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Wednesday, 19 January 2022 00:51

Saguache County Water at Risk

The Douglas County Commissioners will be holding a series of town hall meetings to discuss buying water from the northern San Luis Valley. We do not yet have the date of the next town hall but it is estimated to be in early February. The proposal to export water from the confined aquifer in the San Luis Valley is a scheme that puts Valley View Hot Springs water at risk.

The San Luis Valley is a high desert. With an average annual precipitation of just over 7 inches, water is scarce and precious. There is not enough water to export to burgeoning front range subdivisions, developments, and towns. The ecosystem is fragile. The hot springs water that supplies the natural soaking pools comes from fractures along the geologic fault zone that is adjacent to the base of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The Sand Dunes National Park is a large area that depends on the scarce water that is here. Farms and ranches use the little water available with a keen awareness of how precious each drop is. The San Luis Valley economy, about $550,000,000 per year, is largely dependent on agriculture.

We need your help. Please write or email the Douglas County Commissioners and express your concern at a plan that has the potential to devastate the entire valley and Valley View Hot Springs.

Contact County Commissioners

Mail a letter to:

Douglas County Commissioner’s Office
Commissioner NAME
100 3rd Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104

Email Douglas County Commissioners at:

Call the central phone line to reach the Commissioners listed below: (303) 660-7401

  • Commissioner Abe Laydon, District I - has indicated he has not taken a position.
  • Commissioner George Teal, District II - has stated, “As a Douglas County commissioner, any opportunity to bring water into the county I think does bear serious consideration.”   
  • Commissioner Lora Thomas, District III - has stated she does not support the RWR proposal.

Contact the News Media

You can submit a letter to the editor or guest opinion editorial to the Douglas County and Denver newspapers.

Douglas County News Press and all associated publications
Submit 750 – 800 words to Thelma Grimes at
Letter to Editor: Submit 250 words to

Colorado Sun
Submit 750 – 800 words to Editor Larry Ryckman at or (303) 900-5786
Letter to Editor: Submit 300 words to

Denver Gazette
Submit 700 – 800 words to Dan Njegomir at or (720) 220-5891, or online at
Letter to Editor: Submit 250 words to Dan Njegomir at or (720) 220-5891, or online at

Denver Post
Submit 650 – 700 words to Lee Ann Colacioppo at or (303) 954-1754
Letter to Editor: Submit 250 words to or (303) 954-1331, or online at

Pueblo Chieftain
Submit 500 words to Luke Lyons at or (719) 544-0166
Letter to Editor: Submit 250 words to

Following are some key messages you may consider including in your emails and letters.

