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Sunday, 31 March 2013 18:15

Natural Rock Ponds

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Natural rock ponds with warm waters bubbling directly through the gravel below. Visitors are immersed in nature along with the birds and wildlife. These all-natural ponds are delicately built up with rock retaining walls. The soaking pond is 4 feet deep, whereas others ponds fill to just about 2 feet deep.

All areas are clothing-optional at all times. There is no artificial light in these areas allowing for great star-gazing.

These waters generally range from 93° to 107° (body temperature) depending on the pond and season.

Top Ponds

Our most remote ponds are up a short, but steep trail. Most take about twenty minutes to trek the ¼ mile trail to the Top Ponds. Guests agree these peaceful, bubbling warm waters make it the trip well worthwhile. It's a series of three (almost four) ponds flowing one into the next. The top-most pond fills about two feet deep and offers ample space to find a corner to one's self. It's water cascades down to join more warm source water beneath a large tree providing shade throughout the day. Water temperatures vary dramatically as these ponds mix with more snow-melt and runoff than our other sources. In recent months, temperatures ranged from 98°F to 107°F.

San Luis Valley viewed from Top Ponds - Ron James Lower Top Pond - Teresa Seitz Couple Enjoying the Top Ponds in 2013 - Doug Bates Top Ponds in winter snow - Doug Bates Top Ponds in winter snow - Doug Bates Lower Top Pond - Doug Bates View from the Lower Top Pond - Doug Bates

Soaking Pond

Our largest and deepest rock pond is just a few hundred feet past the cabins and sauna making a convenient get-away. At 4 feet deep and __ feet across, the Soaking Pond offers ample water for you and your friends. Nestled among the trees and wildlife, its easy to just relax and float away. Large smooth rocks provide natural seating within the pond. Water temperatures generally range between 95°F to 97°F with the warmest waters near the back wall.

Soaking Pond - Doug Bates, Orient Land Trust Winter Snow at Soaking Pond - Lisa Nagle Soaking Pond - Doug Bates, Orient Land Trust Lennon memorial - Doug Bates, Orient Land Trust Lennon memorial - Lisa Nagle

Waterfall Pond

Warm water falls from above into this cozy pond allowing guests an exhilerating water massage. It's rock wall stretches __ feet across and holds warm water about a foot and half deep. Temperatures tend to run between 95°F and 97°F.

Winter at Waterfall Pond - SONY DSC - Carl Sue Henrikson Waterfall Pond - Doug Bates Waterfall Pond - Doug Bates Winter snow at Soaking Pond - Jerry Kaiser Cozy toes in winter at Waterfall Pond - Kaitlin Boyd-Ganoung Family Waterfall Pond - Teresa Seitz

Meadow Pond

A boardwalk guides visitors into a delicate wetland, home to our Meadow Pond. From this unique vantage, guests can take in not only one of our most expansive views of the valley, but also a thriving ecosystem of plants, animals, and environment. This small remote pond tends to be a bit cooler with temperatures between 91°F and 94°F.

Meadow Pond - Teresa Seitz Protective Decking at the Meadow Pond - Handcrafted Railings at Meadow Pond - Doug Bates Meadow Pond in winter snow - Doug Bates



Sunday, 31 March 2013 16:56

Terms of Admission

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Our goal is to preserve the comfort of all visitors and ensure that all visitors can enjoy their experience here. Three simple principles form the core of all OLT management. 

Recognition ... Respect ... Responsibility

All guests are provided with specific guidelines, reminding them of the sensitive nature of each property and others they share it with.

Visitor Guide - Valley View Hot Springs
Visitor Guide - Orient Mine
Visitor Guide - Everson Ranch

OLT's policies apply to every person who visits the Orient Land Trust's property. They formalize these Guidelines if ever clarification be required. OLT's makes these policies easy to find and presents each as clearly and transparently as possible. The policies are also available as a booklet available at the Welcome Center.

