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Friday, 28 August 2015 11:21

Membership Dinner & Fundraiser

Second AnnualOLT Membership Dinner & Fundraiser Presentations by DOUG BISHOP - OLT Executive DirectorJAY SIMS - Geologist & Earth Sciences Professor at University of Arkansas, Little RockKIRK NAVO - Retired, Wildlife Conservation Biologist for Colorado Parks and Wildlife Friday, October 9, 2015 Radisson Hotel 3155 S. Vaughn WayAurora, CO (I-225 & Parker Rd.) 5:30 - Cash Bar6:30 - Dinner Cost: $35 per person7:00 - OLT Report to Members & Speaker…
Monday, 10 August 2015 07:26

2014 Annual Report

OLT members have been accustomed for many years to receiving a Fall Newsletter. We are transitioning, alternatively, to an Annual Report which communicates about our activities and accomplishments over the ENTIRE past year instead of just ¾ of it as the Fall newsletter did. An Annual Report is also the only published document that lists and recognizes our donors through year-end since this information is not required in OLT's IRS…
Save the Date for OLT"s Second Annual Membership Dinner in south Denver at the Radisson Hotel near I-225 South and Parker Rd on Friday, October 9. The goal of the dinner is to raise funds to wrap up our Wastewater Treatment Facilities upgrades campaign, We still need nearly $100,000 to finish paying for this large but necessary project. Cash bar opens at 5:30 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm followed…
Thursday, 06 August 2015 21:18

“Everson Ranch Goodness”

Brand launched with new products! OLT's Everson Ranch now has its own brand name and logo thanks to the creativity of Geneva Mixon (OLT's recent Board Chair), Cherrye Williams (OLT"s Office Manager), and Mike O'Donal (Everson Ranch Manager). The idea for the label name, "Everson Ranch Goodness", germinated with Mike and Cherrye. Geneva captured the concept in a wonderful new logo depicting the ranch and its role at OLT. The…
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 21:17

Science Camp Smiles

The Science Camp this year had more participants. We rearranged the schedule to provide more time for the young scientists to spend time with their families. Parents remarked that they liked the schedule better. In the morning, we met for an hour or two. Sometimes we swam, one morning we had a geology hike at the mine, picking up rocks and looking at unusual formations. One morning there was a…
This is our chance to give a big Thank You! to all of our members. Thanks for your support! Orient Land Trust depends on your contributions. Your memberships have enabled us to pour water on the hayfields, protect the mine history and bat habitat, stock the freezer with organic grass fed beef, welcome geologists from high schools and colleges, provide research opportunities for biologists, create a thriving habitat for rare…
Sunday, 05 July 2015 03:06

Annual Report to be Mailed Soon!

Historically, the printed annual report was mailed out in the fall. Last year, when the time came to publish the annual report, we decided that it made more sense to publish each annual report earlier in the year as the audit was completed. Therefore, we did not publish an annual report last fall and the annual report that will be mailed soon will include the financial report for two years,…
Lots of rain, tall grass, bright sun, early summer. Add them all together and you get gnats and mosquitoes and sunburn. Nobody likes them. The bats will help with the bugs. The warm weather encourages us to shed our clothes and enjoy the warmth of summer. Sunblock protects us from sunburn and repellents help keep the pests away. However, we are at the top of a watershed and what we…
Saturday, 26 September 2015 18:25

Apple Tree Bridge

There is a new bridge to the heated pools. Thanks to metalworker, Jim Melcher, architect and machinist who designed and installed the bridge with the help of Mike Blevins, his able volunteer. After Jim did the welding and positioning, the staff poured the concrete, in which pipes containing flowing hot springs water are embedded. This will keep the bridge free of ice and snow even on cold January nights. The…
Monday, 01 June 2015 18:24

Gated Pipe Irrigation

OLT has made progress on the irrigated hay fields project at the Everson Ranch (pronounced "ee-vur-son"). The project, when finished, will provide water to over 50 acres of hayfields that have been dried up for many years. In 2014, Mike O'Donal, the ranch manager, was able to irrigate and harvest 8 acres of hayfields. This year, we purchased and installed over 1100 feet of ten inch pipe that will supply…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.