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Thursday, 18 August 2022 10:04

Pools and Toys

It is a testament to just how relaxed one gets here at Valley View that we regularly gather discarded or forgotten garments, possessions and (especially) Pool Toys. We are asking that, if you bring these things here, you also take them with you when you leave. We throw a lot of pool toys away each week. This is a profound waste and a sad record of conservation. We cannot curate…
Thursday, 18 August 2022 10:02

Two Weeks with the Chickens

According to our 2021 summer Everson Ranch volunteer, Miriam, "I went a little OCD on the chickens..." I thought that a two-week stint volunteering at the Everson Ranch would be a bucolic holiday filled with, yes, lots of great gardening and chicken care -- but with plenty of time left over for me to work on my writing projects. Well, I was right about the first part of it. It…
In May a group of volunteers celebrated the international World Naked Gardening Day at the Everson Ranch. Finding the information through the OLT newsletter, volunteers that had joined the event before, had never been to the ranch and/ or to the hot springs before were eager to help in any attire. We had a window of about 2 hours to plant and weed before the relentless wind, typical for this…
Monday, 06 June 2022 16:55

Permaculture Workshop - Jun 24-26

There's still time to register. Join us for this unique experience. Our permaculture design workshop will provide a collaborative process that allows for a diversity of perspectives and design ideas. This design workshop is intended to give participants an introduction to permaculture concepts while engaging them in the actual design process of the Everson Ranch site of Orient Land Trust. Full info at .
Monday, 06 June 2022 16:48

Ranch Volunteer

We still have a few spots available for volunteers to come live at the ranch and help with different chores between July and October for a minimum of two weeks. Should you be interested, please email Doug Bishop. You will then receive an email with more information and an application. See you maybe this summer or fall.
Monday, 06 June 2022 16:01

Mini Workshop about Bees - July 30th

Bonita Bock will present ways in which our bee population is being challenged as well as ways we can be helpful human allies to these important pollinators on Saturday July 30, 2022 at the Everson Ranch from 10 am-12 Noon There are 900 different varieties of bees in Colorado. Far more than only the honey bee. Bees pollinate 1/3 of our diet. These complex creatures are having trouble in our…
OLT Is looking to the future! The OLT Board of Directors is excited to announce that we are continuing our advertising (round 2 of 2) to find a candidate to fill a newly created managerial position. This new position is titled Deputy Director and the target hire date for this position will be January 2023. Salary range: $38,000 to $45,000 Status: Exempt, Salary Closing Date: August 15, 2022 Benefits include:…
Sunday, 24 April 2022 09:44

Summer Volunteers at the Ranch

Do you want to get away from urban life, live in the country and live on a ranch helping with ranch, grounds keeping, and garden chores? Orient Land Trust is asking for 2022 ranch volunteers starting now. Live and work in a remote, peaceful setting on the 150 year old Everson Ranch. The garden and ranch buildings are only four miles from the base of the Sangre de Cristos and…
Sunday, 24 April 2022 10:34

Permaculture Workshop June-24-26, 2022

Everson Ranch at OLT: 

Learn and apply permaculture concepts at this unique and historic ranch site that connects guest visitation, farm & ranch, gardens, education, and land conservation in a clothing-optional setting. We are excited to partner with Pikes Peak Permaculture for this event.

•    Meals
•    Camping at the ranch
•    Instruction from experts
•    Working in teams on site
•    Designs using permaculture knowledge & techniques

•    Water & Soil
•    Composts
•    Micro-climates
•    Greenhouses
•    Forest Gardens
•    Zones & Sectors
•    Chicken Charts
•    Plants & Animals on the Land


Register at

Have questions or want to learn more contact Scott

Cost: $400 (Early Registration)

Register by May 15 and Save

Scholarships available for local San Luis Valley residents. Contact us to learn more.


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DRAFT SCHEDULE (Subject to Change)


Welcome & Introductions & Orientation

4:30-5:45 PM

Introduction to Permaculture Principles:
An introduction to the ethics and principles underlying
permaculture. This session will give students a
foundation for incorporating permaculture principles
and practices into a site design.

6 PM Dinner

Observations up on board..   Goals of the project. (From Scott)
People care in this world and Social Permaculture
People on the land – what is wrong?  What is missing?

- - - - - -


7:30 AM Breakfast

9 AM Planetary Systems & Permaculture systems   Water/microclimate/compost & soil
(quick & Dirty) Techniques as greenhouses, forest gardens, plants & animals on the land...
Zones & Sectors, chicken charts basic PC design

11 AM  
Brainstorm of Design Ideas
Participants will do individual design brainstorms
to generate ideas

12:30 PM Lunch

1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Form teams...   Group Work
Participants will work in groups to create a site
design for the property, incorporating
permaculture principles and the knowledge gained.

6 PM Dinner

7 PM More team work time – teachers available

- - - - -


7:30 AM Breakfast.

9 AM Compost & Soil in deeper – Soil is base!

11 AM Group Work for conceptual presentations
Participants will continue to work in groups.
(Instructors available)

12:30 PM Lunch

1:30–3 PM Teams present their work – conceptuals

3:30 PM Design Weaving (Best picks from all designs)


Meet the Instructors

Becky Elder has been gardening on the Colorado Front Range for over forty  years. Certified in permaculture design, 2002, Becky works with Pikes Peak Permaculture, teaching the permaculture certification course and other community programs. A life-long organic gardener, Becky owns Blue Planet Becky the gardener, an award winning, organic gardening company. Fifteen years with the Master Gardener program and twenty years in Permaculture Design gives her a solid base. Her years as a wildlife rehabilitator, and certification as an Environmental Consultant keeps her connected deeply to nature and her local Colorado ecology. Permaculture, protection of soil and water, along with the flora and fauna is clearly Becky’s passion and her path.

Jayme Domejka is a Colorado native who grew up loving dirt, insects, animals, and nature. First certified in permaculture in 2014 she has continued her education to further her skills in many topics that reside under the permaculture umbrella which includes completing her certification from the Soil Food Web school in 2020. Jayme is currently the course convener for Pikes Peak Permaculture where she teaches and is the owner of Wild Oasis Permaculture, a consultation and design firm. Through her work with students and clients she is living her passion. Permaculture, design for life. 

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:45


Orient Land Trust honors founder, Neil Seitz, on July 10, 2022. Those of you who pay attention to the availability calendar might have noticed that the July 10 date has filled in. We have reserved the hot springs on July 10 for a memorial service for invited friends and family of Neil and Terry Seitz. Some accommodations have multiple nights due to the distance some of the guests are traveling.…

Box1 Module Variation

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Box2 Module Variation

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Box3 Module Variation

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For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.