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Web Maester

Web Maester

Monday, 28 April 2014 21:23


Do you have a great photo or story you'd care to share? OLT is always gathering content for its newsletters, brochures, and articles. You can always send your contributions to us for consideration. OLT appreciates all contributions and is careful to credit those who wish it. We also respect our visitor's anonymity and, where requested, leave off individual's names.

Download and sign the attached release before sending it back to us (scanned or by postal mail). Be sure to let us know if you'd prefer to be credited or anonymous. 

Note: Photographs should be of the highest resolution possible to be most widely useful. However, high-resolution images are large enough that only a few may be attached to an email. If you have more than 10 MB (megabytes) of images or video to share, please burn them to a CD or USB stick that can be delivered to our office physically.

Materials can be sent to:


Orient Land Trust
Information Systems
P.O. Box 65
Villa Grove, CO  81155-0065

Saturday, 08 March 2014 05:08

Orient Land Trust

The Orient Land Trust is a non-profit land trust created around Valley View Hot Springs, its unique culture and environment.

With the Orient Mine and Everson Ranch, we now protect 2,200 acres, its wildlife corridor, pristine spring waters, hiking trails, rustic cabins, and camping. Visitors of all ages and walks of life enjoy free educational programs, naturist open spaces, geothermal warmth, hydroelectric energy, and Colorado's largest bat colony.  Read more...

Guidelines  -  Rates and Reservations  -  Bat Tours

Tuesday, 04 February 2014 09:17

2014 Membership Dinner and WWTP Fundraiser

Thursday, April 3 
Enjoy a great meal & OLT friends, learn about OLT’s new strategic plan, support OLT’s Wastewater Treatment Plant campaign! Door prizes!
Monday, 06 January 2014 12:21


Updated 07/26/24

Executive Director is an ex officio/non-voting member of all committees, except the Governance Committee.

Note: OLT Board Committees should have no more than a quorum (a majority of directors) minus one of board members on the committee. Currently this would be no more than 4 board members on any committee.

Executive (EC) (Per Bylaws)

Chair: Jon F ()

Membership: Patrick C, Susan H

Membership guideline: Board Chair, Board Vice-Chair, Treasurer

  • Board of Directors shall elect an Executive Committee by the election of officers at the Annual Meeting that shall serve until the following Annual Meeting. Committee membership is defined in the Bylaws.

  • Responsible for the general supervision of the affairs of the Corporation.

  • Shall meet at such times and places as designated by the Board Chair.

  • May, between regular meetings of the board, but never in substitution for such meetings, exercise the powers as authorized by the Board of Directors, except as prohibited by the Colorado Corporation Act.

  • A majority of the members of the EC present and voting shall be binding as to the action taken by the EC.

Governance Committee (Formerly Board Development-BDC)

Co-Chairs: Jim Manly, Aleia S ()

Membership: John S, Dan J, Myron H, Mike A, Terry S, Scott M, Bill M, Martin J, Allegra T, Roger C, Jon F

Membership guideline: Board and public

Responsibility: Advertise for, recommend and familiarize new Board members. Educate and improve current Board members. Addressing matters of the overall health and effectiveness of the governance of the organization.

Mission Statement (short): To select and recommend to the Board a diverse and thoughtful candidate pool for future Director positions and to oversee the Board evaluation processes as well as promoting adherence to OLT policies.

Mission Statement (full): To foster a strong OLT Board of Directors by promoting Board vacancies to an audience of viable candidates; researching, interviewing and screening Board applicants; seeking directors with a diversity of skills, expertise and minority representation; recommending candidates for election to the Board; mentoring newly elected directors; administering self-evaluations to existing and retiring directors; offering ongoing support, education and development to directors; and ensuring Board compliance with the by-laws of OLT.

Membership Guidelines:
• GC will consist of at least 5 members
• One Co-Chair will always be a BoD member and the other a non-board member appointed by the board
• As per OLT resolution, there will never be more than a Board quorum, minus one, of Board members on the GC
• The GC will actively seek non-board members for committee membership
• The Executive Director may not be a member
• The term of participation on the GC shall be no longer than three (3) years, renewable at the discretion of 2/3 of the majority the committee
• Committee selection of the non-board Co-Chair will take place yearly prior to the July Board meeting 

External Affairs Committee (Formerly Resource Development-RDC)

Chair: Susan H ()

Membership: Dorothy L, Doug Bates, Suzanne R, Lindsey H, Cherrye O, Jon F, Suzanne M, John M, Will L

Responsibility: There is consensus that public relations, publicity, outreach and the overall clarity and consistency of the OLT message is intimately tied to fundraising and resource development and so this committee will help with policy related to these areas.

Mission statement (short): To take a substantial role with staff to research, develop, and conduct comprehensive fundraising activities, and to create outreach activities to OLT members and the public.

Mission Statement (full): The External Affairs Committee is responsible for the direction and oversight of OLT's fundraising and resource development needs, public relations, outreach to members, publicity, and marketing as determined by the Board and staff. This committee promotes development of partnerships with business leaders, organizations, and others to accomplish the mission of OLT through collaborative efforts where possible. This committee provides active leadership in the planning and operation of the following:

  • Overseeing development of a strategy for communications to members, including but not limited to newsletters, website messages, visitor surveys, and member appreciation events, and for outreach to the public. This communication strategy should be updated annually, and presented to the Board for approval.
  • Overseeing development of an annual plan for fundraising activities, in alignment with OLT’s Mission, Strategic Plan, and capital budget plans. Fundraising functions may include but are not limited to donor events, fundraising dinners, phone and letter solicitations, and solicitation of grants that align with OLT's Mission and Strategic Plan. This annual plan should be presented to the Board for their approval.
  • Recruiting volunteers as needed, including members of the Board.
  • Ensuring brand consistency for all marketing and outreach activities.