Orient Land Trust makes every effort to solicit and utilize suggestions from contributors and visitors. In order to continue to serve you well, your input is essential. We invite you to make your thoughts known by one of the following methods:

  • emailing us at
  • calling us at 719-256-4315
  • mailing us at PO Box 65, Villa Grove, CO 81155
  • speaking with staff

Admission Requirements

Approved ____

  • All visitors are asked to register each time they visit.
  • Parents or guardians must list all children accompanying them. [Details]
  • Pets must also be listed. A pet fee is required at Valley View. [Details]
  • Each adult visitor may be required to present a photo identification on their first visit or as needed.

Admission Limits

Admission limits serve to reduce the influence of an individual or group over the other visitors present.

Every visitor is limited to no more than 10 days (9 nights) per month.

The size of a group is limited. The limit depends on season, day of week and overnight use type. The limit is no more than 10 people. A group can be an extended family, friends, co workers, clubs and the like.

Advance Reservation Limits

Join Orient Land Trust and help support our mission.
Your OLT Annual Contributor status determines how far ahead you may call for a reservation:

PATRONS or above ($175 or over annual contribution) may call 3 months in advance for reservations.
SUPPORTERS ($85 - $174 annual contribution) may call 2 months in advance for reservations.
FRIENDS ($35 - $84 annual contribution) may call 1 month in advance for reservations.
GENERAL PUBLIC cannot make advance reservations but may call same day to reserve a spot.

These reservation benefits are good for one year from the date of your tax-deductible contribution!

See a complete list of benefits for all membership levels.

Calling to confirm availability is always recommended. The earliest you may call for a reservation is the same date you desire to arrive 3, 2, 1 month or 2 weeks earlier. For example, two months before an arrival date of June 10th is 9am on April 10th.

Both day and overnight use of Orient Land Trust is subject to daily quotas. All use may be reserved in advance. Reservations are highly recommended and is the only way of ensuring admission. Walk-ins will be admitted on a space available basis if quotas are not filled. See information about admission requirements, user fees, pets etc.

Orient Land Trust and Valley View Hot Springs are open to the public on weekends as well as weekdays.

Use will be limited by quotas from May through October, with a separate quota for each type of use (day visitors, overnight guests). These limits help ensure that Orient Land Trust is not overused and that all visitors continue to enjoy a quality experience.

Reservations will be taken for weekend or holiday day use from May through October. Reservations are highly recommended, as they are the only way of guaranteeing admittance on a weekend or holiday (if quotas are reached). See "Reservation Policy" below.

All pet owners will be required to pay pet fees each time they bring their pets (see Rates). See Pet Information.

Naturist Society members and their household will receive a three dollar discount per person per day or night. OLT encourages you to join or renew your Naturist Society membership using the OLT Annual Contribution form.

Learn more about joining The Naturist Society.

Reservation Policy

Reviewed 02/18/15

Reservations to Valley View Hot Springs may be made for either one Cabin or one Sunset Room or one Vehicle campsite or up to two Tent sites or up to two rooms or beds in the Oak House. Except for Cabins and Vehicle campsites, reservations are for a type of lodging / camping only; you are not reserving a specific campsite or Sunset or Oak House room. If you do have a specific room preference please let us know - we will try to keep you there but cannot guarantee specific rooms. See Accommodation Availability Calendar.

Pet Policy

Reviewed 02/18/15

  • Register your pets each time you bring them.
  • Keep pets leashed or contained at all times. Do not leave unattended.
  • Leash must be connected to pet and held by a person, or tethered to immovable object at other end.
  • Absolutely no pets in the pools or ponds, Spruce Rooms, Sunset Rooms, Oak House, restrooms, sauna or Welcome Center.
  • Be sure pets are comfortable being tethered and out of the way of other people.
  • Keep pets quiet; barking or whining or longer than three minutes is not acceptable.
  • No aggressive behavior toward wildlife, people or other pets.
  • Keep pets off beds in accommodations.
  • Extra cleaning or any damage will forfeit your pet deposit.
  • Remember to clean up after your pet. Poop bags provided.
  • Ask staff about good places to exercise your pets.

Pet Information

  • Although many visitors prefer to not have pets allowed here, we try to preserve the privilege to visit with your favorite pet. Please ensure that the privilege continues.
  • If warranted, you might not be able to return with your pet, you could be asked to leave immediately or you might be excluded from the property in the future.
  • If you feel that you may not be able to comply or you are uncomfortable with these conditions, please do not bring your pet.

