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Wednesday, 29 October 2014 11:40

Bat Science

Brazilian Free-Tailed Bats from Colorado Parks & Wildlife on Vimeo. Advisory board member and bat biologist, Kirk Navo, led a group of volunteers studying our bats with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Video footage shows the team of students and teachers working at the Orient Mine in August 2014. The mine's Glory Hole is located just a few miles north of Valley View Hot Springs. OLT offers free guided and…
Monday, 15 September 2014 08:43

Lunch and Learn - Oct 11th

Enjoy a Cooking Class with fellow OLT member and Master Chef, Scott Sharot, in the OLT pavilion at Valley View on Saturday Oct 11th at 12:30 pm. The cost is $25 and will benefit OLT's new Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades. Chef Sharot will lead participants in a cooking demo of several delicious lunch dishes which they will get to enjoy and take home recipes from afterwards,
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 18:45

The Medicine of the Springs

A safe and sacred haven not only for humans, but for all manner of life, Orient Land Trust/Valley View Hot Springs is home to an abundant and diverse population of wild plants. One cannot help but notice the wild roses blooming in late spring, the aromatic mint surrounding the ponds and offering up its gentle fragrance in the warmth of the mid-summer sun, and the Chokecherries hanging dark and
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 18:47

Colorado Gives Day - Dec 9th

If you love Orient Land Trust and Valley View Hot Springs as a unique place of peace, community and soothing waters that nourish the environment and the soul, now is the time to give. Support OLT in the spirit of Colorado Gives Day from now until December 9th when your gift to OLT will be matched proportionally. Colorado Gives Day is more than a day of giving, it’s a movement…
Thursday, 04 September 2014 18:46

Members Appreciation Weekend in Review

Another exciting Members Appreciation week-end was logged on August 9th-11th at Valley View Hot Springs when a record 245 OLT members came from far and wide to participate in a fun-filled slate of activities or just "chillax" in our soaking ponds, pool and sauna amidst the ever-stunning Valley View-sheds. More active enthusiasts embarked on OLT's trails, hiked to the bats at Orient Mine, visited our Everson ranch to feed the…
Thursday, 04 September 2014 18:46

Garden Party in Taos, a Great Community Builder

About 28 people gathered at the beautiful Zero Energy home and gardens of former OLT Board President Dan Jones on Sunday August 17th to support OLT's Wastewater Treatment Plant Campaign. Fresh vegetables from Dan's garden and greenhouse, cookies from Matt's Bakery in Taos and local wine and beer samplings in abundance added to the festive afternoon! New Executive Director Doug Bishop, OLT founders Neil and Terry Seitz, and Board Members…
Thursday, 04 September 2014 18:47

Art Sale Benefit - Oct 4th, Salida

Long-time Orient Land Trust supporter, John Lorenz, will offer San Luis Valley and OLT inspired photographs for sale at The Fritz restaurant in Salida during the month of October. An opening reception with refreshments and a cash bar will happen Saturday, October 4th from 4 to 6 pm. Martin Jolley and other artists will also offer art for sale. A minimum of 30% of sales has been promised for the…
Monday, 15 September 2014 08:50

New WWTP Upgrades to Break Ground Soon!

OLT finally received the needed ground water discharge permit from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) after a four year process that allows OLT to engage contractors for the construction of the project. We are currently obtaining bids as we await final design approval from the state. OLT plans to break ground on the new WWTP facilities this fall with completion expected in about 6-8 weeks. The…
Thursday, 04 September 2014 18:47

OLT’s Hydroelectric is Under Control

Visitors to the OLT’s Valley View Hot Springs may not realize that the water that warms them in the Apple Tree Pools also heats cabins via radiant underfloor piping, and then is used to generate electricity, which in turn heats the pools and provides power to the campus. This remarkable system is one of the unique things about Valley View, and an integral part of the facility’s “recycle, reuse, reduce”…
Monday, 28 July 2014 02:04

In the Silence Descending

Honoring Orient Land Trust Earth's crust waxes thin in our desert,a skin of hot waters rising, sparse rainscooling this patchwork of pinon and sage,pounding forces too star-staged to fight.And so we roll like morning light,like dunes, like ant hills, like the wavesof the one-time sea nowdisappeared into our aquifer, crystal-centered. In the silence descending from the Sangresthe rhythms grow obviousas the petite sunflowers lining our dirt roads.Anything but blank, our…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.