Internal Affairs Committee (Formerly Investment Committee)

Chair: Scott H ()

Members: Martin J, Myron H, Scott M, Patrick C

Membership guideline: In an effort to establish processes and procedures for an effective financial oversight function that will span future Boards.:

  • The Internal Affairs Committee consists of at least five (5) members;
  • the Board always be represented on the committee by the OLT Board Treasurer;
  • At least three (3) members of the current Board sit on the Committee;
  • That the term of engagement of the Board members on the Committee be two (2) years, renewable at the discretion of a 2/3 majority of the full Board;
  • That the Board actively seek, at a minimum, one (1) non-Board member for the Committee;
  • That the term of participation on the Committee for this non-Board member be no longer than two (2) years, renewable at the discretion of a 2/3 majority of the full Board;
  • That this non-Board member be well versed in investments when possible, preferably being actively employed, or having been employed in the past, in either the investment, banking, or accounting industries;
  • That the Board reimburse to this non-Board member all expenses incurred in the furtherance of OLT interests as part of the Committee; and
  • That the Board provides appropriate insurance coverage to this non-Board member, indemnifying the Committee participant from exposure to financial risk for activities consistent with Prudent Investor actions.

 Responsibility: There is consensus that this committee be created with the prime directive of financial oversight and related areas of responsibility including  budget, investment, administration and human resource policies.

Mission Statement (full): The mission of the Internal Affairs Committee is

  • To provide stewardship of OLT finances, investment, budget ,administration and human resources policies guidance
  • To recommend policies and procedures to safeguard organization monetary assets;
  • To secure maximum income from funds under management in accordance with prudent investment policies approved by the Board
  • As much as practicable, to monitor state and federal legislation that impacts upon investment and portfolio management of endowment, restricted funds, and operating funds.
  • Meetings will be held at least quarterly and more often as needed, usually by teleconference. The committee will keep minutes of its proceedings and report its activities and recommendations quarterly to the Board of Directors.

Membership guideline: Chair: appointed by Board; 1+ Board members; 1+ non-Board members and/or staff; ex-officio members: Executive Director, Treasurer

Site Planning (SPC)

Chair: Terry S ()

Membership: Don G, Mark J, David M, Scott H, Randy S

Membership guideline: Board, staff and public

Responsibility: To make recommendations regarding short and long range facilities in the Valley View village building envelope.

Mission Statement (short): Develop by research, consultation, and consensus a step-wise series of plans for short and long term development of facilities and village preservation in the VVHS building envelope for Board consideration.

Mission Statement (full): Within the scheduling framework of the Site Plan Task Force timeline, the Site Plan Committee will create and recommend a site plan for the Valley View village area of OLT. The Site Plan Committee will explore options, integrate temporary needs and long range goals, and recommend short and long term village site plan changes based on overarching communal values of the OLT community, Board, Staff, Visitors, and Donors, weighing visitor desires, safety, and budget constraints:

  • maintain the simple, historic, rustic nature of the village

  • encourage the community feeling of like-minded people of all ages and walks of life

  • preserve personal contact with nature

  • promote naturism while preserving choice

  • engender respect of nature, other people, alternative energy and natural resources among the OLT community

  • optimize visitor experience of the hot springs through carefully considered limitation of use

  • preserve village environment by careful design of placement of new facilities

  • promote the cycle of sustainability

  • maintain the quality of the visitor experience at a reasonable price

  • preserve and promote the natural environment

  • uphold the requirements of The Nature Conservancy Conservation Easement

  • uphold the components of the OLT Mission Statement and guidelines


Chair: Bill M ()

Membership: Geneva M, Victor K, Cynthia N, David M, Sarah H, Martin J, Brent N

Membership guideline: Board members, ED, and interested public

Mission Statement (short): Identify conservation priorities and opportunities at OLT; support efforts to monitor and improve conservation; advise and advocate conservation priorities to the OLT Board of Directors with the goal of attaining the highest standards for land preservation.

Mission Statement (full): The Conservation Committee will work to:

  • help the OLT community understand the OLT's conservation goals and everyone's part in achieving those goals
  • develop a monitoring plan for OLT parcels that are not being monitored as part of a conservation easement
  • ensure compliance with existing easement obligations
  • prioritize conservation needs and projects with the goal of protecting native species, improving habitat, and managing invasive species
  • review the comprehensive Land Conservation Strategy for OLT and recommend modifications to the Strategy as necessary
  • monitor the status of relevant fundraising efforts (including grants and private donations) for land conservation or candidate projects
  • monitor changes, issues and policies of the land conservation movement and keep the BOD apprised and informed on important developments.

Firewise Taskforce

Chair: Allegra T ()

Membership: RJ, Henry H, Crystal E, Doug B, Shannon M, Mark J, Bill M, Scott M

Membership guideline: Board members, ED, and interested public



Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:44

Volunteering is Fun!