  1. San Luis Valley cities, farmers and residents universally oppose the RWR proposal. The Protect our Water coalition consists of 15 water districts and entities as well as more than 20 cities and towns and over 20 conservation and environmental groups. Our group continues to grow:
  2. There is no renewable water in the SLV to export. There is no water available to be moved outside the San Luis Valley to Douglas County. Both the shallow and deep aquifers are "over-appropriated." RWR's statement that there are a billion acre-feet of water under the valley floor is false and has been debunked in court.
  3. All water in the Valley is connected. Therefore, removing water from both aquifers can reduce river and stream flows. Pumping water out of the deep aquifer can also affect water levels in the shallow aquifer. This could negatively impact the environment, including streams, rivers, fish and wildlife.
  4. Agriculture is the economic driver of the San Luis Valley. The roughly 1,600 farms and ranches in the Valley account for close to $400 million in market value of products sold. Colorado is the second largest potato growing region in the U.S. Every facet of the local economy is dependent on agriculture. Water leaving the Valley will only harm the economy and every job sector. The San Luis Valley does not want 'buy and dry for export' to devastate our community, like what happened in Crowley County.
  5. RWR's plan faces insurmountable odds of ever getting done. The project will cost more than $1 billion to pay for the water, federal permitting, water court fees, land acquisition and easements and infrastructure costs (miles of pipeline installed over Poncha Pass to move water from the Valley to the Front Range). It's a bad investment for Douglas County, and siphoning off funds that could go to more viable water projects. RWR says it will use reservoirs that belong to Denver Water and Aurora Water, which would require agreements and contracts with these water providers that do not exist.
  6. There have been several attempts to transport water out of the Valley, and all have been defeated. RWR is undermining efforts in the Valley to solve water scarcity problems locally. RWR's project will put additional strain on the local economy, environment and communities, making successful aquifer recovery and sustainable agriculture even more challenging.
  7. RWR's $50 million community fund would be a one-time payment and will not go far. The long-term consequences of the project will damage the local agricultural economy and far outweigh any short-lived benefits of a one-time payment. It will harm our agricultural production, livelihoods and community. No one is being swayed by this payment.
  8. There is no environmental "net gain" from RWR's proposal. Their plan to add 9,000 acre feet back into the aquifer would require the dry up of an additional 10,0000 acres of land in the valley. RWR would pump water out of a concentrated area that could harm area creeks and streams that flow through and near the Great Sand Dunes National Park, the Baca National Wildlife Refuge and the San Luis Lakes State Wildlife Areas. The Valley supports at least 13 threatened and endangered species and more than 260 species of birds, including the sandhill cranes. RWR puts all wildlife, including these threatened/endangered species, at risk. That's why 25 environmental and conservation groups have come out in opposition.
  9. RWR's plan is outdated and out of touch with the realities of Colorado Water, climate change and drought. The era of large, expensive transbasin diversions is over. This is not a good investment and proponents/speculators are not likely to be satisfied with just 22,000 acre feet. The goal of Colorado's Water Plan is to avoid agricultural buy and dry throughout the state and end new transbasin diversions that are not supported by all impacted basins of origin.
  10. The San Luis Valley has a long history of working hard to help solve its water scarcity issues. Locals have worked collaboratively to create and implement water management plans and programs to address aquifer recovery.

For more information: (719) 589-6301 Ext: 1849  | 

Here is a link to the Douglas County Commissioners Town Hall  Comment Form for ARPA

Sample Letter (Your letter has a better chance of making an impact if you personalize it.)

Dear Douglas County Commissioners,


Regarding: RWR Proposal


In the interest of protecting the environmental balance in the San Luis Valley, I urge you to reject the proposal from RWR. I realize that water is scarce. That is true throughout the entire southwest United States. The already meager amount of water is declining ever more due to long term drought. The forecast for the future is for less and less precipitation in all western river basins. The RWR plan to redistribute a scarce water supply to Douglas County from the Rio Grande Basin is short sighted and a threat to natural resources, the agricultural economy of the San Luis Valley, and the people who depend on the water that RWR is trying to sell you.


The San Luis Valley is a high desert. The reserves of water are being depleted by drought and overuse already. The ecosystem is delicately balanced and the nearly twenty year drought has stressed the agricultural economy, the aquifers, and vast natural resources such as The Sand Dunes National Park, the Rio Grande National Forest, and the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness.


The RWR proposal is flawed. The water reserves in the aquifers are inaccurately defined, the negative impacts on the San Luis Valley ignored, and the costs grossly underestimated - both in dollars and environmental degradation.

Please do the environmentally sound thing and dismiss this proposal. This is not a well considered solution for Douglas County nor is it at all beneficial to the high desert of the San Luis Valley.

More information: The Orient Land Trust Facebook page has a compilation of articles and news stories with information about the proposal and the opposition to the plan. It is a convenient place to access information.

Wednesday, 08 December 2021 19:18

Stop RWR Water Exports: Urgent Call to Action

Renewable Water Resources (RWR) is seeking "a $20 million investment of COVID refund money" from Douglas County. They intend to pump, redistribute, and sell San Luis Valley's deeper groundwater as a cheaper alternative for south Denver and Pueblo's growth. At risk is the continued existence of Valley View's geothermally heated spring water which could be drastically altered or eliminated! Our balance of agriculture and wildlife would be impacted as well. There is a public meeting 5:00pm Thursday night in Castle Rock followed by an (online) Town Hall starting at 6:00pm. There Douglas County residents can hear about the plan and respectfully voice their concerns. All residents are urged to attend in person, participate online, or dial in to 833-380-0668 or if able. 