Rules For Pet Owners

  1. You are always responsible for your pet even if you leave your pet unattended in an accommodation, vehicle or campsite.
  2. The pet must be controlled by a short leash or contained. Leashed means that one end is attached to the pet and the other attached to you or an immovable object. Leashes must be no longer than 6 feet and not in the way of foot traffic. Leashes are available.
  3. Pets are not allowed in the Restrooms, Oak House, Sunset Rooms or Saunas. These are confined public spaces where pets are inappropriate for a variety of reasons.
  4. Absolutely NO pets in the pools or ponds.
  5. Your pet must not be excessively noisy such as whining or barking for more than three minutes.
  6. Clean up after your pet. Bags are available at the Welcome Center or find them on the post next to the sidewalk going to Main Restroom .
  7. Repairs or unusual cleaning of an accommodation resulting from a pet may be charged additional cleaning or damage fees. No pets are allowed on the beds.
  8. Aggressive behavior towards wildlife, people or other pets is absolutely not allowed.

If these rules are violated:

  • Your pet may have to leave the premises.
  • You may not be able to visit in the future.

You are welcome to unleash your dog at the Orient Mine area, however rules number 1, 6 and 8 still apply.

Camera Policy

Website Information Reviewed 02/18/15

Cap and pack camera device away around others for everyone's comfort.  Focus on landscape, wildlife, consenting friends and family only.


Cell Phone Policy

Approved February 1, 2010

A new cell phone tower has recently been erected along County Rd 61 just northwest of the Everson Ranch. This may dramatically improve cell coverage for many guests at Valley View, and in light of this we are updating our cell phone policy. Therefore...
In the interest of peace, quiet, and protecting the special "get away from it all" atmosphere that guests cherish at OLT.
Cell Phone voice, text, and internet usage is permitted ONLY in the following areas:

1 - Anywhere below the entrance gate near the Welcome Center... on the road or parking area, on the front porch or inside the Welcome Center (open 24 hours a day)
2 - Anywhere inside a Private Room, Cabin, Vehicle, or Camper / RV

The "Quiet Zones" are...

a) Anywhere in all Pool, Pond, Sauna, and Deck areas
b) Public spaces of all buildings beyond the entrance gate, including the Oak House living room, kitchen and dorm room, the Sunset Rooms kitchen, all Bathrooms, and the Pavilion.
c) Anywhere Outdoors in the Tent or Vehicle camping areas
d) Anywhere Outdoors in Public Parking Areas, Roads, and Trails above the Welcome Center gate.

In the "Quiet Zones", please keep your cell phones, iPhones, Blackberrys, etc. turned OFF in order to help preserve the peaceful atmosphere of Orient Land Trust and to not disturb your fellow guests. This includes use of laptops for Skype or other internet-based phone systems. Many hot springs - particularly clothing optional ones - do not allow cell phone use at all due to noise issues plus the presence of cameras in virtually every cell phone. Orient Land Trust is trying to deal with unwanted noise and privacy concerns while still allowing reasonable phone use within short walking distance of wherever you are. OLT and your fellow guests thank you for your cooperation!

Cancellation Policy

Website Information Reviewed 02/18/15

Cancellation Policy
The following cancellation fees apply for any reservation cancellation or major change of a reservation:

Private Accommodations (large cabin, small cabin, or Sunset Room)
$20 forfeit for calling more than 2 weeks in advance of arrival
$30 forfeit for calling less than 2 weeks in advance of arrival
$50 forfeit for not calling and not arriving (no-show)

All other overnight uses (Oak House, Tent camping, Vehicle camping)
$10 forfeit for calling more than 2 weeks in advance of arrival
$15 forfeit for calling less than 2 weeks in advance of arrival
$25 forfeit for not calling and not arriving (no-show)

Day use visits. Please call as early as possible to cancel or change your reservation
nothing forfeit for calling more than 2 weeks in advance of arrival
$5 forfeit for calling less than 2 weeks in advance of arrival
$15 forfeit for not calling and not arriving (no-show)

Change of Reservation Policy

Reviewed 02/18/15

Cancellation fees apply to changing a reservation.