Hey all you hot spring loving dudes and dudettes!

We want to tell you about the wonderful experience my three friends and I had volunteering with the Orient Land Trust during our short vacation from school. We helped rid the area of an invasive species, which was a rewarding learning experience. We also helped with some fire mitigation and dug a ditch to the collection box to bury a cable that will enable a new alarm system for the hydroelectric plant. Volunteering was such a blast – we were able to give back to a community that we love immensely and learn while we were at it. And who can argue with being able to soak after a long day of labor? We'll definitely be back—it was such a great time full of wonderful new people, beautiful landscapes, and new memories!

— Holly M and friends, Colorado College Volunteers

Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:45

2013 Annual Appeal


Please donate today!

OLT members are the greatest people in the world! They believe in and have made a commitment to keeping Orient Land Trust and its holdings, among them our crown jewel – Valley View Hot Springs – the special place that it is forever. From the soaking ponds, the wildlife, the landscapes and pristine environment at the hot springs village, the nature trails, the bat out flight at the Orient Mine and the Everson ranch -- what's not to love? Our members have taken the important step to make sure that these things, and more, are preserved for future generations by becoming Members. Large capital infrastructure expenses, like the Wastewater Treatment upgrade, exceed the capacity of OLT's Operational Budget, thus our need for an Annual Appeal campaign to help fund this over-and-above expenditure. Thank you for supporting this project by contributing to this Annual Appeal. This project, while not glamorous, supports your OLT experience of serene landscapes and soothing waters with much needed renovations for life's basic necessities! Thanks for partnering with us.

Any Annual Appeal gift for the WWTP project will increase your Membership Level and related Member benefits accordingly (see Member Benefits).

Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:47

Meet TED... Helping OLT Conserve Our Energy

When visitors come to Valley View, most are surprised to learn that we operate entirely "off-grid". All the heat and electricity they enjoy is generated here, onsite and with little environmental impact. Without realizing it, guests soak in and camp along the flowing, warm water that produces our power. It's just one of the many ways OLT connects people to our natural world.

Our flow of water varies constantly as do our demands for geothermal and hydroelectric power. Whenever our supply of power exceeds our needs, the excess energy adds heat to the Apple Tree pools. Over the last year, we've seen the Apple Tree pool temperatures stabilize with each system improvement and conservation effort. And, despite the drought, occasional rain and snow sometimes graces our system, bringing even more energy and heat.

Relying on any natural system, small or large, requires careful management. We're using The Energy Detective, "TED" to help us monitor and manage our energy. "TED" is an innovative tool which allows us to track how much energy is generated, and where exactly it is used. By accounting for our energy each night, week, and season, the TED Pro unit is helping us identify specific problems, schedule usage, and plan ahead... ultimately keeping us all as warm and cozy as possible, all year round. Best of all, this educational tool will inform us about our personal impact on these remarkable and limited resources.

OLT would like to thank The Energy Detective, Inc. for supporting us with their technology and donation. We encourage everyone to consider using these great, inexpensive conservation tools at their own homes and businesses. Together, we can save and share our world.

Doug Bates, Information Systems

Chart Showing Emissions Saved with OLT's Hydroelectric System

Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:48

From the Treasurer

It is autumn at the springs. The warm water still bubbles up, the mountains tower above the valley, and the leaves are blowing around. The summer was busy. Rains finally arrived and rinsed the air and settled the dust. I'm feeling grateful for the springs, the people that hold us up, and the strength of the natural world. One friend reminded me that this is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Sometimes I forget to appreciate that truth. I extend many thanks to all the friends from near and far that hold this place up and contribute to this community. A sincere thanks once again to Neil and Terry for their unflinching courage and patience. I enjoyed the hours that Terry spent patiently explaining the books to me in my new role as treasurer. She can bring the numbers up quickly and find the comparisons that help to put it all in perspective. I also have a deep appreciation for all the board members and want to extend thanks to Geneva for doing such a good job since she was elected chairperson in August. All on the board are working hard. I'd like to say a quick thank you to the new members for their enthusiasm and also say thank you to the "old" members for their persistence. This place has endurance and gentle strength; I'm glad to play even a small part.

Doug Bishop, Treasurer

Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:49

2012 Annual Report

This annual report is taken from the audit performed by an independent auditor of
Orient Land Trust's 2012 financial data.

Revenue and other support




Program Revenue




Individual Contributions




Merchandise Net Sales




Government Grants




Special Events - net income




Program Fees




Investment Income




Foundation Grants




Other Income




Gain (loss) on asset dispositions








Total revenue and support












Program Services




Management & General








Total  expense








Change in net assets








Net Assets, beginning of year




Net Assets, end of year




2012 Revenue

Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:50

2013 Donor Acknowledgements

OLT would like to acknowledge the membership community who carried us through 2013. It's only through your dedicated and generous support that we can preserve this amazing place and all it holds. Thank you! 