Thursday, 25 November 2021 06:19

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Wednesday, 24 November 2021 18:12

Neil F. Seitz, 1954-2021

Neil Seitz, age 67, achieved freedom from a long illness on November 17, 2021. He passed away peacefully with his wife by his side at his home at Valley View Hot Springs, Moffat, CO. Neil was born on August 12th, 1954 in Winona, Minnesota, to Doris May (Hoffman) Seitz and Ferdinand aka Vernon Seitz both of whom pre-deceased him. He is survived by his wife of more than 40 years Terry (McLaughlin) Seitz, his brother Donn Seitz (Revae) of Winona, his three sisters Suzanne Arnold (Richard) of Baja Mexico, Keta McCarthy (Brian) of Winnetka, IL, Amy Cordry (Val) of Winona, and his three children James Seitz (Deanna) of Parachute, CO, Michael Seitz of Poncha Springs, and Lucia Seitz Kaichen (Lucas) of Fairbanks, AK, as well as his 5 grandchildren – Alexis - 16, Tatum - 13, Gauge - 13, Elijah - 11 and Ivy - 4. Neil was a beloved member of his wife’s family and survivors include his mother-in-law Hilda (Scott) McLaughlin – 98, and his sisters-in-law Karen McLaughlin (Mark Schubin) of New York City and Elinor Laurie (Richard) of Moffat.

Neil was working toward an engineering degree at CU Boulder when he was told about a place called Valley View Hot Springs and his life’s path was permanently altered. Upon visiting the hot springs in 1974 he decided to take a semester off from college to caretake the hot springs for then owners Roy and Faye Everson. That semester off lasted for the rest of his life, and his vision for the hot springs and surrounding area guided him and proved a lasting passion. A year after he moved to Valley View, Terry joined him and together they steered the popular and unique resort for nearly 30 years, having purchased it from the Everson family in 1979. In 2001 the Seitzes realized that there needed to be a way to preserve the hot springs for generations to come, beyond their lifetimes. They created Orient Land Trust to do this and in 2010 donated the property to the non-profit. Not long after donating the hot springs, Neil was diagnosed with Posterior Cortical Atrophy, a rare form of early onset dementia.

Neil was very active in the communities of northern Saguache County for many years. He enjoyed his participation in the SC Search & Rescue in the late 70’s and early 80’s. He served for many years on the SC Planning Commission. But one of his great, and much appreciated, endeavors was the annual fireworks show at Valley View on the 4th of July which he provided for nearly a quarter century until his disease and other factors required him to give it up.

Neil was extremely intelligent, a true renaissance man, patient, dedicated and a wonderful father. He held life-long beliefs about the necessity of reducing the planet’s population, and this led him and Terry to adopt their three children. It also inspired him to develop an off-grid electric system for Valley View utilizing hydroelectric power, creating a “green” resort before it was in vogue. Neil was also devoted to the freedom of clothing-optional recreation.

Neil was a shining star of inspiration for many, many people who worked with him, visited the hot springs, or were lucky enough to become his friend. His vision enabled many to find peace, joy, community, purpose, acceptance and love. Neil will be hugely missed but never forgotten. It is hoped that a memorial celebration of his life will be held at Valley View in the summer of 2022. Gifts in memory of Neil may be made to Orient Land Trust.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021 17:00

Neil F. Seitz, Founder

Neil Seitz died November 17, 2021 in his home. For those of us who have been around for a while, Neil was well known and recognized for many remarkable achievements. The hot springs was once owned and operated by the Everson family and, in the early years of Neil's stewardship, he spent many days helping Roy Everson at the Everson Ranch in addition to overseeing daily activity at the hot springs. Neil was a hot springs caretaker at first and then worked out a lease arrangement. Neil and Terry bought the hot springs in 1979 from Faye Everson after Roy died in 1978. The Seitzes rebuilt the swimming pool, integrated geothermal space heating, fixed up the old cabins, built the hydroelectric power plant, built the bathrooms, and navigated a balance between fixing up the hot springs and retaining a rustic and historic atmosphere.

