch, the Mushroom Inoculation Workshop. Tyler, the local presenter from the organic certified Alpine Valley Mushroom Farm, demonstrated how to inoculate mycelium to grow mushrooms in one's own backyard. His passion about the importance of nurturing our local fungi was definitely contagious! We are hoping that he will be back in the future to share his broad knowledge with us at the ranch.

Mushroom Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers Mushroom Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers Mushroom Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers Mushroom Workshop 2024 - Sabine Borchers

Monday, 29 April 2024 10:56

Members Appreciation Weekend 2024

Members are invited July 19th-21st for our annual members appreciation weekend! Live Music on Friday and Saturday nights from 8-midnight at the pavilion. 

Friday night we welcome The River Arkansas 

The four-piece each skillfully showcases their craft while seamlessly bonding together as a band. Bolder Beat noted that "Together, they give off a heartfelt and wholesome sound which resonates with the Colorado lifestyle of mountain life meets the pavement."

Saturday night will include a live performance from Float Like a Buffalo.

Float Like a Buffalo is a Denver-based 6-piece, 9-instrument, high-energy Funk Rock band. Our style is rock with funk, ska, reggae, and jam influences. Nods to the funk of Lettuce and The Motet, jam of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, rock of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Chicago Transit Authority, soul of James Brown, & high-energy guitar licks of Jimi Hendrix all combine to make a unique sound that's impossible not to dance to.

Sunday, 28 April 2024 14:26

World Naked Gardening Day

Saturday, May 4th, 2024 at the Everson Ranch

It is that time of the year again: Please come and join us for a fun day of celebrating the 2024 International World Naked Gardening Day at the Everson Ranch. At this annual event you can experience gardening in the open or just spend some time at the ranch. We would appreciate your help clearing the garden beds in preparation for planting flowers and vegetables in the greenhouses and in the field.

The ranch will open at 9:00am. We start to work at 9:30am and continue as long as people like to help that day.

This is a free, fun, lighthearted and liberating event. Gardeners and non gardeners of all ages are welcome!

On this day gardeners all over the world are getting together to shed some or all their clothes to attend to the gardens and connect with the natural world. You might want to dress in layers since the weather in early May is unpredictable. It could be warm, mild, cold, windy, warm, snowy, and all of the above on the same day.

Please bring: Solid shoes, sunscreen, sun hat, sun glasses, water bottle, and gardening gloves. You might like to bring your lunch to enjoy after gardening. After lunch there will be a tour of the ranch for those that are interested.

If you are thinking of trying naked gardening or just would like to experience working in the garden at the Everson Ranch, please come and join us!

Everson Ranch, 29398 C.R. 61, Moffat, Colorado 81143
(Sabine Borchers/garden manager/ranch caretaker)

World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2024 - Sabine Borchers

Sunday, 28 April 2024 14:25

Mushroom Workshop

The Everson Ranch is hosting the following workshop:

Backyard Gardening with Mushrooms

on Sunday June 9th from 10am-1pm.

This mushroom inoculation course will consist of a brief overview of the Kingdom/Queendom Fungi and its importance within many facets of our lives and well-being, as well as a short demonstration of how to effectively inoculate mycelium on a small area of land to grow mushrooms locally, outside, in the San Luis Valley and beyond. Tylor, Daniellen, and their son Boletus will engage the participants of this workshop at the Everson Ranch to leave a lasting imprint through education and practical knowledge about Fungi. Their family owned and operated mushroom farm, Alpine Valley Mushrooms, will be set up with local mushroom products for sale as well.
This is a free event, donations to support the presenter and the Everson Ranch are appreciated.

Location of the workshop: Everson Ranch, 29398 County Road 61, Moffat, CO 81143
(Sabine Borchers, garden manager/ranch caretaker)

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Sunday, 28 April 2024 14:24

Robbie Goes to Valley View

The San Luis Valley in south-central Colorado is a huge, high-altitude valley extending north to south for over 100 miles on into New Mexico. It is primarily rural farmland mostly irrigated by an aquifer under the valley floor. It is bordered on the east by the Sangre de Cristo mountain range and on the west by the much older San Juan mountain range. The Great Sand Dunes National Park is located there, along with several natural hot springs.

Valley View Hot Springs is one of the hot springs there and is located near the northern end of the valley and sits up on the west side of he Sangre de Cristos. It is part of a non-profit land trust that also includes the Everson Ranch on the valley floor below the hot springs and a defunct iron mine that closed in many years ago. In the summer time, half a million Mexican free-tailed bats migrate up from Mexico and inhabit the mine. They come out every evening at dusk and eat millions of mosquitos and other harmful insects, keeping those populations under control.

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For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.