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Web Maester

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 16:22

"the 7 animal photos sent on April 2nd"

[coming from Sabine 2022 "the 7 animal photos sent on April 2nd" ... double-check that 2nd thumbnail matches]

Animals at the Ranch - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers Animals at the Ranch - Sabine Borchers

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:45


Orient Land Trust honors founder, Neil Seitz, on July 10, 2022.

Those of you who pay attention to the availability calendar might have noticed that the July 10 date has filled in. We have reserved the hot springs on July 10 for a memorial service for invited friends and family of Neil and Terry Seitz. Some accommodations have multiple nights due to the distance some of the guests are traveling.

We know that many people would like to recognize Neil and his phenomenal contribution to the hot springs, the community, and the land trust. We may be able to hold a large memorial at some point but this date is a more subdued event. We appreciate everyone's cooperation and understanding.

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:43

Weed Pull Volunteers

It's that time again!

Every year, a group of dedicated volunteers participate in our annual weed pull!

We hope to offer opportunities for individuals to get their hands dirty and volunteer by pulling weeds. Noxious weeds are "non-native invasive plants that displace desirable vegetation and degrade natural and agricultural lands. They threaten our drinking water supply, agricultural crops, pasture lands and native habitats." Most of the weeds we pull are from the state of Colorado's B list. These include Bull Thistle, Houndstongue, and Henbane.

OLT is committed to working on our weed issue without using chemical sprays or weed killers, so volunteer power is critical.

This year, volunteers will arrive on the 25th for a day of relaxation before the work begins at 8am on the morning of the 26th. We will start the day by gathering and receiving training on which invasive species we are targeting and how to properly remove them. We will work until noon on the 25th and 26th.

There are a few more volunteers needed for this year's workshop. VVHS admission fees and tent camping will be provided on May 25th and 26th.

Contact our volunteer coordinator to sign up! Email Crystal at

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:41

Ranch Volunteers


Volunteering at the Everson Ranch in 2022 Last year's volunteer program at the Everson Ranch was successful. Our gratitude goes out to those volunteers who got the work done. The support and help we received was amazing. This year, OLT is once again recruiting ranch volunteers starting in May. Do you want to get away from urban life, live in the country and live on a

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:39

Everson Ranch Workshops

Last year OLT hosted their first free 2-3 hrs. mini workshops at the Everson Ranch for OLT guests and neighbors. Volunteers shared their expertise on several different subjects.

We had a hands-on class on how to build your own beehive box, a lecture on the history of tea, a lecture about bees in general and another hands-on experience on harvesting weeds from the garden and preparing a meal with them.

We are hoping to provide a similar educational program this year for all ages. These events will be posted in the newsletter and/or on the board by the welcome center. We are looking for classes that support the practical aspects of the ranch and garden on topics, for example how to protect and build topsoil with mulch and cover crop, improve soil health, crop rotation and drought resistant landscapes. How to turn a small garden area into an edible landscape, on herb gardens, canning food, making compost tea, restoring wooden fences, treating wood for preservation, building shade structures for the chickens and more. There is always something to do at a ranch. Hands-on! You might have other great ideas that would support the preservation and development of the Everson Ranch and provide others with practical skills to implement in their lives. You would support OLT's mission of lifelong learning for all ages, preservation and stewardship of the land in a fun project for all involved. Should you be interested in volunteering to teach at the ranch on a subject that you feel knowledgeable and passionate about, please email Sabine at . You are welcome to camp at the ranch for 1-2 nights on the days of the workshop.

Learning at the Everton Ranch - Sabine Borchers Learning at the Everton Ranch - Sabine Borchers Learning at the Everton Ranch - Sabine Borchers Learning at the Everton Ranch - Sabine Borchers Learning at the Everton Ranch - Sabine Borchers

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:38

World Naked Gardening Day

Saturday May 7th. at the Everson Ranch. 
The ranch will open at 9:30am. We are starting to work at 10:00am and as long as people like to help that day. 

"This is an invitation to participate in an international, annual event where gardeners and non gardeners come together to celebrate gardening in the open. Usually it is a fun, lighthearted and a liberating experience. 

