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Web Maester

Wednesday, 13 July 2016 04:00

Board Outreach Meeting - This Saturday

The annual outreach meeting of the OLT Board of Directors is Saturday, July 16, 2016 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. All are welcome to attend in-person or online. The meeting will be held at the hot springs Pavilion once again this year and lunch will be provided. Come and join the meeting and meet the board members! 

Download the Agenda and Information Packet

Follow this and all our Board Meetings online 


Wednesday, 13 July 2016 03:58

Science Camp 2016!

Our project goals are to create awareness of environmental issues, resource sustainability, land and habitat conservation. To give our youth the opportunity to experience this unique environment, to expand their knowledge of the natural world through our educational programs and to instill a sense of stewardship and personal responsibility.

Science Camp is July 24th through the 28th. Our Kids Science Camp encompasses all of our educational programs including bat, hydro-electric, geology, astronomy and Everson Ranch tours. There will be a bird walk, nature walk, horse husbandry and trail ride, journal building, arts & crafts, campfires and barbecue! Parent or guardian must be present on property and are welcome to come along or register and soak in the hot springs. Camping over and attending the full week is recommended. Ages 5 to 15, younger children must be accompanied by a parent. There is no fee for summer camp!

Day Camp: For those who can't make the week long camp over, we have scheduled day tours targeted toward youth.

Five tours are planned:

  • July 12th: Hydroelectric Tour 10:30 AM
  • July 23rd: Astronomy Tour 7:00 PM
  • July 26th: Bat Tour & Hike 6:00 PM
  • August 6th: Ranch Tour & Barbecue 2:00 PM
  • August 9th: Geology Tour 10:30 AM

For more information or to register for either Science Camp or Day Camp please contact Orient Land Trust at or call 719-256-4315. Ask for Rosie if you have questions!

by "Rosie" Rosenberg

Kids Science Camp - Robin Rosenberg Kids Science Camp - Robin Rosenberg Making Cheese, Science Camp 2015 - Robin Rosenberg Kids Science Camp - Robin Rosenberg Valley View's Hydrogeology at Science Camp 2014 - Ruby Le Cuyer Exploring the Fault Scarp at Science Camp 2014 - Doug Bates Summer Science Camp 2013 - Underwater Exploration - Doug Bates

Wednesday, 13 July 2016 03:56

Educational Tours

We are offering nightly Bat and Astronomy Tours along with a campfire & s'mores! Yes, s'mores are not educational... but they sure are fun! Saturday and on request; Everson Ranch Tours, Hydro and Geology Tours are also available. There is no charge for any of our Tours! Please register at the Welcome Center.

Bat Tours began on the 13th of June and have reached their full numbers as of the 29th with incredible out flights! Nightly tours are leaving the welcome center at 6:30 pm. It is a moderate to strenuous hike, 4 miles round trip. Wear good walking shoes, warm clothing, rain gear if necessary. Bring a flashlight and drinking water. The tour usually takes 3 to 4 hours.

Fort Lewis College biology students along with Dr. Lemur and Kirk Navo were here on June 30th. They caught 21 bats and brought them back to the Pavilion to do their testing. Many guests were present and were able to witness the scientists at work. The scientists will submit a report on the health of our bat colony and we will keep you updated!

Everson Ranch Tours are every Saturday. Cherrye is hosting the tours, leading hikes to the reservoir, visiting the animals and overseeing volunteers in the garden. We have pigs, chickens, cows and a herd of goats. A new community garden has been planted and volunteers are always welcome to help! Our strawbale bathhouse is complete! At 5pm there is a potluck barbecue where guests can interact with staff, volunteers and learn more about OLT.

Astronomy Tours are scheduled nightly. Mark Cunningham has once again been an incredible asset to OLT. Mark is a professional astro-photographer and we are fortunate to have him here every other weekend this summer. Along with other passionate and knowledgeable volunteers, we are able to offer astronomy tours every night, weather permitting!

Geology & Hydroelectric Tours are offered upon request, just ask at the Welcome Center to schedule a tour.

Bat research - Robin Rosenberg Bat research at the Orient Mine - Robin Rosenberg Goats at Everson Ranch - Robin Rosenberg Science Camp 2015 - Robin Rosenberg Science Camp 2015 - Robin Rosenberg

Wednesday, 13 July 2016 04:10

Ranch Celebration Event October 1, 2016

Orient Land Trust is proud to present a Ranch Celebration Event on October 1, 2016. Hosted by OLT staff, External Affairs Committee members and volunteers we invite you to join us at the Historic Everson Ranch for our open house tours and special Harvest Dinner Concert & Dance. Register now online. Tickets for the dinner and concert are $50 per adult, $25 for minors aged 13-17 and there is no extra charge for kids under 12. All kids and minors must be accompanied by an adult.

This has been such a great year at the ranch with many long term projects being completed and new facilities and gardens opening for use. It’s time to celebrate. Everyone’s invited. Let’s enjoy a fun social time together with good food, music and dance.

The Harvest Dinner will include all the fixins, with meat, vegetarian and gluten free options. We’ll have grass fed beef and pork from animals raised at the ranch. The meal will be prepared by the artists at RustingRam Catering in true farm-to-table fashion.