Vendor Policy

Effective October 15, 2013


Orient Land Trust (OLT) is a Colorado non- profit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. OLT derives a portion of its revenues from, and expends a portion of its resources on, an operating asset known as Valley View Hot Springs (VVHS).

This operating asset is owned by OLT and operating results are consolidated annually with the financial statements of OLT.

Recognizing that the vending of goods and services has enhanced the visitor experience at VVHS for many years, OLT will continue to allow vending on OLT grounds, subject to certain limitations and restrictions enumerated in this Vendor Policy. In the past, Vendors at OLT have been allowed to sell goods or provide services at OLT without payment of any vendor fee to OLT. 

As of May 1, 2010, OLT will “rent daily space” to Vendors of goods and receive a payment per session rate from massage therapists. OLT’s thousands of visitors annually provide potential customers or clients for Vendors. 

OLT believes that this new Vendor Policy is a reasonable compromise for all concerned and in the best interests of OLT, its visitors, and Vendors. Implementation of this Policy will allow sales of goods and services to continue at OLT, while providing needed revenue to OLT to account for the staff time required to give attention to vendor issues and to account for the "real estate" that OLT will provide to Vendors.


Vendors of Goods or Services are Independent Contractors and not employees of OLT. Vendors operate on OLT property as tenants at- will and have no contract rights with OLT. Vendors pay OLT a daily fee in exchange for the space OLT provides them to sell their goods or offer their services. By allowing a Vendor to provide goods or services on OLT property, OLT in no way condones the Vendors’ actions or behavior. While OLT provides guidelines to Vendors and visitors, OLT has no control over how a Vendor may carry out his/her business. OLT merely rents space to Vendors on habitable, suitable premises.

While OLT’s visitor guidelines apply to all visitors, staff and volunteers on OLT property, OLT does not supervise its individual visitors and is not responsible for their actions or behavior. Similarly, OLT assumes no responsibility for the actions or behavior of Vendors while at OLT. If anyone has any dissatisfaction with a Vendor, OLT asks that a report be made to OLT personnel in the same manner as any other complaint, incident, or accident would be reported. Such a report will be investigated in a manner similar to any other complaint, incident or accident on OLT property. 


OLT has absolute discretion to remove a Vendor from OLT property at any time for any length of time, including prohibiting the Vendor from ever returning to OLT. If OLT determines a Vendor must leave the property before the end of the day because of misconduct or for another reason, the Vendor forfeits his/her daily Vendor Fee to OLT. OLT reserves the right to remove any Vendor from OLT property at any time for any reason. 

IV. VENDORS OF GOODS (Jewelry, Clothing, etc.)

A. Upon their arrival, and on any subsequent days that they propose to vend goods, all  Vendors must inform OLT that they intend to sell goods on OLT grounds that day.  The Vendor Waiver and Release form must be completed and signed unless it is already on file at the Welcome Center.

B. Vending of goods is limited to the following areas:  the Pavilion, the picnic tables near the “Kids Pool.”

C. Vending of goods is not permitted in the following areas: Any lodging buildings, the Welcome Center, decks, patios, or other areas around the sauna, pools, or ponds, the road to the Orient Mine or at any location not specifically mentioned above in subsection B. 

D. A non- refundable Vendor Fee of $20 per day must be paid upon admission to OLT / VVHS. The daily Vendor Fee must be paid at the start of each additional day that the Vendor plans to sell items on OLT grounds.

E. In addition to the daily Vendor Fee, Vendors of Goods will pay the usual and customary Lodging / Camping / Use fees for admission to and accommodations at OLT.

F. OLT reserves the right to prohibit vending of inappropriate items or goods such as those that would require licenses or permits (e.g., perishable food items).

G. If a Vendor is found to be in violation of any of these rules, s/he will be prohibited from vending at OLT for a period of six (6) months and may also be prohibited from visiting OLT indefinitely.

H. If a Vendor is found to be selling goods at OLT and has not registered to sell goods at OLT, in addition to OLT's remedy set forth in Section III above, OLT in its discretion may prohibit the Vendor from vending at OLT for a period of up to one (1) year and may also prohibit the Vendor from visiting indefinitely.

