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Web Maester

Web Maester

Monday, 04 May 2020 21:08

Save the Date: Oak House Jam - May 22


7:30 PM 
Friday, May 22: 

(Virtual) OAK HOUSE JAM with Mark and John. 

Join OLT Board Director John Standish and our good friend and accomplished vocalist/guitarist Mark Allen for a live streaming jam! 

The show will feature a special appearance by truly mesmerizing and amazing singer/songwriter, Edie Carey.  

Join us on YouTube and chat with us during the live show! 

Monday, 04 May 2020 00:15

Ice-O-Lation Social

What? Can one be social in isolation? We so want to socialize during this time of physical distancing.  

A couple of weeks ago, we launched a fundraising campaign to help OLT during this closure necessitated by the Covid-19 virus.  Under usual circumstances, we would be greeting people, taking phone calls, and scheduling your reservations. Alas, as everyone knows, this is not a “normal” spring.  We value our guests and our staff and maintaining everyone’s good health is the priority. The most caring activity we can do now is to keep our physical distance while we continue to monitor the situation. We are looking ahead, evaluating the recommendations of the health professionals, and planning for the time that we can safely reopen the hot springs.  We plan to notify everyone about when you can return, including any revised guidelines that will apply.

Monday, 06 April 2020 21:24

Call to Action

Today, we extend our unwavering love and appreciation to each of you as we navigate the new COVID-19 reality. OLT does not conduct many fundraisers because everyone is always very generous. The present epidemic everyone is grappling with has us asking for your help once again. Now more than ever, we miss your smiles, and the sights and sounds of visitors along the paths, the music jams in the Oak House, and the conscious community that has flourished here and nourished us over the years.

Friday, 13 March 2020 12:31

Closed to Guests Due to COVID-19

Beginning noon Friday, March 13, 2020, Orient Land Trust—Valley View Hot Springs has closed to the public due to the COVID-19 virus.  We are being proactive to protect our community and staff. 

Relevant details:

  • Our hot springs water sources are natural springs. 
  • The pools and ponds have no added chemical disinfection. 
  • Our kitchens and bathrooms are communal spaces.

The Governor of Colorado has declared a state of emergency and cases in Colorado and the United States have the potential to grow exponentially. We encourage everyone to follow the recommendations addressing the spread of the virus that include social distancing. Closing the hot springs is a logical early step we take in our efforts to protect everyone. 

We wish everyone a safe and healthy future.  We are canceling all reservations through March. We will closely watch the developments. We will provide updates as we have more information, including being able to re-open when the danger to public health has passed.

Take everyday actions to protect yourself and those you love

  • There are effective ways to reduce the risk to yourself and the people you care about.

    • Frequently and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

    • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash, or use your inner elbow or sleeve.

    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    • Stay home if you’re sick, and keep your children home if they are sick.

    • Clean surfaces in your home, and personal items such as cell phones, using regular household products.

  • Be calm and prepared.

  • ​People who are not sick do not need face masks to protect themselves from respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. Ill people should wear a mask to protect family members or in any scenario where needed to prevent the spread of germs. [SEE UPDATED GUIDANCE 4/4/2020]

source: CDPHE



CDC: Coronavirus and Travel in the United States

CDPHE: Information on the Outbreak of COVID-19
CDPHE: Coronavirus Guidance and Information
CO HELP Hotline:
    303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911
Local Resources (Colorado): 
   Call 2-11 or (866) 760-6489     

   Text your ZIP CODE to 898-211

NMDOH: Coronavirus Guidance and Information

Saguache County: Resource Information Updates



Help Colorado Now Here's how you can help during COVID-19?

Care and Share: Become a Volunteer

Feeding America

Kids Science Camp is scheduled for July 26 - 30 this year! We are trying a new process to register your child, a lottery! Camp is for kids ages 6 - 11! Camp is limited to 30 kids.
New this year, Youth Conservation Corps! We are expanding our program for youth ages 12 through 15. They will be participating in three in-depth workshops: 1) Solar Car Race, 2) Bats and Raptors migratory patterns, 3) Astronomy! YCC is scheduled for August 2 - 6 and is limited to 16 youth.
The Lottery will take place on March 15th so be sure to have your registration in before 10 am on Sunday, March 15th. Any one who does not get in will automatically go on our wait list.
Rosie Rosenberg
Thursday, 06 February 2020 19:14

Winter on the Ranch


"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness." – John Steinbeck

Winter provides us with a new set of challenges and is often the hardest time on the ranch. 365 days a year, the animals must be kept warm and fed. When the pastures are covered in snow, the animals are hand fed in order to make sure they're getting enough food to build up fat to keep them warm. The water troughs must be constantly maintained to be sure they don't freeze. The shelters must all be winterized and the floors are lined with straw to provide an extra layer of warmth. The bedding that is most soiled must be cleaned out regularly and new straw added. The clean bedding provides insulation from the cold ground and provides a clean, cozy bed for the animals.

Thursday, 06 February 2020 19:11

Remember, Rate Increase Begins March 1

There will be rate increases in 2020. Admission fees are going up. Guests will be charged taxes directly. Rate increases will go into effect March 1, 2020.