How does one protect and shelter the natural wealth of this place? Neil and Terry answered the question by founding Orient Land Trust in 2001. Through the years before the land trust they had worked toward environmentally sound practices. As the goals of the land trust were articulated, past innovations and forward looking ideas became part of the ideals. Miles from the electrical grid, alternative energy ideals led to hydroelectricity. Valuing natural resources extended to protecting water, wildlife, and flora. Preserving the history of the Orient Mine, the agricultural heritage of the area as well as promoting sustainable land use were recognized and specifically documented. Trying to save some of the vistas and open land that once characterized this part of the world was recognized as a worthwhile effort. The oasis of the hot springs had for many years offered opportunities for people to reveal their bodies and, in so doing, reveal their undisguised inner selves. This too was woven into the purposes of Orient Land Trust. Part of the donation of the hot springs to the land trust includes a deed restriction that guarantees that clothing remains merely an option. Neil and Terry, conservationists with regard for nature and history, created the land trust in alignment with these values. Their life's work was donated to protect the place treasured by so many. The work reaches beyond the boundaries of OLT's properties into the entire northern San Luis Valley.

For many years, Neil and Terry lived in a small log cabin built in the 1920s. In the late 1980s, the Seitz home was built. There, Neil and Terry raised their children and used the precious large space for extended family get-togethers, board meetings, and gatherings for many occasions. Prior to his death, Neil had been ill for several years yet was able to live out his life at his Valley View Hot Springs home. We are grateful for his inspiring vision and many gifts. Our admiration, respect, and gratitude are extended with our sincere condolences to Terry and the family.

Founders Enjoying the Waters - Teresa Seitz Neil Atop Cottonwood Peak - Teresa Seitz Oak Dorm Construction, circa 1980 - Doug Bishop Main Bath , circa 1983 - Doug Bishop Neil and others, rebuilding swimming pool, circa 1980 - Doug Bishop Neil Seitz and Doug Bsihop surveying for Valley View's Drinking Water - Doug Bishop Neil and Terry's house project - Doug Bishop Founders First Soak in the Apple Tree Pools - Mike Blevins Founder, Neil Seitz starting a Hydro Tour - Neil's Secret Ice Mine - Doug Bates  - Teresa Seitz Neil's fireworks 2003 - Christopher Lindley Seitz Wedding - Teresa Seitz Neil Seitz at Space Museum, planning his next roject - Teresa Seitz Neil Seitz as a Young Adult - Teresa Seitz Neil Seitz- a Child Playing with Lightbulbs - Teresa Seitz  - Mike Blevins Neil Seitz - Mike Blevins

Monday, 15 November 2021 09:10


December is a time when many people plan to spend time with family and celebrate holidays. Last year, Valley View was open for most of December because we were closed for more than four months due to Covid-19. This year, we will return to our normal December schedule. We will be closed from December 1st - 28th. For the first 2 weeks (December 1st through the 16th), members can call to make a reservation and voice mail messages will be returned. We will not be checking messages or returning calls from December 17th - 26th so don't leave a message during this time. On December 27, we will again answer the phones and return calls. On December 29, we will reopen. 

Although the virus has altered our numbers and reduced some of the amenities that we all enjoy, we have weathered 2021 more comfortably than we expected. The contagious virus is surging yet again as of mid-November and it looks like we will all be making adjustments. The uncertainties call for a degree of caution. We are looking at keeping the visitor numbers reduced but hope to be able to provide cooking utensils and dishes once again. Depending on the indicators, there may be other amenities that we can affordably and safely provide. 

Thank you for your support and your patience. We have preferred to err on the side of being extra careful while keeping requirements at a minimum. There is a broad range of opinion and belief throughout the world and Valley View visitors also reflect this wide range. 

Monday, 15 November 2021 09:07

Recognition, Respect, and Responsibility

These 3 qualities, Recognition, Respect and Responsibility, were coined by Neil and Terry Seitz, the Founders of Orient Land Trust and developers of Valley View Hot Springs, as a reminder to everyone who visits to Recognize the beauty, uniqueness and sacredness of this place. Be respectful and kind to yourself and others. Respect the natural environment and wildlife that share their home with all of us. Take Responsibility for yourself and all you bring with you, familiarize yourself with the procedures and guidelines so your visit will align with the other "R's" Relaxation, Rejuvenation, and Reverence. 