You can wear as much or as little clothing as you wish. You might want to dress in layers since the weather in early May at the Everson Ranch is unpredictable. Could be mild and comfortable but it could also be windy and cool. Precipitation, rain or snow, is also a possibility. 

Please bring: sunscreen, sun hat, sun glasses, water bottle, solid shoes, and gardening gloves. Because we are still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, also bring your face mask. You might like to bring your lunch to enjoy after gardening. After lunch there will be a tour of the ranch for those that would like to stay longer. 

It is still not known how much we will be open to visitors and guests this year. We could use your help in the greenhouses, the garden and grounds keeping." 

Please join us!

World Naked Gardening Day - Sabine Borchers World Naked Gardening Day - Sabine Borchers

Tuesday, 05 April 2022 02:30

A Busy Day at the Office

Every March we get a kick start and reminder of how many people want to visit Valley View. We are not only seeing a return of guests that have not been here since our COVID closure, but also many new residents of the San Luis Valley and tourists wanting to experience the uniqueness of Orient Land Trust and Valley View Hot Springs. Every one of these visits begins with a phone conversation. Our phones ring non-stop much of the time. Many calls are from those who have never been here and require more time on our part to make sure they understand what OLT and Valley View represent. Since our offerings are so unique this can take some time and multiple calls. You may find yourself leaving a message; we will call you back. There are times a message is not understandable due to poor cell service. If we encounter a full voicemail box we don't try again. If you have not heard from us after 2 hours please try again.

The Welcome Center is currently working very well as office space and guests may come in to register and use the restroom at check-in. We continue to sell ice, ice cream, Everson Ranch eggs and a few snacks. In the past coffee and tea were available for guests. However, that is not available now. Please come with everything you will need for your stay. Everyone has access to a kitchen with a coffee maker or stove, so as long as you come prepared with your own supplies there is no need to feel deprived.
Thank you for your continued support and patience,

All of the Visitor Service Staff (Kelley, Lisa, Crystal, Katelyn, Jamie and Cherrye)

Monday, 07 March 2022 21:31

Imagine Yourself As A OLT Board Member

Orient Land Trust's current board is doing an awesome job ensuring that the vision and mission of OLT is met. The current and past board members work closely with OLT staff to keep things spinning like a smooth-running hydro generator creating energy that electrifies all visitors. We believe OLT's influence joins other similar tribes in the international arena of love as being guardians of our future world. Perhaps this season may include you applying to be on the Orient Land Trust executive board.

It is our honor to encourage interested OLT members to consider serving as a future board member. You can read more about being a board member at

To Current Orient Land Trust Volunteers and Committee Members.

Please consider submitting a letter of interest for serving as an OLT board member. You know the mission and goals of OLT, and have spent time serving in some capacity at OLT.

Send your letter of interest to

Orient Land Trust Members:

Please consider submitting a letter of interest to serve on the OLT executive board. Send your letter of interest to

In your letter you may share experiences you have with nonprofits (including volunteer boards), fundraising, finance, committee work, volunteerism bridged with your familiarity with own experiences at Valley View and the Orient Land Trust (OLT) bio-region
The Orient Land Trust learning curve can be steep for members who are curious about the scope of OLT (it's sooo much more than soaking pools). Here are some fun ideas for discovering what Orient Land Trust board candidates may recommend as part of an OLT adventure.

There are adventures where you can learn more of the scope of OLT. Enjoy a tour of the farm, gardens, bats or take a hydro tour (my favorite). Questions about the bioregion, wildlife, invertebrates, astronomy, water, mountain biking and hiking trails or running an "off grid" non-profit business begins at the Visitors Center.

Educate yourself about the many layers of OLT by reading the informative OLT web site.

Would you like to join an OLT committee? This is an excellent way to serve OLT and learn more about the operations of this non-profit enterprise. Contact a Committee Chair for more information if interested:

  • External Affairs (Outreach and Fundraising). Contact;
  • Internal Affairs (Finances & Human Resource). Contact;
  • Conservation (Resource and Protection) Contact;
  • Site Plan (Focus on Valley View). Contact;
  • Long Term Visioning (Future Direction) Contact;

Attend a board Meeting.