V. VENDORS OF SERVICES (Massage, Watsu, Other “Hands- On” Therapies)

A. Application, General Guidelines

1. All Vendors of Services must apply to OLT before they may be allowed to provide services at OLT.

2. To apply, a Vendor must complete and submit to OLT an application form along with proof of insurance as required by the State of Colorado (State) that names OLT as an additional insured and a copy of his/her current State license. All Massage Therapists as defined by the State, must be licensed by the State.

3. A non- refundable application fee of $20 is due to OLT when the application is submitted. 

4. OLT will create a public- accessible list, including a posting on its website, of therapists who will be allowed to provide services on OLT grounds. 

5. There is no limit to the number of Massage Therapists who may be eligible to work as independent contractors at OLT, though there is a daily limit of three (3) therapists.

6. Massage Therapists will continue to set their own fees, make their own schedules, and contact or advertise for clients independent of OLT and OLT’s staff. OLT will not be involved in scheduling massages or other Vendor services. OLT will be able to provide to current and potential visitors the names of therapists (if any) who are scheduled for particular days. OLT will not provide any other information to guests about any particular Vendor.

7. The Vendor’s Client Waiver and Release form must be completed, signed by the client, and returned to OLT for each client who receives Vendor services.

8. Massage therapists shall comply with all local, Colorado and federal laws, applicable rules and regulations, as well as OLT conduct guidelines. All Vendors of services shall conduct themselves in a highly professional manner when providing services to clients.

9. Massage for pay, trade or without compensation is not permitted except by approved OLT therapists.

10. Massage is only permitted on the Sauna Deck, at the Pavilion or at the “Mother Tree.” Therapy of any kind is not permitted at any other location on OLT grounds, including private rooms and cabins.

11. Watsu® will be allowed only in the Soaking Pond and only performed by approved OLT therapists. Only one (1) Watsu® or water-based therapist will be allowed to perform Watsu® on any given day.

B. Renting Space to Perform Massage

1. Therapists are not required to reserve space in advance. "Walk- in" space may be rented (by therapists whom OLT allows to provide services) if space is available when the space is requested.

2. All Vendors of Services will receive free admission and will pay a per session rate as determined by OLT. This per session rate must be paid at the end of each day. This space may be used all day from sunrise until dark.

3. Therapists will provide OLT with signed waivers from all of their clients to the at the end of each day.  

C. A Privilege, Not a Right

1. A Vendor who is allowed to provide services at OLT does not create a permanent status for that Vendor. Massage Therapists must maintain their Colorado Massage License in active status and keep their liability insurance current. OLT will re-evaluate on an annual basis or as needed the Vendors who are allowed to provide Services at OLT.

2. If a Massage Therapist is found to be violation of any of the above rules, in addition to OLT's remedy set forth in Section III above, OLT in its discretion may prohibit the Massage Therapist from providing services at OLT indefinitely and may also prohibit the Massage Therapist from visiting OLT indefinitely.  Stricter penalties, up to or including legal action, may be necessary depending on the severity of the infraction. 

Massage Application 


Sunday, 31 March 2013 16:52

Directions to Valley View

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Sign from Highway "7 miles to OLT"

The Orient Land Trust protects and shares 2,200 acres of open space located 4-1/2 miles south of Villa Grove, Colorado and 7 miles east of the junction of U.S. Highway 285 and Colorado Highway 17 on Saguache County Road GG (a gravel road). This high-mountain, rural oasis is far removed from gas stations, grocery, and other services. OLT stocks a small selection of local foods and snacks. It is a 175 mile drive from Denver (over 3-1/2 hours), 146 miles from Colorado Springs (over 3 hours), 198 miles from Santa Fe (over 3-1/2 hours) and 260 miles from Albuquerque (4-1/2 hours). The closest towns with services are shown on the maps below.

The gate closes at 9 pm each night after which no one is allowed entry. Reservations are highly recommended without which admission cannot be guaranteed. Please plan accordingly. We sincerely regret having to turn visitors away. If delayed, please call as soon as possible to coordinate other arrangements. We will assist however we can.

Valley View Hot Springs at the Orient Land Trust
64393 County Road GG
Moffat, CO 81143-9723

Map and Directions (Google)

Sunday, 31 March 2013 16:07

Availability Calendars

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Closed each December 1st through the 28th.