Land Stewards

Mary Eiseman


Doug Bates (Staff), Debra Hoffman (Board), Karen McLaughlin & Mark Schubin, Charles Zeis


Jeff Baysinger, John Belskis & Elizabeth Sweeney, Ed Cannon, Judy & Peter Carroll, Kenneth Coombs, Sam Duncan, Joe Eaglesfether, Paul Engelbrecht, Hodge Family, Kohn Family, Jay Sims (Volunteer), Robert Weisbrod (Staff)


Bill & Elaine Agee (Volunteers), Besmer Family, James Boring, Frank Cencula, David Cherry, Craigie Family, Robert & Victoria Cramer, Jeff & Christine DeChristopher, Carolyn & Mark Durham, Julie Entwistle, Tim Fischer & Susan Nylen, Gary Gardner & Jurand Szwaja, Laurence Hall, John & Kenda Hallinan, Bill & Amy Harrington, Catherine Harrison, Joe Heard, Gary & Karen Hearing, Allen Heggen, Martin & Jane Jolley, Richard & Susan Jones, Dan Jones (Board), Jerry & Linda Kaiser (Board & Volunteer), Kieffer Family, John Line & Betty-Jean Offutt, Stephen & Jenny Long, Frank Kadinger & Linda Max, Bill Morris & Billy Joe Herrera, Donald & Carolyn Neeper, Adrian & Ami O'Leary, Karen & Mike Pokorny, Harold & Norby Pratt, Darrin Pyle & Brian Gansmann, Aaron & Katherine Rodgers, Julie Sawaya & Thomas Crancer, Sandy Schroeder, Gary & Barbara Shannon (Camp Hosts), William & Barbara Steele, Trevor Stone & Kelly Krause, Mindy Stuemke, Jim & Pamela Wear, Wuerffel Family


Greg & Lucy Achenbach, Susan Alaimo, Michael Albi, Joy Alesdatter & Michele Hawley, William Anderson, Jr., John & Maryann Andrews, John & Ella Ashton, Richard Barr & Kathleen Baughman, Andrew Baxter, Tanis Bond & John Willard, Bo Johnson & Jean Bormett, Kenneth Botts, Bucklin Family, Cendo-Hamner Family, Bill & Michelle Cita, Corine Clark & Derek Hubbard, Michael Cone & Dan Walsh, Tom & Mary Cox, Nancy & Wheat Cripe, Claude & Margaret Dean, Brian DiFrank & Donna Taylor, Julie Faber, David Feldt & Brenda Huber, Don & Susan Fishburne, Flora-Stevens Family, Michael Foegen & Tiffany Foegan, Foster-Matthews Family, Germaine Fraley, Frederick-Daily Family, Gregory Garbe, Dana Gibson, Patrick Girten, Glass-Cherry Family, Heather Gray, Gross-Shreve Family, Harris Family, Robert Hastings, Hayes Family, Greg & Sandra Heise, Kerrin & Zechariah Hoot, Rob & Catherine Hutchinson, Jan Jepsen & Cynthia Sheely, Jones Family, Jordan Family, Jan Kabili & John Lorenz, Marilyn Kaub, Deborah King & Daniel Toth, Phil Kirk & Ann Newcomb, Susan & Michael Kostka, Veronica LaRochelle, Barbara Lavender, John Law, Josie Lazarus & Max Heckard, Robert & Kimberly Leach, Terry & Debbie Lee, Kami Lichtenberg & Will Christy, April Lohr & Roger Taylor, Teresa Louis-Tomlinson & Darrell Tomlinson, James & Mary Ann Mackey, Mike & Amber Mackey, Gail Marcus & Michael Klahr, Suzanne Marie & Eric Flink, John & Suzanne Mariner, Michael Martin & Gretchen Malone, Myron McClellan & Lawrence Phillips, McGuire Family, Eileen McIlvain, James McReavey, Charles Meredith, Mitchell-Brown Family, Kelli Mlinarik Marko & Jerry Marko, William & Eliabeth Moore, Larry Mullins & Kitty Wooldridge, Doug Neese, Pamela Nelson (Staff), Preston Newell, Niemeyer Family, Norem-Hawley Family, Jessi Nusbaum, Michael & Barbara O'Brien, Thomas O'Byrne & Lynn Lybrand, Michael & Jeri Orlans, Don Palermo & Tammy Drumright, Paul & Denise Palin, Tyrone Pearson, Ted & Shannon Peck (Volunteer), Robert Pletcher, Mark & Mary Price, Michael Raaum & Ilene Schmidt, Meredith Reckert & Gina Gabriel, Jan & John Redick, Mike Reed & Susan Keeton, Joe & Sheri Rowe, Heidi Saltzman & Robin Dusharm, Paul Schiro & Virginia Johnson, David & Joan Schrader, Uwe & Karen Schroeter, Scorsine Family, Rick Seeger & Judy Harrigal, Seger-Landman Family, John Sellers, Scott Sharot & Dale Harris, Shell Family, Rocky & Stacy Shockley, Shook Family (Board), Sondra Singer & Cathy Runkel, Greg & Andrea Stack, B.J. & Joe Stapen, Bill Stough, Rich & Nancy Stromer, Jim Taylor, Cyndy & Merle Thomas, Michael & Rebecca Thompson, Craig Thompson, Tidrick-McMahon Family, Tully Family, Darrell Vigil & Kenneth Zamiska, David & Vickie Vogel, Oscar Voss, Martin Weinberg, Stephen Weiner, Rob Whiting, Bruce Williams, Bud & Suzanne Williams, Jeff Winslow, Joe Woodward, James Young


