OLT - Items filtered by date: July 2023

If you live close enough to Valley View to have considered working here this may be your dream opportunity. We have openings for 2 part time or possibly a full time Front Desk position starting immediately. Housekeeping also has openings. These links will take you to the job descriptions and an application.

Sunday, 06 August 2023 13:47

Everson Ranch News

The first Saturday in May we celebrated the international World Naked Gardening Day at the Everson Ranch. This now global event was started in 2005 and has become an annual tradition at the Everson Ranch.

We had perfect weather to experience working in the great outdoors and in the greenhouse. For some participants it was an introduction to clothes freedom through gardening. Other free spirited proponents were seasoned, shedding their clothes tending the OLT garden while tanning and absorbing vitamin D on their whole bodies. Thanks to the participants' eager effort we received the help we needed for grass and weed removal in preparation for our spring planting of flowers and vegetables. After lunch time together a group toured the chicken coops since they had many questions on how to start your own backyard chicken enclosures.

It was a great day to go all natural in nature, to experience a connection to mother earth and with others that were looking for a stronger bond with nature.

The "Worm Ranch Workshop" in June was our educational event this year at the ranch. Through hands-on experience we learned about in- and outdoor worm casting. Turning the compost and introducing the worms into their new home sparked many light hearted and humorous conversations. Some participants got to take worms home to start their own cast for their garden or as bates for fishing.

We hope the guest speaker from Wyoming will come back next year to share her expertise. Thank you for those that participated and supported the event with their donations.

Ranch Volunteers

It has been wonderful to have the great help of the ranch volunteers. THANK YOU! Some volunteers join the ranch for 2 weeks (our minimum) others are staying for up to 4 months, helping with the garden and the ranch chores. For this year all our openings have been filled. We will post again in 2024 for new openings.

Sabine Borchers/ranch caretaker and garden manager

Volunteer enjoying the Everson Ranch - Sabine Borchers Volunteer tending to the Everson Ranch - Sabine Borchers Volunteer tending to the Everson Ranch - Sabine Borchers Volunteer tending to the Everson Ranch - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2022 - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day 2022 - Sabine Borchers Chef Chu cooking with tumbleweeds and dandelions - Sabine Borchers Event tent at Everson Ranch - Sabine Borchers Cottonwood trees - Sabine Borchers Chef Chu cooking with tumbleweeds and dandelions - Sabine Borchers Permaculture Workshop 2022 - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers

Box1 Module Variation

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Box2 Module Variation

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Box3 Module Variation

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For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.