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Web Maester

Web Maester

Sunday, 08 April 2018 00:18

Summer is right around the corner!

Warm weather, cool nights, a great time to be outside! Summer is a favorite season for many hot springs guests. Those who have been here for a few years know that calling ahead is important. The bats take up summer residence at the mine starting in mid-June, the fireflies are blinking all summer, and camping is an inexpensive way to enjoy the outdoors. Remember that the wildlife is also more active. Many people are surprised at how tame are the deer in our little herd. They are not very nervous and will let people get close. However, please don't feed the deer as that teaches them that people have food and can make them aggressive. The past few years we've been lucky and bears have not been a problem. The few we've seen have just moved right through. Keeping campsites free of food helps to reduce attracting bears and keeping food in the food storage cabin keeps them from being lured into your camping spot. We are providing bear proof litter containers for trash that will also deter the marauding deer. We are again providing buckets to hold the food scraps. The buckets of compostable scraps are relayed onto the chickens and magically transformed from bear bait to chicken manure quickly and efficiently. Please don't include egg shells with the food scraps as that teaches the chickens to peck at and eat their own eggs. If you see a bear, report it right away for everyone's awareness.

Brown Bear at Valley View, 2011 -  - Bear-proof Trash Cans 2018 - Doug Bishop Bear-proof Trash Cans 2018 - Doug Bishop  -  -

Sunday, 08 April 2018 00:17


OLT has a partnership with Waste Free SLV to collect and transport recyclables. There are recycling stations at several locations throughout the hot springs: Oak House, the Pavilion, the parking lot near the swimming pool, Sunset Rooms, and the Welcome Center. Please separate and sort the recyclable materials as our partner's operation is not single stream recycling such as is available in larger communities. Consider decisions that reduce consumption of products that require recycling. Re-use those materials that are suitable for re-use (plastic bags, plastic water bottles, and such). Take care in sorting the recyclables so that the contents of recycle bins are not contaminated.

We have several new folks joining our visitor service staff! Diane Felton who volunteered as a Discovery Host last year, is returning to help with reservations and front desk check in. Michael Thompson who is new to the San Luis Valley, will be helping out at front desk and housekeeping. Mike McGee has joined our housekeeping staff. Sabine Borchers, currently in housekeeping will also be answering phones and making reservations. Returning from Fort Lewis College is Stephanie Gollihugh who will be on the front desk during her summer break. Please welcome these great new people to our community!

Michael, Diane, & Michael - Robin Rosenberg Stephanie is coming back! -

Sunday, 08 April 2018 06:16

Save the Date: Annual Weed Pull: Jun 5-6

Every year our Conservation Committee organizes a two day event to help eliminate noxious weeds on OLT property. The weeds we target are on the Colorado Noxious Weeds list. Noxious weeds are "non-native invasive plants that displace desirable vegetation and degrade natural and agricultural lands." They threaten our drinking water supply, agricultural crops, pasture lands and native habitats. It's a fun group event that really helps us keep this special landscape healthy and beautiful. This year the dates are Tuesday, June 5th and Wednesday June 6th. If you'd like to participate, please contact our volunteer coordinator Rosie to sign up (email: or call: 719-256-4315). Soaking and Camping fees are complimentary. Look for an expanded article about noxious weeds and other Conservation Committee project opportunities in our May newsletter.

Volunteers helping with weed pull 2017 - Robin Rosenberg

Sunday, 08 April 2018 00:15

Kids Science Camp Registration is Full!

Our Kids Science Camp Registration is full. Any families who would like to go on the waitlist for this year or on our email list for future years, please email Rosie

Sunday, 08 April 2018 00:14

New faces in old spaces

Join us in welcoming some new faces at Everson Ranch! We couldn't be anymore excited for this season's community garden under the management of the newest faces on our team, Brian, Dru and Brook.

