It's that time again!
Every year, a group of dedicated volunteers participate in our annual weed pull!
We hope to offer opportunities for individuals to get their hands dirty and volunteer by pulling weeds. Noxious weeds are "non-native invasive plants that displace desirable vegetation and degrade natural and agricultural lands. They threaten our drinking water supply, agricultural crops, pasture lands and native habitats." Most of the weeds we pull are from the state of Colorado's B list. These include Bull Thistle, Houndstongue, and Henbane.
OLT is committed to working on our weed issue without using chemical sprays or weed killers, so volunteer power is critical.
This year, volunteers will arrive on the 25th for a day of relaxation before the work begins at 8am on the morning of the 26th. We will start the day by gathering and receiving training on which invasive species we are targeting and how to properly remove them. We will work until noon on the 25th and 26th.
There are a few more volunteers needed for this year's workshop. VVHS admission fees and tent camping will be provided on May 25th and 26th.
Contact our volunteer coordinator to sign up! Email Crystal at