Alexander Acevedo & Mary Kay Engel, Diana Adair & Jason Grundhauser, Kent & Suzanne Aikin, James & Nadia Anhalt, Heather Anthony, Apitz Family, Katie & Warren Arcila, Eva & Madeline Avjean, Hill Baker & Kirsten Shaffer, Justin Ball & Allison Wallace, Jay Banta (Volunteer), Jim Barber, Barbara Barr, Barry Family, Sam Bauman & Bianca Giura, Dan Beach & Debbie Doskey, Beck Family, John Behrendt & Laura Bachus, Doug Bishop (Board), Bob Blackburn & Lois McLauchlan, Terry Blackmon, Sr & Patricia Blackmon, Art Blanchard, Judith Bonsignore & Bill Bliesath, Bruce Blodgett & Bonnie Orkow, Joey Blue, Boberek Family, Jeff Bobka, Michael Bonamer, Jessica Bonasso & , J. Ron Booth, Rex Bradley, Becky & Arthur Bragg, John Bruner & Robin Howell, Buchwald Family, Anne Burgess & Mel Smith, Ken Burns & Carla Slatt-Burns, Bob Butler, Michael Caditz & Katherine Williams, Cahoone Family, Connie Call & Dennis Dubrow, Juliet & Bel Carpenter, Carter Family, Sean Chambers & Rachel Haddock, Todd & Jessica Chandler, Robin & Chris Christensen, Alice Cole, Chuck Custer, Diane D'Amico-Larson & Ken Larson, Tom Decker, Suzanne Degross, Jerry & Pam Denton, Brian Dewitt & Bryan Taylor, Ayres Dicks, Jerry & Melinda Dierks, Jillian & Tad Dinsmore, Aaron & Heather Dix, Larry Dixon, Dodge-Levy-Dodge Family, Randall Dubis, Bill & Jary Earl, Mary Edwards & David Riethmann, Thomas Ellenz, Scott Elliott, Glenn & Meryl Ennis, Kirsten Erkfritz & Eric Pruett, Fancher-Newton Family, Debra Fazekas & Jan Wilson, Ronnie & Talonda Finch, Randy Fischer & Mary Siems, Jonathan Fischer, Daniel Flemming, Anna Frank & Colin West, Franz Family, Frickel Family, Irene Friedman, Josh & Emily Galvin, Tina Garcia, Mike Gefell & Alison Hazel, Alan & Kathleen Gerstner, Jeff & Robbie Glantz, Timothy & Lisa Glenn, James Glidewell & Betty Kennedy, Terry & Sage Godfrey, Lee Graham, Jesse & Karen Gwidt, Dale & Eileen Hargrave, Sarah Harlin, Greg & Pam Harper, Trey Harrison & Karen Graham, David Hawes, Ian Hawkins & Ashley Webb, Peter & Becky Heinz, Walter Herter, Robert & Rosslyn Hicks, Hiester Family, Peter & Karen Hine, David Hirt & Sheila Freehill, Donald Holik & Deborah Leighton, Nancy & Mike Holloway, Diane Hopkins & Mark Panyko, Stephen Hornback, Alexander Horsky, Mary Hubbard & Julie Constantine, Hunt Family, Wayne Husband, Chuck Hutaff, Robert & Harriet Ivker, Sarah Jacobsen & Ariana Kurtz, Janice Jennings, Carter Jolley, Chris Jones, Eric & Sarah Kallgren, Liam Keating, Maureen Kelly & Alan Walker, James & Janet Kimble, Rolf Kirby & Jannell Shaw, Brad & Chris Klafehn, Joani & Dave Kleensang, Kitty Koch & Norman Carlson, Michelle Landes, Kathy Lang, Eric & Kara Larson, Glen Larson, Dean & Diane Levi, Alan & Debbie Lichtenberg, Simon Lipstein, David Llanos & Gregory Kennedy, Kyra & Eric Long, Julie & Jim Longwell, Kelly & Jill Lupton, MacCallum Family, Donna Maddux & Doug Conwell, Kevin Markey & Candice Miller, Claire Marshel, Roger & Ann Martin, Doug Mason, Ann Mathews, Phillip McFall & Nikki Fedel, William McGrath, Bud & B.J. Meadows, Joellyn & Doug Mendelson, Rachel & Jake Menke, Christopher Merrell, Kara & Steve Mertz, Steve Michel & Sandra Ely, David & Geneva Mixon, David Mize, Moench-Caspari Family, Moloney Family, Moore Family, Grace Morlock, Morsicato Family, Robert Moss & Charlene Allen-Moss, Richard Muerle, Paul Muhle & Laura Christensen, Murray Family, Cindi & Jim Myers, Carol Myers, Kirk & Linda Navo, Neff Family, Penny Nelson & Steve Sator, Jean Nichols, John Norton & Kathryn Adams, Colleen O'Brien & Chris Lee, William O'Donnell & , Ray Ouellette & Pam Wilson, Timothy Parnell, David Pastor & Beth Walker, Clifford Patrick, Diane & Tom Peace, Meghan Perry, Rebecca & Brett Phipps, Maria Pitaro, Ken & Karen Poncelow, Cheryl Priest & Bailey Lillard, Prior Family, Don Pritchett, Jerry Raney, Sharon Ray & Mirage Trading Company, Patricia Rexenes & Debbie Querrard, Richard Family, Don Richmond & Teri McCartney-Richmond, Ann & David Rick, Alan & Pat Riggins, Deborah & David Riggle, Dave Rosengarden & Kate Pino, Nancy Ruegg, Rusch Family, Scott & Sue Ryplewski, Marcia & John Samore, Connie Sanderson, Seitz Family, Robert Shaffer, Jolynn & Tom Shanley, Jeff Shaw & Suzanne Hernandez, Conner & Tinkham Shepherd, Laura Shill & Burke Miles, Andrea & Monnya Silver, Sam & Sophie Silver, Ken Simko, Nancy Simonson-Viviano & Ron Viviano, Mary Singleton & Phil Grossblatt, Mike Sobolik, Matt Spinks, Bill & Catherine Stamey, M.E. Starr, Sharon & Paul Sucharski, Sullivan-Olsen Family, Stuart Sutton, Pete Szilagyi, Shelley Terrill, Thomas Tesson, Thompson Family, Barbara & Chuck Tidd, Triggs-Divine Family, Molly Underwood, Denise VandeWalle-Swallow, Vern & Jarla Vobejda, Ken & Kathy Waesche, Wagner Family, Vicki & Scott Walker, Brad & Jayceen Walker, Lonnie & Tim Wallace, Warley-Ho Tseung Family, Page Weil & Jessica Lemieux, Peter Wengert & Ziva Moyal, Rob Werge & Charlotte Miller, Wheeler Family, Wiebe Family, Williams Family, John Wiltsie & Michael Padilla, Wolf Family, Martha Woods & Edward Glasser, Randy & Adele Wright, Jennifer & Tim Zedalis, Erika & Chad Delzell


