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Friday, 06 June 2014 11:49

Greetings from the Executive Director

Greetings from the new and inexperienced trainee on staff. It’s been great! Thanks to all for the warm welcome. The competent and capable staff has been patient and helpful. Those who’ve offered their congratulations and support have helped me start this new job with confidence and the comfort of your warm wishes. We reached capacity over the Memorial Day weekend. Reservations will make things run smoothly for everyone during the…
Wednesday, 28 May 2014 21:26

Members Weekend Bands

Attention All Awesome Orient Land Trust Members: We're happy to announce the lineup of bands scheduled for our 2014 OLT Membership Appreciation Weekend; Friday, August 8th – Sunday, August 10th. Facebook Event Boulder's Intuit, scheduled for Friday at 8:45pm, draws inspiration from reggae, funk, jazz, blues, hip-hop, folk, and world music to create a lively and original sound. With heart-warming lulls, energetic peaks, and endless stylistic shape–shifting, Intuit delivers a…
Friday, 16 May 2014 04:21

Holistic Management

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Holistic Management is based on a decision making framework which results in ecologically regenerative, economically viable and socially sound management of grasslands.

Grasses across the earth developed with large herds of prey (ibex, yaks, bison, camels, elk, moose, and, yes, the ancestors of cows, goats, sheep, etc.), and their predators – wolves, lions, hyenas, etc. Think of the buffalo - the prey lived in large bunches, eating all plants down to a healthy level, pooping and peeing and working it all into the earth with their feet. When the predators came around, or they had eaten all the plants down to the stalks, the herd moved on quickly, in a tight herd, to start the process over again elsewhere. The result was healthy plants, roots and soils.

Today we have eradicated the large herds of wild prey and most of the predators. We have divided vast grasslands into plots of a few acres (even many acres) surrounded by fences. Animals are put out for many months, eating only the plants they like most, returning to the shoots, and eventually killing the plants. The result is that the most desirable plants die off, and the less desirable plants survive, leading to a more and more limited plant array, and loss of biomass above and below the soil surface. This in turn leads to unanchored soils, which we see blowing in the valley all the time. This method of grazing has created enormous damage to the northern San Luis valley. But we can change this, and at OLT we are doing just that.

More than just for feeding livestock, grasses are important for the wellbeing of the globe. They are, on a global scale, huge carbon sequesterers (hmmm, a word?). So, it's a good thing to optimize their health to optimize our health.

And the way to do that on a large scale is to help to bring back the model of predator-prey dynamics to our grasslands. A few issues, certainly. We have the prey, in the shape of food animals. However, as we have fenced the entire world, we can't just let the proverbial wolf loose because the prey animals would not be able to flee naturally. So what to do?

Among others, the Savory Institute (, has been working all over the world for decades to help food producers mimic the prey-predator model of grasses revival to great success and acclaim. His premise is that even though it is not realistic to bring in predators, we can use cattle, goats, sheep, even pigs and chickens, to revive grasslands by stepping in and using holistic grazing management to take their place. The method is to put a lot of animals on a small area of land and move them quickly when they've eaten the grass down to a desired level and only bring them back when the grass is ready. That is done with lots of determination, work, and electric fence. The result is healthy roots, healthy soils that readily absorb and hinder evaporation of the sparse water, and healthy grasses of multiple species. This will not create immediate results. It will require hard work and dedication for years.

To that end, OLT has entered into a collaborative partnership with a local ranch, Arrowpoint Cattle Company (you might have eaten their delicious beef that we sell at OLT), which has been using this grazing method for years. We have also joined hands with the Savory Institute, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Bureau of Land Management, and our neighbors, Richard and Linda, to bring this effective process to the Everson Ranch, Richard and Linda's lands, and OLT's BLM grazing allotments, in order to bring our grasslands back.

Arrowpoint's cattle are Scottish Highland, small, drought and harsh weather resistant beauties that are trained to a whistle and a kind word - okay, and maybe some cow cookies. We have a total of around 120 cattle on the Ranch.

OLT has always had cattle on the Everson Ranch. The difference now is that we are practicing natural resource enhancement as opposed to commodities resource extraction.

So come help us celebrate our commitment to the preservation of OLT's beautiful lands and helping to build a model of sustainable agriculture so ranchers in the Northern San Luis Valley can continue to ranch and preserve our beautiful open spaces!

Wednesday, 30 April 2014 00:00

Waste Water Facilities Campaign

OLT's campaign for Valley View's Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades is well underway and is now nearly 15% complete. Our fundraising dinner was attended by nearly 200 people and raised over $15,000 in donations/ pledges and proceeds from guest speaker John Fielder’s generous donation of 30 % of book sales for the evening. Combined with donations from the December Annual Appeal mailing seeking funds for the WWTP upgrades, we have…
Wednesday, 30 April 2014 00:00

Volunteer Your Time!

Want to get involved at Orient Land Trust? Volunteers are extremely important to OLT. Please consider a donation of your time to help us work more efficiently toward the protection of the northern San Luis Valley’s unique resources and open space. Summer 2014 Volunteer Hosts Needed The Host opportunities listed below are all "full time," onsite positions that run for a minimum of two weeks, or more during our peak…
Thursday, 01 May 2014 00:00

OLT Needs Board Members

Fellow appreciators of OLT and fellow soakers, we need board members and board committee members. If you have ever thought of serving OLT this is the time to step up and be counted. If you are interested in serving on the board of directors or a board committee, please send an email to BDCchair with your name, phone number and any other pertinent information you wish to share. We…
Friday, 02 May 2014 00:00

Executive Director Selected

Orient Land Trust (OLT) is pleased to announce that long-time Saguache County resident Doug Bishop has been chosen as its new Executive Director. Doug is a native of Colorado and has lived in the northern San Luis Valley for over 40 years since moving to Major Creek, just south of Valley View Hot Springs, in 1973. He first visited Valley View that same year, even before OLT’s founders discovered it!…
Monday, 28 April 2014 21:23


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Do you have a great photo or story you'd care to share? OLT is always gathering content for its newsletters, brochures, and articles. You can always send your contributions to us for consideration. OLT appreciates all contributions and is careful to credit those who wish it. We also respect our visitor's anonymity and, where requested, leave off individual's names.

Download and sign the attached release before sending it back to us (scanned or by postal mail). Be sure to let us know if you'd prefer to be credited or anonymous. 

Note: Photographs should be of the highest resolution possible to be most widely useful. However, high-resolution images are large enough that only a few may be attached to an email. If you have more than 10 MB (megabytes) of images or video to share, please burn them to a CD or USB stick that can be delivered to our office physically.

Materials can be sent to:


Orient Land Trust
Information Systems
P.O. Box 65
Villa Grove, CO  81155-0065

Saturday, 08 March 2014 05:08

Orient Land Trust

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The Orient Land Trust is a non-profit land trust created around Valley View Hot Springs, its unique culture and environment.

With the Orient Mine and Everson Ranch, we now protect 2,200 acres, its wildlife corridor, pristine spring waters, hiking trails, rustic cabins, and camping. Visitors of all ages and walks of life enjoy free educational programs, naturist open spaces, geothermal warmth, hydroelectric energy, and Colorado's largest bat colony.  Read more...

Guidelines  -  Rates and Reservations  -  Bat Tours

Tuesday, 04 February 2014 09:17

2014 Membership Dinner and WWTP Fundraiser

Thursday, April 3 Enjoy a great meal & OLT friends, learn about OLT’s new strategic plan, support OLT’s Wastewater Treatment Plant campaign! Door prizes!

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.