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Monday, 11 January 2016 08:43

Board Meeting

The January Board Meeting is Saturday, January 16, 2016 beginning at 9:00 am. This time we are gathering at the Spruce House for the meeting. (Spruce House is the house across the road from the Welcome Center.) We are finally letting Neil and Terry keep their house on board meetings trusting that they will still attend and provide the meaningful feedback that keeps us on track. Many thanks to the…
Tuesday, 01 December 2015 05:14

Colorado Gives Day - Dec 8th

This is our second year of participating in the Colorado Gives Day. Your generosity this year has been amazing. Orient Land Trust has strong support from many people. If you want to take advantage of one last charitable donation for 2015, the Colorado Gives Day is an excellent time. While I’m thinking of it, let me, again, extend my gratitude to everyone that helped make this a memorable year.
Monday, 30 November 2015 15:02

Closed for Four Weeks!

December 1 through December 28, the hot springs will be closed. We open the gate again December 29th. We will be responding to phone messages throughout the time out. Things are different when we’re closed and we enjoy the change of pace. Enjoy your time with friends and family through the holiday. This may be the right time for us to wish you a Happy New Year! Thank you for…
Saturday, 07 November 2015 15:01

Astronomy Pad

Wednesday, October 28, the concrete trucks arrived and the astronomy pad was poured. Everything went smoothly and it's ready for the next show. The clouds came later in the day and we may have to wait a few days for a clear night. It feels good to have this stage of the astronomy program in place before
Saturday, 07 November 2015 12:53

Dinner in Denver

October 9 we held the dinner at the Radisson in southeast Denver. There were about a 115 people in attendance and we raised nearly $20,000 with more pledges yet to arrive. Kirk Navo and Jay Sims both had informative presentations. Doug Bishop showed some pictures of the programs that OLT has been conducting. This event gave us a chance to say a great big "Thank You!" to all the generous…
Spaces are still left for the OLT Annual Fundraising Dinner on Fri, Oct 9th at the Raddison in south Denver. . Dinner is $35.00 per person and it's a fundraiser to pay off the Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades. The state-mandated WWTP upgrade involved a long process that included initial study costs, recommendations, designs, permits, and then finally, construction. The accumulating expense began with preliminary studies over six years ago.…
Remember to RSVP for the Second Annual Dinner in South Denver. Dinner is $35.00 per person. We are raising money to pay off the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Thank You for all your help! The system cost $180,000, which is what we were asking for last year. We only had to borrow $100,000 and we made the first payment of $30,754.84 in September. That means there is only $69,245.16 left…
Monday, 07 September 2015 23:13

Crestone Energy Fair

The weekend of August 28, 29, and 30 was the Crestone Energy Fair. Orient Land Trust is a participant again this year. On Sunday, August 30, OLT conducted a hydroelectric tour to four interested participants of the Energy Fair.
Tuesday, 08 September 2015 00:12


This summer we were able to almost triple the acreage of the irrigated hayfields. The yield was extra good thanks to plentiful rain through the growing season. The first 8 acres we harvested was done by a local custom hay operator, as was done last year. The remaining acreage and the second cutting of the alfalfa field was done with OLT's own swather and baler. The swather, donated by our…
Tuesday, 08 September 2015 01:12

Colorado College Volunteers

Thanks to the Colorado College Freshmen work groups! Orient Land Trust hosted two work groups again this August 20 through 23. The students built more picnic tables for the campsites, spent two days weeding the leach field acre, and built a quarter mile of fence on the Valley View parcel west boundary. The groups camped at the Orient mine. They split into smaller sub-groups for several opportunities to soak in…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.