The mission statement for Orient Land Trust is another reminder of what our focus is: 

The land trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Valley View Hot Springs and its viewshed, including natural and biological resources, agricultural lands, wildlife habitat, open space, and historic and geologic features of the northern San Luis Valley, for the education and enjoyment of current and future generations. 

Valley View Hot Springs is a unique place where you can immerse yourself in nature while connecting personally with OLT's cycle of sustainability. Through your stewardship and contributions, you help preserve the natural resources. 

Appreciation and Gratitude to all who contribute time and money to OLT. 

Happy Holidays! May you experience Peace of Mind and Excellent Health in the New Year 2022. 

From all the staff at Orient Land Trust and Valley View Hot Springs 

Tuesday, 31 August 2021 09:12

Ranch Volunteers

Do you want to get away from urban life, live in the country and live on a ranch helping with ranch and garden chores? Orient Land Trust is asking for end of season ranch volunteers.

Available soon! We offer a remote, peaceful setting on the 150 year old Everson Ranch. The garden and ranch buildings are only four miles from the base of the Sangre de Cristos and the views are inspiring. The Everson Ranch is 760 acres and offers unlimited hiking opportunities on the ranch and in the nearby Sangre de Cristo Mountains. There are two hot springs nearby. Valley View Hot Springs, part of Orient Land Trust, and Joyful Journey Hot Springs and Spa. The garden provides fresh, organically grown vegetables. For pictures and background information go to the website at or watch Historical Everson Ranch, Orient Land Trust on YouTube.

Volunteer housing is in a rent free, small, solar heated cottage (no running water). Shower, bathroom and fully equipped kitchen nearby. Use of Valley View Hot Springs as availability permits (about 1-3 times per week).

We ask that you commit to at least two weeks. Longer stay for the right person is also workable. For more information contact Doug Bishop (email)

 - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers  - Sabine Borchers

Tuesday, 31 August 2021 09:06

Beehive Workshop

Free workshop at the Everson Ranch: 
How to Assemble a Beehive Box 
September 19th, 10:00 am - 11:30 am 

Learn from Don Baker, our local beekeeper, who brings 50 years of hands-on experience of beekeeping in the San Luis Valley. The art of beekeeping has been in the family for 100 years. 

This will partly be a hands-on experience. Maybe this might spark your interest in a lifelong hobby or finetuning your beekeeping skills? Bring your questions for the expert. We are grateful that Don generously is volunteering his time to take care of the bees at the ranch and for sharing his knowledge in this workshop.

Bees have been struggling, they need all the support and care we can give them now.

The ranch opens at 9:30am, the event is outside, please bring a mask.

Friday, 06 August 2021 00:50

Travel Advisory - US 285 Closure

Full closure on US 285 over South Fork of South Platte bridge replacement to begin soon!

If you are traveling from the front range to Orient Land Trust, please note that there will be a full road closure of US 285 just south of Fairplay. The detour will take you on CO 9 to Hartsel where you will turn right onto HWY 24 which takes you back to 285. Estimated time increase of 30 to 60 minutes depending on traffic. Please plan accordingly. It was scheduled to begin August 2 but has been delayed due to the mudslides on I-70 in Glenwood Canyon. The work is planned to extend through November. Please click here for more information from CDOT:

There are other routes if the delay on 285 seems excessive. From Denver go south on I-25 to Colorado Springs. From the Springs you can cross the mountains:

1) Hwy 24 to Woodland Park, Wilkerson Pass, Hartsel to 285.

2) Hwy 115 to Penrose, to Hwy 50, Canyon City to Salida to Poncha Springs to 285.

From Denver, go west on Interstate 70 to Copper Mountain and Hwy 91 (Fremont Pass) to Hwy 24 near Leadville and then south to 285 at Johnson's Village near Buena Vista

If you want to check road conditions anywhere in the state of Colorado we recommend:

Box1 Module Variation

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Box2 Module Variation

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Box3 Module Variation

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For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.