See Member Benefits to see how to reserve up to 3 months in advance! Due to COVID19 we are only accepting reservations up to one month in advance.

There are a maximum of 4 2 Oak House Bedrooms and 6 0 Dorm Beds. The maximum number of Vehicle and Tent Spaces may be limited by conditions such as snow or mud.

See below for the availability of accommodations. This availability calendar updates just twice a day. Please call the OLT Welcome Center at 719-256-4315 for up-to-date reservation availability.

NOTE: Even if campsites or cabins are vacant, we may still be FULL due to reaching our guest capacity quota.

Private Accommodations

Vehicle Camping

Other Overnight Options

Sunday, 31 March 2013 16:03

Membership and Donations

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Please Become a Member of Orient Land Trust!

Contributions of $35 or more make you a member and provides important support to Orient Land Trust in fulfilling its mission. We depend on contributions to continue our conservation work and protect this place from development. As a member, you get the benefit of making reservations more than 1 day in advance. Different levels of membership provide varying time frames for advance reservation benefits. A member can also get a discount on a day visit if you are only planning on staying for 2 hours or less. This is referred to as a Quick Dip and is only available to members. Call 719-256-4315 for more member information.



 It’s Easier to Get a Tax Deduction for Donations This Year - NY Times, Nov 20th 2020
Note: This may be useful information for donors.


When you support Orient Land Trust by becoming an Annual Contributor, you become part of a community working to preserve land, history, ecology, and a unique niche as a naturist experience. You also benefit by being eligible for increased reservation windows and discounts. Other benefits, such as access to special programs and events, may also be offered in the future. The table below lists the benefits you are entitled to receive for one full year at each donation level.

Member Benefits
based on
levels of annual contribution
as of 2018
General Public

$1,000 and up
Receive annual OLT newsletter Email Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition in newsletter  - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Invitation to Member Appreciation Weekend - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
$4 Discount for 2 Hour Quick Dip - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ability to Make Advance Reservations Day Before 1 month

2 months 

3 months 

3 months 

3 months 

3 months 

Senior Discount for Accommodations (Age 65+) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Admitted for Day Use Without a Reservation No No No No Yes Yes Yes
May Reserve Two (2) Cabins, Sunset Rooms or
Vehicle Sites
No No No No No Yes Yes

You may become a member at any time, donations are tax-deductible, and benefits are good for one year from the date of your donation. Please note that purchases of raffle tickets, online auction items or coupons given to members are not included with your total of annual contributions and are not tax-deductible. 

Four easy ways to contribute!

  • Check - print the annual contributor form and mail it back to us
  • Credit Card via our secure online donation site.
  • Credit Card by calling Orient Land Trust at 719-256-4315
  • Donate in person on your next visit to Orient Land Trust / Valley View Hot Springs

Thank you for your support!


Saturday, 30 March 2013 19:07

[BANNER Taking the Long View]

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Saturday, 30 March 2013 18:55

Family and Pets

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Families are very welcome here! And children under age 16 are always admitted for free. OLT preserves a world full of magic and discovery for children of all ages. Those who find clothing uncomfortable and restrictive are free to be themselves, au naturel. Adults here tend to be kind and playful, often regressing to their own childhood as they relax and notice the amazing world around them.

Note: Children must always be attended by their parent or guardian and respectful of other guests and the sensitive spaces we share here.

Naked Cowboy - Family enjoying Soaking Pond - Family playing in the kid's pool - Discovering magic in nature - Doug Bates Kids Science Camp - Robin Rosenberg


Well-behaved pets are invited to accompany their owners to OLT. We love animals and many staff have pets among their own family. However, we strongly urge pet owners to visit first without their pet to recognize how sensitive and alive this space is. Owners are held fully responsible for the behavior of their pets and risk fines and restrictions if left unattended or unleashed. This helps avoid disturbing the peaceful environment with potential aggression, territory, and abandonment issues that are common, especially among dogs.

No pets in any of the pools

First-time visitors are discouraged from bringing pets until they've first familiarized themselves with the space and wildlife here. 

We have a limit of two pets per reservation. Please confirm if space is available for your pet when you make a reservation. A per visit fee will be charged for each pet.  If appropriate, you may be asked to leave immediately and may not be allowed to return with your pet. If uncertain, please consider alternative arrangements for your pets.