Observing an Orient Land Trust board meeting is an informative way to learn if you may be interested in becoming a future OLT board member. You can find more specifics of when board meetings occur and expectations of being on the board at the OLT website. The next board meeting is on April 23rd so make sure you make your reservation early, and remember to tell Kelly that you will be attending the board meeting.

All board applications are taken very seriously by the Governance Committee, so please do not let any obstacle (age, gender, disability, etc.) keep you from writing a letter of interest.

Writing Your Letter of Interest.

Please consider writing a narrative highlighting your experience with nonprofits (including volunteer boards), fundraising, finance, committee work, volunteerism, familiarity with OLT, your interests and expertise, and why the board would want you as its newest member.

Please send it to .

Submitted by Jon Florey, chair of the Governance Committee and Jim Manley, co-chair of the Governance Committee.

Friday, 11 March 2022 21:26

Douglas County Residents

Attention residents of Douglas County. Do you value Valley View Hot Springs and Orient Land Trust? Do you question and challenge the Renewable Water Resources (RWR) proposal to take water from the San Luis Valley and pipe it to provide water for growth in your county? Your voice matters. The Douglas County commissioners want to hear from YOU in regards to the Renewable Water Resources (RWR) proposal. People across the Valley and around the state are joining together to fight the proposal that would export water from the San Luis Valley to Douglas County. Our goal is to send over 1,000 letters from people like you who care about the Valley, our public lands and maintaining intact ecosystems. Send them an email or a letter with your thoughts. Join in the struggle for common sense! Douglas County residents have more influence on the county commissioners. Write letters to the Commissioners, or to Newspapers in the form of Letters to the Editor.

Douglas County Commissioners have already received many letters from Douglas County citizens supporting the RWR proposal and the use of ARPA funds for increasing the Douglas County water supply. If you value the time you spend in the San Luis Valley and want to protect this high desert valley and its scant water, your voice can make a difference.

We are in the public comment phase that Douglas County has begun, so it is imperative that they hear from everyone that has concerns and especially residents of Douglas County.
You have every right to weigh in on this issue.

If you have concerns, please contact OLT with any questions.

The goal of the water protecting organizations in the Valley is to have people write and deliver 1,000 letters to Douglas County from all over the state by March 15th.

Also, we will be requesting from all our members to send a copy to us, at , so we can keep a ball park record of what letters are coming in.

Thanks so much; every individual effort that may seem like a small bit accumulates.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022 06:14

Happy New Year 2022

May this year begin and end in health and well being for all.

We continue to encourage everyone who comes to be considerate and not arrive with any signs of illness. Our staff and guests have maintained a great track record for the past 2 years, may that continue. Our limited capacity allows for healthy distancing and a relaxed stay.

While we were closed in December our sauna was completely repaneled with fresh cedar and opened for use on December 31st. There are mixed opinions if this was a wise decision. Everyone can decide for themselves whether to use it or not depending on your comfort level. Guests may now come into the Welcome Center to register and check-in, masks are required in all indoor shared spaces except the sauna. There is no food or drinks available for sale. Everyone should come well supplied. Bring unbreakable water bottles to fill at any drinking fountain or sink faucet on the property.

You still need to bring bedding for all guests in your party. We are providing basic cooking and eating utensils, pots, pans and dishes. These are found in a plastic bin in each accommodation and should be clean, dried and returned to the bin before you leave.

Campers have access to the open air pavilion for cooking, bring all your own cooking necessities, none are provided. The Oak House is only to be used by guests staying there. Come prepared for cold weather camping. No open wood or charcoal fires are permitted; your own propane fire rings or cook stoves are an option.

Our gate opens at 11 am and all guests are welcome to come in and enjoy the pools and sauna knowing that vehicle sites are vacated at noon and indoor accommodations may not be available until 4 pm. Day visitors must check-in by 6 pm and depart by 8 pm. Overnight guests must arrive and check-in by 9pm. All must be out of campsites and accommodations by noon. Leave OLT property by 4 pm on the day of departure.

The "Guest" Wi-fi is only available within about 100' of the Welcome Center. We can not guarantee a strong-steady connection.

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Box2 Module Variation

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Box3 Module Variation

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For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.