Tom Abbott, Bestin Abraham, Susanne & Kurt Achtenhagen, John Ackley, Mellissa Albert, Robert Alcock & Timothy Wheeler, Michael Allen & Robin Svenson, Garrett Allen, Jessica & Jurgen & urgen Allen, Kelly Ammann, Kristi Anderson, Anderson-Jordan Family, Douglas Angell, Bill & Ann Anselment, Corry Arnold, Dave Axford, Dick Bailey, Chuck & John Baker, Jim & Diana Baker, Brian Baldwin, Marta Ballen, Kara Bartosch, Nicole Baumgart & Eric Salcido, Jason Beason & Kerry Noonan, Beechwood Family, Ken & Joann Beegles, Ben & Kate Beezley, David & Alice Begneaud, Paul Behr, Michelle Beittel, Steve Beleu, Christine Belka, Joe Bellio & Sarah Berg, David Berry, Shawn Best, Ralph Black, Wendy Black & Rick Potts, Jane & Greg Blair, Alyson & Derek Blanton, John Block, Bond Family, Kate Booth-Doyle & Patsy Booth, Janara Bornstein, Joe Bradley III & Lisa Bradley, Susan Braun, Judy Brey, Shannon Briese, Sugandha & Susan Brooks, Dax Brown, Christopher Brown & Kristin Wycoff, Lily Brown, Brownyard Family, Michael Brumbaugh, Claire Brunelli & Josh Myers, Linda Bryant & Bill Lord, Leah Dyjak & Eric Bryant, Richard Buchanan, Burbank Family, Brett Burbridge & Andrea Corman, Jeffrey & Michelle Butler, Reed Campbell, Ralph & Joyce Campbell, Beverly Capelin, Rachel Carlisle, Steven Carter, Traci Case & Peter Gotseff, Philip Chappell, Katy Charles & Janis Luedke, John Charles, Jessica Chernila, David & Beth Chorpenning, Dennis Chorpenning, Chu-Stevens Family, Sue & Michael Clark, David & Anne Clifton, Ibby Cline & Kenny McAllister, Brenna Cline, David & Lisa Coder, Martha Coder, Lynn Coleman, Ann & Dave Connor, Mel & Judy Constant, Jerry & Joni Cooper, Denise Cope & Steven Morrow, John & Charlotte Cornelius, Joanne Coupe & Johann DeVries, Steve & Sue Crase, Matthew Crawford, Robert Critchfield, Richard Cronshey, Janice & Jasmine Crosby, Dahlstrom Family, Dannenbaum Family, Jennifer Dansby, Kristin Davis, Peter Davis, Jacqueline Dayton, Barbara & Frank De Forest, Scout & Kathy DellaMia, Joel Delpha, Dempsey Family, Devera Denker, DeSouchet-Arbogast Family, Tom Dessain & Ann Bunting, Gery DiDomenico & Cheree Philpy, Ted Diedrich & Helen Johnson, Dave Dolan, Kimberly Donars, James Douglas, Jonathan & Elizabeth Dubinsky, Denise & Steve Duker, Sharon Duran, Connie Edwards, Donald Eich, Michael Eiter, Laura Else, Susan Ely & Jim Hartman, Rock Erichsen, Yona & David Eshkenazi, Essen Family, Amber Fasick, Dearing & Gussie Fauntleroy, Sarah Feinstein, Jamie Feola, Matt Fernandez & Kimberly Boudreau, Fetter Family, Steve & Judy Fisher, Lenore & Bill Fleck, Jennifer & Dennis Fleming, Foley Family, John & Hana Forest, Joseph Forrest, Suzanne Forrester & Brian Handwork, Bob Forshay, Greg Foster & Brooke Connell, Patrick & Katie Fox, Charles Fox-Collis, Kathryn Francis & Rich Zizik, Amy Frary, Jason Friedmutter & Alex Svoboda, Bill & Mary Frielingsdorf, Ken Frye, Fulton Family, Stan & Nancy Gale, Alan & Connie Gallagher, Brookie Gallagher & Lindsay Meeks, Garrison Family, Jeff Gathercole & Lori Sanderson, Steve & Carol Gearhart, Jessica George, Nicole Gervace & Craig Batchelder, Christopher Gewald & Cassandra Butcher, Richard Gittelman, Al Giusti & Linda Smith, William Roy Glaser, Candy & Kevin Gobrecht, Jordon Goehring & Aisha Summer, James & Lucy Goodridge, Ken & Brenda Goodwin, Jeannine & John Goren, Goring Family, Shanti & Edward Goulet, Juel & Teresa Grant, Mike Green & Rhonda McCuan, Scott Gregoire, Robert Griffin, Edward & Carol Groth, Lindsay Haarmeyer, William Haas & Denise Iten, Melissa Hadder, Bert Hand, Richard Hart, Hartman