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Web Maester

Sunday, 05 July 2015 03:06

Annual Report to be Mailed Soon!

Historically, the printed annual report was mailed out in the fall. Last year, when the time came to publish the annual report, we decided that it made more sense to publish each annual report earlier in the year as the audit was completed. Therefore, we did not publish an annual report last fall and the annual report that will be mailed soon will include the financial report for two years, 2013 and 2014. In addition to the financial report for both years, you will find updates about Orient Land Trust's accomplishments and a list of the generous people who have donated to OLT. Last year was a good year for OLT and we'd like to thank everyone for their kindness, respectfulness, and continuing to donate to land conservation in the northern San Luis Valley.

Lots of rain, tall grass, bright sun, early summer. Add them all together and you get gnats and mosquitoes and sunburn. Nobody likes them. The bats will help with the bugs. The warm weather encourages us to shed our clothes and enjoy the warmth of summer. Sunblock protects us from sunburn and repellents help keep the pests away. However, we are at the top of a watershed and what we put into the water goes downstream to the fish and flora.

Remember: shower off the lotions and potions before soaking in the pools, be aware of the pollutants that you introduce, other people may not like what you are spraying while you are next to them. Some avoid these products altogether, floating a sarong across the surface of the water, wearing wide brim hats, or using an umbrella. Orient Land Trust protects the water, the land, and habitat. A few precautions help maintain pure water and clean air.


Saturday, 26 September 2015 18:25

Apple Tree Bridge

There is a new bridge to the heated pools. Thanks to metalworker, Jim Melcher, architect and machinist who designed and installed the bridge with the help of Mike Blevins, his able volunteer. After Jim did the welding and positioning, the staff poured the concrete, in which pipes containing flowing hot springs water are embedded. This will keep the bridge free of ice and snow even on cold January nights. The flagstone is now complete and the temporary wooden bridge has been removed. There will eventually be more appropriate handrails using juniper and oak instead of the pvc conduit handrails in place presently.

Apple Tree Bridge - Doug Bishop Apple Tree Bridge - Doug Bishop Apple Tree Bridge - Doug Bishop Apple Tree Bridge - Doug Bishop

Monday, 01 June 2015 18:24

Gated Pipe Irrigation

OLT has made progress on the irrigated hay fields project at the Everson Ranch (pronounced "ee-vur-son"). The project, when finished, will provide water to over 50 acres of hayfields that have been dried up for many years. In 2014, Mike O'Donal, the ranch manager, was able to irrigate and harvest 8 acres of hayfields. This year, we purchased and installed over 1100 feet of ten inch pipe that will supply five more gated pipe laterals. We also bought enough gated pipe to run two of those five laterals. We are adding some 6 inch pipe that will irrigate a few acres at the ranch house that will bring water to some new trees as well as grazing pastures for the Black hogs. With the abundant rains of this spring, we will be able to increase the hay harvest and provide lush grazing for the Scottish Long-haired Cattle from Arrowpoint, our organic beef partners.

10 10 10 6 pipe stock - Doug Bishop 6

Monday, 01 June 2015 18:23

Science Camp Updates

Science Camp in July. If you're interested in providing a wonderful week for your child with an emphasis on Science, check out the information letter and registration form. The young scientists will be free ($50.00 deposit refunded after camp ends). Parents can make normal reservation arrangements for the week. Ask for more information at the Welcome Center.

Monday, 01 June 2015 18:23

The Wastewater Treatment Plant

Everyone has heard about the WWTP and the long process involved; including recommendations, designs, permits, and the construction process. What may have been lost in the tale is the accumulating cost of the thing. Construction costs were about $180,000. We also paid the design firm and we paid the State of Colorado for permits. Altogether, the WWTP has cost more than $300.000. The good news is that we only borrowed $100,000. The rest has been paid as charges occurred through our admission and accommodation income. Thanks you to everyone that donated to the fund and thanks to everyone who has visited! Your support makes it possible.