The evening Concert and Dance promises a special treat featuring a wonderful trio led by Sandra Wong playing violin and the Swedish stringed instrument the nyckelharpa, multi-instrumentalist Andy Reiner and tabla hand drum player Steve Bross providing a variety of bluegrass, old time tunes and other special musical sounds for our listening and dancing enjoyment.

A beautiful late summer/early fall evening at the ranch. What could be better? Only all of you joining us for this special celebration. See you there.

Buy Your Tickets Now

Monday, 06 June 2016 10:19

Drinking Water: All Clear!

Good news! The most recent water tests showed no problems and the state has rescinded the boil drinking water notification. All clear.

Thanks to everyone for their understanding, helpfulness and great attitudes during the boil water alert. Valley View people are the best people! We are grateful for your patience and support. We're also glad that this was a brief and minor interruption. A special Thank You to camp host Barry Schwartz for his daily trips in his own truck to Salida to help supply OLT with bottled water!

Wednesday, 01 June 2016 13:59

[Update] Drinking Water Alert!

UPDATE: After our latest tests, the State has again given us the all clear. Enjoy drinking our pure spring water once again.

The Valley View drinking water system is under a "Boil Drinking Water" notification from the State of Colorado. We are providing bottled water to our visitors. If you're heading this way, you can help by bringing your own water.

Drinking Water Alert - Doug Bishop Drinking Water Alert - Doug Bishop

Wednesday, 01 June 2016 14:25

Science Camp, July 24-28

Orient Land Trust wants to give an appreciative Thank You! To the Saguache County Sales Tax Grant fund for their $2500 grant in support of the upcoming Science Camp. We were notified of the award just before Memorial Day and this is just the most recent example of the many ways that Saguache County has supported our efforts. The Science Camp this year is scheduled for July 24 through July 28. We will have daily scientific activities (examples: geology tour, hydroelectric tour, a hike to see the bat outflight, an evening watching the night sky at the telescope) and some other fun summer activities like swimming in the pool and hiking. For more information and to reserve your child's space contact Orient Land Trust at 719-256-4315.

2016 Science Camp Poster

Wednesday, 01 June 2016 14:16

Bird Fun & Photography Workshop, Jun 12-13

JUNE 12TH & 13TH  
Sunday Afternoon 4:00 – 7:00 pm  
Monday Morning 7:30 – 10:30  

Identify and record the different birds at Orient Land Trust by walking transects across the diverse habitats on the preserve. Those interested in bird photography are encouraged. Jim will use a high zoom point and shot cameras to help in identification. Bring binoculars and your camera!  

Please Call to Reserve Your Space!  

Bird Fun Photography & Identification Workshop

Jim Welch, Wildlife Photographer

Next time you come into the Welcome Center, you may notice new smiling faces! Crystal and Snowflower have joined our staff on the Front Desk and are ready to help you become a member, make a reservation, check in for your stay, or answer a question! We have given Evette, who has been working diligently for Housekeeping, a few shifts at the desk. Perhaps you'll be momentarily perplexed because she is out of context. She continues to do a great job in all areas. We also want to welcome Jesse, David and Adrienne who joined our housekeeping staff this spring. All are doing great work. Please make them feel welcome!

Monday, 16 May 2016 06:40

Walk Gently and Leave No Trace!

Use less paper! We recognize that we are a conservation organization with the intention of being conscientious stewards of this revered land. In the spirit of making Every Day an Earth Day, we would like to encourage everyone to bring their own dish cloths, dish towels, and clean-up supplies. Using less paper products will take some fresh thinking and willingness to put in a little effort..

Here are some suggestions:

1) Bring your own bath towels and dish towels, along with a dishcloth or two. In the kitchens, instead of using a towel or wash cloth that somebody else used, have your own clean one ready to go. Wash them at home and put them in the bin for hot springs trips. Avoid bringing paper products; be sensitive to your impact.

2) Use a regular mug or bring your own travel mug for your coffee or tea.

3) Bring a water bottle (metal or plastic) to fill at our water fountain. Get good drinking water piped fresh and pure from the springs.

Our guidelines have always been simple and focused. We ask our visitors to recognize that we are a conservation based land trust and to help us be good stewards by taking personal responsibility for yourself, your family and your pets. Be respectful of the land, the water, the animals, our staff and guests. We are all in this together!

You can help by:

Being responsible for your trash and recycling. We do provide a recycling area, but if you can take your trash/recycling home, that saves us the labor and expense of processing it.

Pack it in – Pack it out!

Always clean up after yourself! Never leave dirty dishes or food for others to clean up, even on the "free" shelf at Oak Lodge.

Be aware and responsible for your belongings! Please don't leave them in the forest or around the pools. Let the next visitor experience that moment of awe when they come upon a beautiful pristine pond!

Leave it better than you found it! If you see trash, pick it up. If you see a new guest who is being disrespectful, use it as a moment to educate and share our Valley View culture.

We want to maintain our unique culture while promoting our mission of conservation and land stewardship. Being a small nonprofit land trust we need all of our members and visitors to participate in this process! It not only helps us to keep our costs affordable, but creates a sense of ownership and stewardship that works well here and in the world at large.

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.