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Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:43

Weed Pull Volunteers

It's that time again! Every year, a group of dedicated volunteers participate in our annual weed pull! We hope to offer opportunities for individuals to get their hands dirty and volunteer by pulling weeds. Noxious weeds are "non-native invasive plants that displace desirable vegetation and degrade natural and agricultural lands. They threaten our drinking water supply, agricultural crops, pasture lands and native habitats." Most of the weeds we pull are…
Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:41

Ranch Volunteers

Volunteering at the Everson Ranch in 2022 Last year's volunteer program at the Everson Ranch was successful. Our gratitude goes out to those volunteers who got the work done. The support and help we received was amazing. This year, OLT is once again recruiting ranch volunteers starting in May. Do you want to get away from urban life, live in the country and live on a
Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:39

Everson Ranch Workshops

Last year OLT hosted their first free 2-3 hrs. mini workshops at the Everson Ranch for OLT guests and neighbors. Volunteers shared their expertise on several different subjects. We had a hands-on class on how to build your own beehive box, a lecture on the history of tea, a lecture about bees in general and another hands-on experience on harvesting weeds from the garden and preparing a meal with them.…
Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:38

World Naked Gardening Day

Saturday May 7th. at the Everson Ranch. The ranch will open at 9:30am. We are starting to work at 10:00am and as long as people like to help that day. "This is an invitation to participate in an international, annual event where gardeners and non gardeners come together to celebrate gardening in the open. Usually it is a fun, lighthearted and a liberating experience. You can wear as much or…
Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:30

A Busy Day at the Office

Every March we get a kick start and reminder of how many people want to visit Valley View. We are not only seeing a return of guests that have not been here since our COVID closure, but also many new residents of the San Luis Valley and tourists wanting to experience the uniqueness of Orient Land Trust and Valley View Hot Springs. Every one of these visits begins with a…
Monday, 07 March 2022 21:31

Imagine Yourself As A OLT Board Member

Orient Land Trust's current board is doing an awesome job ensuring that the vision and mission of OLT is met. The current and past board members work closely with OLT staff to keep things spinning like a smooth-running hydro generator creating energy that electrifies all visitors. We believe OLT's influence joins other similar tribes in the international arena of love as being guardians of our future world. Perhaps this season…
Friday, 11 March 2022 21:26

Douglas County Residents

Attention residents of Douglas County. Do you value Valley View Hot Springs and Orient Land Trust? Do you question and challenge the Renewable Water Resources (RWR) proposal to take water from the San Luis Valley and pipe it to provide water for growth in your county? Your voice matters. The Douglas County commissioners want to hear from YOU in regards to the Renewable Water Resources (RWR) proposal. People across the…
Tuesday, 18 January 2022 06:14

Happy New Year 2022

May this year begin and end in health and well being for all. We continue to encourage everyone who comes to be considerate and not arrive with any signs of illness. Our staff and guests have maintained a great track record for the past 2 years, may that continue. Our limited capacity allows for healthy distancing and a relaxed stay. While we were closed in December our sauna was completely…
Wednesday, 19 January 2022 00:51

Saguache County Water at Risk

The Douglas County Commissioners will be holding a series of town hall meetings to discuss buying water from the northern San Luis Valley. We do not yet have the date of the next town hall but it is estimated to be in early February. The proposal to export water from the confined aquifer in the San Luis Valley is a scheme that puts Valley View Hot Springs water at risk.…
Wednesday, 08 December 2021 19:18

Stop RWR Water Exports: Urgent Call to Action

Renewable Water Resources (RWR) is seeking "a $20 million investment of COVID refund money" from Douglas County. They intend to pump, redistribute, and sell San Luis Valley's deeper groundwater as a cheaper alternative for south Denver and Pueblo's growth. At risk is the continued existence of Valley View's geothermally heated spring water which could be drastically altered or eliminated! Our balance of agriculture and wildlife would be impacted as well.…

Box1 Module Variation

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Box2 Module Variation

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Box3 Module Variation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.