  • Admission Fees: Day Pass Admissions will go up $2.00. Overnight Admissions will increase $4.00.
  • May through September, a day pass admission is going to be $17.00 per adult.
  • Overnight admission will be $34.00 per adult.
  • October through April, Day Pass Admission will be $15.00 per adult
  • Overnight Admission will be $30.00 per adult.
  • Children are still admitted at no charge. Pet fees will remain the same.

Taxes: OLT is required to pay several taxes, State taxes and Saguache County Taxes. We do not have to pay tax on admission fees but we do pay taxes on sales and lodging. These taxes have increased steadily over the years. Up until now, OLT has paid the taxes from the payment made. From now on, taxes will be added to the payment. For example, during the summer, Elm cabin costs $75.00 and up until this year, the taxes OLT paid (about $5.10 was sent to the state out of the $75.00 paid). From now on the tax will be added meaning that Elm cabin in the summer will cost $75.00 plus tax, or about $80.25.

We are aware that these rate increases may pose a hardship for some. We do not take this step without some long, critical examination. The expenses for OLT have continually increased. There have been several expensive projects. The Wastewater treatment plant installed in 2015 was three years in planning and design. The Colorado Public Health And Environment Drinking Water division requires that we treat the drinking water and that has taken two years of planning, design, and installation. The big project for the past two or three years that has taken time and effort is the new reservation system that will improve the reservation, check-in, and record keeping needs. This has been complex and we have endeavored to provide a complete transition of all the features that have made the check-in process for guests quicker and confusion free while opening the door for future features. The Wastewater Treatment plant has been reliable and involves less irritating odors than the previous, undersized system. The drinking water treatment is providing high quality water that tastes good and is safe and state approved. Both the Wastewater Treatment system and the drinking water disinfection system were mandated by the State of Colorado. The reservation system is nearing completion and although it will take training and practice to get up to speed, the opportunity to gradually improve and refine is promising.

Even though we have seen an increase in expenses, another reason for increasing the rates is to provide health insurance for staff. Employer provided health care is a real benefit for many. Nationally, there is a robust debate among state and federal legislators regarding ways to improve healthcare. In the meantime, we are addressing the very real needs of our staff to meet the present environment. The future may bring better solutions for all.

It has been ten years since admission rates went up. The Board of Directors and staff have continually and consistently advocated for keeping visitor costs down, Compared to other hot springs, the rates, even with this increase, are still lower than most. We continue to admit accompanied minors at no charge. We are maintaining a lower winter rate to offer a time that costs are lower and to encourage people to visit during the beautiful, white wintry months.

Your support is appreciated!

Thursday, 06 February 2020 19:09

Member Appreciation Weekend! Aug 28-29

Save the date! Member Appreciation Weekend this year will be August 28 and 29. This is a week or two later than we have done in the past but the best choice for moonlight and the rest of the summer's activities. We have not yet selected the entertainment but wanted to let you all know the weekend we have chosen. As all Member Appreciation Weekends, members only will be able to attend. No guests. Normal capacity limits will be waived - any member is welcome. We will have a band on Friday night and Saturday night and OLT will provide breakfast on Sunday morning. Parking will be along the road, which makes more space available for people.

Friday Night Band-Banshee Tree

Saturday Night Band-The Alcapones

Thursday, 06 February 2020 19:07

New Membership Upgrade Process

Your support of the land trust through your donation is much appreciated. Not only do members get advance reservations benefits and an invitation to the annual Member Appreciation Weekend, your donation supports the efforts OLT makes to preserve and restore natural and biological resources. For-profit hot springs often become crowded as there is little effort made to limit attendance to a reasonable capacity. OLT has limits on how many people attend each day to maintain a relaxed and uncrowded environment. OLT also engages in conservation projects to protect wildlife habitat, open space, soil restoration, and practice small-scale, historic agriculture. Your membership donations are a valuable contribution to this work.

Implementing a new reservation system has given us the opportunity to simplify how members upgrade to a higher-level membership. The method we've been using has been a little confusing and awkward. Now, instead of "stacking" donations with different expiration dates, we are going to pro-rate recent donations, giving you a credit toward an upgrade. For example, if you donate $50.00 on January 1, you become a member at the Friend level for one year. If six months later on July 1, you want to upgrade to the next level, that of Supporter, your $50.00 original donation will give you half a year's credit of $25.00 toward your Supporter membership. Your new membership simply expires July 1 of the next year.

We expect you to have questions and we will be glad to explain how the new system will work in your individual circumstance. The new structure will be more fair to the members and less confusing about when a membership expires.

Thank you for your support!

Here's another example upgrading after 2½ months...




New pro-rated membership credit method

Thursday, 06 February 2020 18:25

Imagine Being an OLT Board Member

Orient Land Trust's current board is doing an awesome job ensuring that the vision and mission of OLT is met. The current and past board members work closely with OLT staff to keep things spinning like a smooth running hydro generator creating energy that electrifies all visitors. I believe OLT's influence join other tribes in being guardians of our world. Perhaps the season of longer nights may lead to your own schemes and dreams for new directions and beginnings that may include the Orient Land Trust.

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.