Family, Tim & Dianne Heacox, Henry & Kathy Heinze, Bernie Heissfeld, John & Pam Hendry, Melissa Henkins, Carl & Susan Henrikson, Anna Hertzberg, Hickman Family, Jacqueline Higginson, Terry & Dianne Hirschlieb, Laura Hobbs & Ned Laventall, Michele Howard & Michael Millner, John Howlett, Kirk & Katie Howlett, Chris & Jesse Huang, Miller Hudson, Jim Huff, Hughes Family, Robert Huguenard & Debra Baseman, Joedy Hulings & David Kaplan, Robert & Linda Hunt, Lee Hurter, Ernie & Kaveri Hurwitz, Sara Hutchinson & Terry Lazaron, Huth-Engelken Family, Bill Huyten, Jackson Family, Dan Jaggers, Jan Janecka, Jennings Family, Min Jin & Karin Feldkamp, Lucy & Jim Johnson, Johnson-Buehre Family, Florence & Mike Jones, Tim Jones & , Dave & Tammy Kaiser, John Kaluza, Jennifer Mosley & Jason Kaluzny, Laura Kasinof & Austin Cowley, Kelley Family, Keith & Marla Kent, Annette Laverty & Warren Kesselring, Kat Kett, Lisa Kieffer, Patrick Kikut, Adam Kinney & Cristine Cabeza, Dick & Jane Kinney, Kristin Kinseth & Cory Forrester, Charles Kinsey & Mitzi McGarr, George & Donna Kitchin, Michael & Janet Klein, Rachel Kleinfeld & Kevin Smith, Mark Kneisley & Regina Wheeler, Wally & Cele Knight, Paul Koppana & Emily Claire Vaughn, Elspeth Kosley, Deb Kurtz, Lee & Ed Lambert, Phyllis Landis, Erik & Jennifer Lang, Jason Lang, Kathleen Lawler, Randy Lawrence & Lis Brola, Christina Lease, Erin Lebel, Dan & Dianne Leeth, Buffy & Benjamin Lenth, Daniel Lindsey, Michael Linville, Linda & Terry Lipstein, Mark & Chris Lockwood, Alexis & Troy Loehrer, Shannon & Carrie Logan, Bob Long, Elisabeth Long, Karen & Rob Lopez, Larry & Rachelle Luna, Steve Luttmann & Katie Hayes, Pete Lutz, McKenzie & Collen Lyle, Larry Lyon, Chris Macur, Jaz & Mike Mannion, Dennis & Bonnie Markman, Martin Family, Lurae & Todd Martin, Sammy Martinez, Anthony Martinez, Mark Maslyn, Susan Mathison, Leon & Alexis Mazeika, Jeff & Brenda McCorale, Brian McCullough, Inger & R McDonald, Jo McGregor, Don McKenzie, Hilda McLaughlin, McMaster Family, Kim McNaughton & Ruben Federico, John & Derrick MacAdam Meade, Alleghany Meadows, Frank Mercer, Stacy Mergens, Jeff Messerschmidt, Gina & Danny Meyers, Grace Michko, Richard Mietz, Preston & Barbara Miller, Renee Miller, Warren Moe, Judith Mohling, Dawn Mondragon & Heidi Svoboda, Jason Montoya & Cathy Jiron, James & Julenne Moore, Richard Moraski & Feven Debesay, Michael & Elaine Moravan, Glenn Moreton & Scott Usher, Barbara Moriarty, Morris Family, Becky Morris, Lynne Mosbaugh, Andrea & George Mossman, Andrew & Carolyn Munro, Jimy & Delinda Murphy, Kris Goggin & Melissa Murphy, Mark Murray, Lou & Debra Muzikar, Angela Myers, John & Amy Myszko, Claire Nafziger & Bryant Walker, David & Andrea Nagel, Paul & Genevieve Nakanishi, Debbie Nejtek & Dennis Netjek, Stacy Nelson, Mike Nelson, Michael & Lisa Nelson, Mark Nemger & George Dorrell, Yaroslav Nesenchuk & Natalie Klimok, Thomas Newton, Ksenya Obanion, Anna Gorski & Andrew Groski, Jeremy Wegerer & Carrie Odom, Opincariu Family, Terry & Rebecca O'Reilly, Zachary Owens & Katherine Aguero, Sam Pace, Annie Pace, Leann Pape & Bob Thompson, Leslee & Kendall Parish, Kevin Parsons & Debbie Watkins, Maurice Pauze, Lisa & Anubodh Pawer, Ryan Peacock, Nelia Pena & Lena Tenenbaum, Conrad Pera, Erika Peterhoff & , Kent Petersen, Geoff Peterson & Jacki Curro, William Phillips, Frank Potter, Penelope Powell & Christopher Johnson, Tom & Ilene Preble, Pamela Ramadei, Daniel Ramirez & Jessica Royal, Ryan & Lynnea Rappold, Kheyala & Ananda Rasa, Rafia Rebeck, Bethany Reece, Kayleen