Brian's enthusiasm for the garden is contagious! His plans for the year include creating a genetically diverse garden with a focus on open pollinated seeds, companion planting, and experimentation. He plans on having three garden plots, using half of the garden space for growing tried and true crops. The other half will be split again for growing test gardens, experimenting with drought resistant crops, seeds specific to our growing conditions and different styles of companion planting. Brian's ultimate goals for the summer include improving soil health, providing an educational platform for the community, and creating a truly holistic garden space for us to share with our guests and the community.

We're starting seeds now and repurposing many items as seed starting containers. From paper towel rolls to old oatmeal containers, there's no end to items we could reuse! Stop down at the ranch to meet Brian and Dru, visit the goats, and check out the garden.

You're sure to notice the new face on the old 'bunkhouse' building. Ranch manager Mike O'Donal never ceases to amaze us and this month he's really outdone himself. The new covered porch creates a lovely space for enjoying the star filled skies and sun filled days.

We're excited to be offering a brunch and BBQ on the weekends over the summer, inviting guests to come to the ranch for a tour and to share a meal. Our menu each week will be focused on what we can harvest out of the garden or source locally. Join us Saturday or Sunday, Memorial Day to Labor Day, for food and friendship on our new covered porch.

Monday, 26 March 2018 07:09

Oil and Gas Leasing Proposal

Dear Friend of San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council,

As you may or may not know, there is a proposed lease for oil and gas development near the Great National Sand Dunes Park and other important conservation areas in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains. Please read the attached letter and see attached maps of the area involved. Public comments are needed by Friday, April 6th, 2018.

Thank you!

Kay Crowder

Friday, 09 March 2018 11:58

March at the Ranch, 2018

I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden.
—Ruth Stout

Snow may be falling but March brings the promise of Spring and the planning for our community garden has begun. With another season quickly approaching, we're picking out seeds in anticipation of an abundant fall harvest. Employing permaculture designs, our garden goods are always grown in a sustainable manner and we strive to set an example stewardship for the land. Soon, the sun will be shining and we will have fresh vegetables and herbs to share with our community.

Have some extra plant starts you don't know what to do with or a little extra time on your hands? Join us in the garden! We love to welcome visitors to the Ranch and there is always work to be done! If you'd like to be a part of our community garden, we'd love to have your help! For more information about our volunteer program, you can fill out the online volunteer application and submit it to our volunteer coordinator, Rosie.

The mild winter has kept our flock of chickens happy! These chicks joined us last spring and began laying eggs late summer. Typically, this time of year, with less sunshine and cooler temps, the hens lay fewer eggs. This season has been warm and dry and we have plenty of fresh eggs available for sale at the Valley View Welcome Center.

The arrival of nearly a dozen baby goats has been the highlight of the year thus far. They're growing quickly and their playfulness has been attracting guests to the ranch. We love watching them grow and introducing them to their adoring public. They've also made friends with the other animals and are having a great time playing with the big black pigs.

The Governance Committee accepts applications for new board members all year long. With terms expiring every July, we are always keeping a lookout for interested, committed people to serve on the board. The commitment is for a three year term that involves four board meetings a year, intermittent work sessions, serving on a committee or two, available by email to address concerns that arise between board meetings, and the ability and willingness to read financial reports and consider the proposals concerning the direction and projects of Orient Land Trust. Those that have a long relationship might have an advantage though anyone that recognizes the values and feels a strong connection to OLT is welcome to apply. For more information, contact: Governance Committee Chair by emailing or call 719-256-4315 for more information.

Friday, 09 March 2018 11:57

Part Time Seasonal Help Wanted!

We are currently accepting applications for part time seasonal help for front desk and housekeeping staff. Front desk requires a friendly personality, love to interact with people, good computer skills, and the ability to multitask in a very busy, sometimes noisy office. Housekeeping is physical, laundry, cleaning of accommodations, welcome center and bathhouses. A commitment from April through September as well as a flexible weekly schedule is necessary. OLT does not provide staff housing. Please submit application to or mail to OLT, attention Rosie, PO Box 65, Villa Grove, CO 81155.

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.