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Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:16

OLT Buys Locally - Let's All Do It!

The Orient Land Trust is committed to our community. Our mission statement is clear: "Orient Land Trust is dedicated to the preservation of natural and biological resources, agricultural lands, wildlife habitat, open space, and historic and geologic features of the northern San Luis Valley for the education and enjoyment of current and future generations." Equally important is OLT's commitment to the economy of the northern San Luis Valley and its…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:15

Valley View Trading Post!

How often have you awoken in the Valley View Village and longed for a hot cafe au lait or hot chocolate of a lovely June morning? How often have your kids asked for ice cream on a hot August afternoon? Well, we have a solution! We are putting in a lovely Amish log cabin next to the Pavilion and we will be having local youth working to help you as…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:14

Exciting Events Planned

We're always trying new ways to engage and delight our members. This summer we've got some fun activities scheduled for you, beginning with a special performance by the Jah Kings, June 15th at 7PM at the Valley View Hot Springs Pavilion. This band, out of Fair Grove, Missouri and fronted by Alexander Kofi, has offered this free show to OLT members in order to spread their message of unconditional love,…
In order to keep all our visitors safe and sound, happy and content, we are enforcing our long standing rules and changing some others. The most important thing for everyone to remember is the baseline of Respect, Recognition and Responsibility. Have respect for yourself and others. Look around and recognize the needs of others and the effect your behavior is having on them. Take responsibility for your actions. If everyone…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:12

Calling All Volunteers!

Our volunteers are awesome! Without the help of volunteers, OLT would not be able to sustain the kind of experience we all enjoy here. We still have a need for Bat Hosts, Astronomy Hosts, and Discovery Hosts throughout the summer months, as well as Camp Hosts for September through November. Hosts receive free admission and camping sites, not to mention our undying gratitude! We've also got lots of work to…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:11

Gaux Margaux!

De la France au Colorado ...Ou de la mer à la montagne ... L'arrivée dans le plus haut état des USA a demandé un petit temps d'adaptation. Le mal des montagnes était inévitable pour moi qui vis au bord de l'océan. Trois jours après mon premier pas en terre américaine, j'ai enfin pu découvrir l'Orient Land Trust, un endroit magnifique, naturel, magique. J'ai été accueilli chaleureusement par les gens de…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:09

Grid? What grid?

The grid doesn't exist at Valley View Hot Springs! OLT has its own hydro-electric system to keep the lights on. And it has been running smoothly and has not been offline in months! Some of the items dependent on the system are: lights, refrigeration, heat, cooking, water pump, computers, hot water in the Apple Tree Pools! And anything else that takes electricity! But there are limits to the flow of…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:09

Youth Job Program

Late last year OLT was given a beautiful opportunity to help the San Luis Valley. Ben Eiseman, a local ranch owner and long-time supporter of OLT, passed away. His family and OLT have created the Ben and Mary Eisemen Educational Fund to help local SLV youth learn job skills within the mission areas of OLT. We have several exciting projects for this year. With the help of our French intern,…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:08

Kid’s Day - July 30

You know how every year we have a Member's Appreciation Weekend that is so fun, but no kids come? Well, this year, in addition to that marvelous party, we will have a Kid's Weekend! The weekend of July 30, we will have all kinds of kids in attendance and things for those kids to do in addition to swimming, wallowing in mud, chasing damselflies, diving for gnome stones, and worshipping…
Saturday, 11 May 2013 06:07

What’s Happening at the Everson Ranch?

SO much is happening! We are pursuing the evolution of the 150 year old Everson Ranch into an educational and agricultural center for the Orient Land Trust and the San Luis Valley. If you have been to the Ranch, you know the beautiful ancient ranch buildings: Barns, sheep sheds, bunk house, loafing sheds. We are going to build these buildings from within, leaving the beautiful, authentic historical facades wherever we…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.