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Friday, 05 July 2013 08:29


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Permaculture is a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, and environmental design that develops sustainable architecture and self-maintained agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems.

The core tenets of permaculture are:

Care of the earth: Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply. This is the first principle, because without a healthy earth, humans cannot flourish.
Care of the people: Provision for people to access those resources necessary for their existence.
Return of Surplus: Reinvesting surpluses back into the system to provide for the first two ethics. This includes returning waste back into the system to recycle into usefulness.

Permaculture design emphasizes patterns of landscape, function, and species assemblies. It asks the question, "Where does this element go? How can it be placed for the maximum benefit of the system?" To answer this question, the central concept of permaculture is maximizing useful connections between components and synergy of the final design. The focus of permaculture, therefore, is not on each separate element, but rather on the relationships created among elements by the way they are placed together; the whole becoming greater than the sum of its parts. Permaculture design therefore seeks to minimize waste, human labor, and energy input by building systems with maximal benefits between design elements to achieve a high level of synergy. Permaculture designs evolve over time by taking into account these relationships and elements and can become extremely complex systems that produce a high density of food and materials with minimal input]
The design principles which are the conceptual foundation of permaculture were derived from the science of systems ecology and study of pre-industrial examples of sustainable land use. Permaculture draws from several disciplines including organic farming, agroforestry, integrated farming,sustainable development, and applied ecology. Permaculture has been applied most commonly to the design of housing and landscaping, integrating techniques such as agroforestry, natural building, and rainwater harvesting within the context of permaculture design principles and theory. (Wikipedia)

OLT is working with High Altitude Permaculture ( and its students to help design optimal agriculture systems for the OLT lands. Sandy Cruz, Peter Bane and Becky Elder lead permaculture workshops to facilitate the spreading of this marvelous, natural way of working with nature to preserve our lands, provide responsible foods, and enhance our environments.

Thursday, 06 June 2013 13:00

Holistic Grazing

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Grasses across the earth developed with large herds of prey (ibex, yaks, bison, camels, elk, moose, and, yes, the ancestors of cows, goats, sheep, etc.), and their predators – wolves, lions, hyenas, etc. Think of the Serengeti in the movies - the prey lived in large bunches, eating all plants down to a healthy level, pooping and peeing and working it all into the earth with their feet. When the predators came around, the herd moved on quickly, in a tight herd, to start the process over again elsewhere. The result was healthy plants, roots and soils.

Today we have eradicated the large herds of wild prey and most of the predators. We have divided vast grasslands into plots of a few acres (even many acres) surrounded by fences. As a result, not surprisingly, the grasses are suffering. Grasses are important. They are, on a global scale, huge carbon sequesterers (hmmm, a word?). So, it's a good thing to optimize their health to optimize our health.

And the way to do that on a large scale is to help to bring back the model of predator-prey dynamics to our grasslands. A few issues, certainly. We have the prey, in the shape of food animals. However, as we have fenced the entire world, we can't just let the proverbial wolf loose because the prey animals would not be able to flee naturally. So what to do?

Alan Savory, of The Savory Institute (, has been working all over the world for decades to help food producers mimic the prey-predator model of grasses revival to great success and acclaim. His premise is that even though it is not realistic to bring in predators, we can use our cattle, goats, sheep to revive grasslands by stepping in and using holistic grazing management to take their place. The method is to put a lot of animals on a small area of land and move them quickly when they've eaten the grass down to a desired level and only bring them back when the grass is ready. That is done with lots of determination, work, and electric fence. The result is healthy roots, healthy soils that readily absorb and hinder evaporation of the sparse water, and healthy grasses of multiple species. This will not create immediate results. It will require hard work and dedication for years.

To that end, OLT has entered into a collaborative partnership with a local ranch, Arrowpoint Cattle Company (you might have eaten their delicious beef that we sell at OLT!), which has been using this grazing method for years. We have also joined hands with the Savory Institute, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Bureau of Land Management, and our neighbors, Richard and Linda, to bring this effective process to the Everson Ranch, Richard and Linda's lands, and OLT's BLM grazing allotments, in order to bring our grasslands back.

Arrowpoint's cattle are Scottish Highland, small, drought and harsh weather resistant beauties that are trained to a whistle and a kind word. In the last few days we've brought in nearly 40 cows and calves. And they are beauties. We'll have a total of around 120 furry beings in the project.

OLT has always had cattle on the Everson Ranch. The difference now is that we are practicing natural resource enhancement as opposed to commodities resource extraction.
So come help us celebrate our commitment to the preservation of OLT's beautiful lands and helping to build a model of sustainable agriculture so ranchers in the Northern San Luis Valley can continue to ranch and preserve our beautiful open spaces!

Thursday, 23 May 2013 12:23


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Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:14

Fine Art: Painting Workshop - July 28-31

Presented by Orient Land Trustand Artist Jude Bischoff Join this four day intensive painting workshop covering composition, drawing and painting techniques that will have you making beautiful paintings with no pre-planning or preconceived ideas. Jude believes in letting art flow from your soul like water from a mountain spring. July 28 through July 31, 2013 All paint and materials included, for more information contact Jude at 760-668-9408 View Jude’s work…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:16

Lifecycle of a Frozen Dinner

Looking at the entire lifecycle of the products we buy can lead to a new understanding of sustainable choices and our impact on the planet's resources. When we buy a product, we generally aren't thinking of everything that went into getting that product to our home or what happens to it after we are finished with it. A simple action such as throwing away an uneaten frozen dinner is only…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:17

Financial Sustainability

This year we have had to make a priority out of doing some long due upgrading. We have had to build another employee cabin to house Mike and Cherrye, who will help to fill the huge void left by Neil and Terry's retirement. We are completely revamping the electrical system to allow us to continue to operate under drought conditions, which look like they are here to stay for the…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:16

OLT Buys Locally - Let's All Do It!

The Orient Land Trust is committed to our community. Our mission statement is clear: "Orient Land Trust is dedicated to the preservation of natural and biological resources, agricultural lands, wildlife habitat, open space, and historic and geologic features of the northern San Luis Valley for the education and enjoyment of current and future generations." Equally important is OLT's commitment to the economy of the northern San Luis Valley and its…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:15

Valley View Trading Post!

How often have you awoken in the Valley View Village and longed for a hot cafe au lait or hot chocolate of a lovely June morning? How often have your kids asked for ice cream on a hot August afternoon? Well, we have a solution! We are putting in a lovely Amish log cabin next to the Pavilion and we will be having local youth working to help you as…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:14

Exciting Events Planned

We're always trying new ways to engage and delight our members. This summer we've got some fun activities scheduled for you, beginning with a special performance by the Jah Kings, June 15th at 7PM at the Valley View Hot Springs Pavilion. This band, out of Fair Grove, Missouri and fronted by Alexander Kofi, has offered this free show to OLT members in order to spread their message of unconditional love,…
In order to keep all our visitors safe and sound, happy and content, we are enforcing our long standing rules and changing some others. The most important thing for everyone to remember is the baseline of Respect, Recognition and Responsibility. Have respect for yourself and others. Look around and recognize the needs of others and the effect your behavior is having on them. Take responsibility for your actions. If everyone…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.