Rates and Reservations with pet fees

Pet policies, Terms of Admission

Winnie.... the perfect dog! - Doug Bishop Winnie.... the perfect dog! - Doug Bishop Winnie.... the perfect dog! - Doug Bishop

Saturday, 30 March 2013 18:46

Dramatic Geology

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HOT SPRINGS GEOLOGY 101: Where the Water Comes From

        Valley View’s water rises along the Sangre de Cristo Fault (SCFZ), a planar geologic fracture across which the Sangre de Cristo range has been uplifted as much as 16,000 feet relative to the San Luis Valley. The SCFZ is Colorado’s most active fault, having displaced moraine deposits of the latest Pleistocene ice age as much as 6 meters vertically in 2 large prehistoric earthquakes of about magnitude 7 (but that’s another story...).

Bedrock in the fault zone has been crushed and rotated by this slippage, creating a near-vertical zone of interconnected void spaces that water can flow through. The fault zone is generally more permeable than the adjacent wall rocks, so it intercepts and diverts lateral deep groundwater flow from the mountains to the valley. This warm water then rises up the fault zone and emerges at Valley View. The springs are probably localized at this spot because an east-west fault in the mountains intersects the north-south Sangre de Cristo Fault, creating a small but severely crushed intersection zone.

Exposed Fault Scarp at OLT - Dr. Rocks Exploring the Fault Scarp - Teresa Seitz Illustrating the Dramatic Villa Grove Fault Line - Matthew Wild Plants Growing in a Straight Line - Doug Bates

        The spring flow is made of 2 water components: (1) deeper, warmer groundwater that intersected the fault zone at depth, got heated, and then rose up in the fault zone (geothermal water), and (2) shallow, cooler water from infiltrating rain and snowmelt (meteoric water). The flow volume of deep geothermal water is essentially constant through the year, but an influx of cooler meteoric water occurs  from spring snowmelt in March to May of each year. At that time of year, the springs flow with the least volume but the entire flow is cooled by the larger component of cool meteoric water.  Possibly the cooler water reduces the ability of the deeper, warmer water to rise. This effect is most pronounced at the top springs, which catches the most mountain runoff, and is less at the lower springs. Conversely, in late summer through mid-winter there is essentially no meteoric infiltration on the mountain, so the spring flow is increased in volume, but it’s hotter because it’s almost totally composed of deep circulating water.  This year, the drought has caused water flow to drop to about  65% of the long-term average with no return to normal flow so far. However there has been no measurement of temperature above the normal 99 degrees at the top springs.  Other dry spells have produced top springs temperatures of over 106 degrees. Clearly, further research is needed. Some poor geologist may have to do this, by soaking in all the pools repeatedly. Yes, it's a tough job........

James P. McCalpin, Former Director, OLT
President, GEO-HAZ Consulting, Inc.
Director, Crestone Science Center
Research Assoc. Prof., Utah State University
P.O. Box 837
600 East Galena Ave.
Crestone, CO  81131  USA
phone 719-256-5227
Fax 719-256-5228 

Saturday, 30 March 2013 18:14


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Saturday, 30 March 2013 18:13


Written by

Volunteers are extremely important to OLT. Stewardship of OLT's lands and resources is the best thing visitors can give. Whether you have a few hours during your next visit or a full day for a special event or specific skills, please consider a donation of your time to help us work more efficiently toward the protection of the northern San Luis Valley's unique resources and open space. Help us learn of your interests and abilities by filling out a Volunteer Application. Print the application, fill it out and mail it in or give us a call and talk to our volunteer coordinator.

Volunteer Advisory Committees

Being a small yet very diverse organization, volunteers often get connected to us just by saying they want to help and sending us an application.

David & Jack cooking eggs for Annual Outreach Board Meeting - Robin Rosenberg Volunteer Party 2016 - Robin Rosenberg Colorado College Volunteers planting trees at reservoir - Teresa Seitz CC Volunteers at the Everson Ranch - Colorado College Football Team volunteers - John Lorenz Volunteers hosting the 2016 Annual Outreach Board Meeting - Doug Bishop

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.