Monday, 01 June 2015 18:21

We Can Use Your Help

If you have considered working on a committee supporting the OLT Board, now is the time to volunteer. If you are considering applying to be on the OLT Board, please send a letter of interest, a resume and references to the Governance Committee Chairs by June 15th. We look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, 01 June 2015 18:20

Member’s Appreciation Weekend

Fri Jul 31 – Sun Aug 2, 2015

Each year, OLT opens its gates to celebrate its devoted members and all their support. Anyone can become a member and no members are turned away. With so many fun-lovin' folks, we ask everyone to park off-site and be especially mindful of one another and our delicate space. Our supply of ice is limited and we encourage sharing tent spaces whenever possible.
Enjoy live music at the Pavilion.

The Gumbo Jets will play Friday night


Hippies with Blondes perform Saturday night


Stay tuned!

by Scott McCumber

Wednesday, 06 May 2015 20:59

Waste Water Plant Finished!

Friday, April 10, in the late afternoon, the crew of Weaver’s Level Best, connected the waste water pipe from the Valley View bathrooms, showers, and sinks to the new system. After more than six years of planning, permits, engineering, and coordinating, the new waste water treatment plan is now operational. The engineer has been here for his final inspection, the contractors pulled all their equipment out and peace and quiet returned to the neighborhood.

Working with the crew, Clayton, Steve, and Eli, was a pleasure. Their diligence, attention to detail, and knowledge helped the job go smoothly and quickly. The hillside is a bit raw, but with some spring rain or snow, the newly planted grass will green things up and it won’t be long until the recovery takes hold. OLT wants to extend hearty thanks to Weaver’s Level Best for a job well done. Attaboy!

We appreciate your patience and tolerance during the dust and noise. The weather was nice this spring and we had quite a few visitors come to soak. Hopefully, it was not too disruptive. The project that we worked so long and hard to implement is now complete and summer will be free of the hum and aroma of the old system. Thanks to everyone for the donations that help pay for the project! The OLT community is strong and healthy.

Original Wastewater Treatment Aerator, now filled in and removed - Doug Bates Old septic lagoon, now gone - Doug Bates Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion - Doug Bishop Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion - Doug Bishop Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion - Doug Bishop Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion - Doug Bishop Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion - Doug Bishop Weaver's Level Best Crew - Wastewater Treatment Plant Completion - Doug Bishop

Wednesday, 06 May 2015 20:55

Denver Art Society Party

Friday night, April 24, 2015, there was a party at the Denver Art Society at Seventh and Sante Fe in Denver. The space that we had was big, had scuffed hardwood floors, and high ceilings with old tin panels. The walls were covered with the works of the artists whose studios are at the Denver Art Society. There was beer on tap, generously provided by Renegade Brewery of Denver. My favorite was the Coffee Oatmeal dark beer, although the pale ale was also very good. There was wine provided by Vino Salida; two reds, a rose, and a chardonnay. We also had a table laden with food, some from the Ethiopian Restaurant next door and some vegetable trays and chips with salsa and guacamole. Caravan X, a band from Salida provided some great music. We had a great time and enjoyed visiting with artists, pedestrians passing by, as well as familiar faces from Valley View. Thanks to everyone who ventured out into the Friday night traffic to spend some time celebrating the completion of the big project and enjoying the artwork of the Denver Art Society.

OLT would like to give many thanks to the generous people and organizations that participated. Special hats off to: Renegade Brewery and Laura Vande Zande, Ambassador of Beer Enjoyment, Vino Salida and their delicious wines, Caravan X for great music and good humor, and the Denver Art Society for the venue and the prolific, stimulating, and intriguing art work that gave the room such a creative flair. Attendance at this fun event was less than hoped, but it was a great OLT “community builder!” Thanks again to all those OLT members who did come!

Packing Tape Scuptures at Denver Art Society 2015 - Doug Bishop OLT Booth at Denver Art Society 2015 - Doug Bishop Denver Art Society 2015 - Doug Bishop Board Member, Mike Blevins at Denver Art Society 2015 - Doug Bishop Denver Art Society 2015 - Doug Bishop Volunteer, Jane Jolley at Denver Art Society 2015 - Doug Bishop Renegade Booth at Denver Art Society 2015 - Doug Bishop Hanna Ranch Documentary by ScSEED - Julie Mach

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.