Reeve, Elaine Regan, Ingrid Regnier & Dharma Siener, Morgan Reitmeyer & Kathy Goodkin, Gavin Rember, Ralph Reschke & Eradio Beltran, Rob Reynolds & Ashley Garber, Joella Roberts, John Robie, Julie Robillard, Keith & Deborah Robinson, Jacqueline Rock, Mark Roegner, Andrew Romero, Rosales Family, Sheryl Rosenbloom & Dale Will, Rosenblum Family, Anjaneya Sardonicus & Eric Kennedy, Rossin Family, Teri Roth & Pat Eustrom, Dara Rotunno & Rich Zwiebel, Terry & Deb Ruckriegle, Kerry Ruliffson & Tricia Walker, Gloria & Roger Rumsey, Runner Family, Brooke Safford & Alina Martin, Darron Sainz & Misty Powers, Marilyn & Irv Saltzman, Jane & Norman Sampson, Donald Sands, Edith Sargon, Steven Sarns, Nicole Sauvageau & Sandra Colley, Audrey Scanga, Schaefer Family, Scott Schafer, Judy Schatzberg, Gregory Schlosser, Woody Wang & Susan Schmidt, Randy Schultz, Leah Schultze, Wendell & Reba Schweitzer, Michael & Ashley Seymour, Dennis & Maggie Shanley, Michael Shelton, Marilyn Sherbring, Jamie Sims & Katie Johnson, Jeanette Sims, Iona Singleton, Susan Skellenger, Skvorc Family, Denton & Lisa Slovacek, Smilack Family, Jim Smith, Mark Smith, Brad & Andi Smith, Meagan Smith, Monica & James Smits, Soehngen Family, Gary Soles & Nancy Martin, Leaf Soltis & Aiko Knapp, Carrie Sonneborn, Bob & Catherine Sounart, Shane Sparkman, Patrick & Rachel Speer, David Spenny & Debrah Veeder, Spillane Family, Mike & Susan Stanley, Heather Stanley, Nancy Starkweather, Jenny Staroska & Ed McCoy, Lori Stephenson & James Hixson, Markus Stobbs, Bill Stone, Bianca Storlazzi, Susie Strode, John Coyote Fleming & Sheryl Strohm, Gary Stroup & Suzann Robins, Tamara Suhm, Tibor Sulyak & Angela Cook, Jim Sumler, John & Rebecca Sutjak, Jeremy Swartz, Wesley Swartz & Malaya Trott, Randy Sweat, Lindsay Sworski & Paul Montgomery, Bonnie Swyers, Dean Talbott, Devin Tandy & GM Phillips, Tarin Family, David & Candye Tart, Bret Taylor, Bob Tegler & Meredith Kissack, Gwen Tenney, Malachi Tharp & Mary Mouser, Laura & Michael Theiss, Jennifer Thies, Daoud Thompson & Starr Fayrie, George Thornton, Alana & Gary Thrower, Sara Tice, Tilley Family, Tison Family, Fred Todd, Robert Tofe, Christina Tomacic-Niaros & Alkivadis Niaros, Tritsch Family, Carly Trompeau, Raviv & Liraz Turner, Rene Valenta, Chris Valentini, Yulanda & Michael Valerio, David & Teresa Valier, Scott Van Arsdale, Derek VanAtta, Andy Vancil, Leah & Jim Vanderkolk, Vandyke Family, Art Varga, Ahara Vatter, Linda & Mike Vaughn, Mariza Vazquez & Michael Blevins, Erwin & Mary Verhoeven, Suzanne & David VerSchure, Roger Vickroy, David Vollmar & Angelique Espinoza, Sheri & Doug Voss, Dan & Carolyn Waldvogle, Beth & Ken Wales, Travis & LaDonna Ward, Maureen & Fred Warren, Waters Family, Jackie Watson, John Webb & Patricia Purcell, Brad & Bonnie Weismann, Rosalyn Weiss, Pearl Welchman, Jennifer Whalen, Ruth Wharton, Mary Wheeler, Jay & Christina White, Alan Williams, Wilson Family, Laurie & Michael Woods, Kim Wooldridge & Claire Montgomery, Dawne Yates & Brandy Tabor, Yeats Family, Brian York & Denise Fair, Arthur Yuenger, Tom Zieber, Paul Zoric & Margaret Pszenny

Gift In-kind Donors

TechSoup (Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010, WIndows 7 Enterprise Upgrade 32 -Bit); John Standish (music for hot pools video for YouTube); Jim Melcher (labor on new hydro Governor); Dan Jones (Dell Dimension 5150 computer / monitor, mouse, keyboard); Martin Jolley (Chamber pot for Wastewater Treatment Plan campaign); The Energy Detective, Inc.

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.