OLT - Items filtered by date: September 2024
Tuesday, 09 May 2017 22:06

New Recycling Stations

Many thanks to Robin and David from our housekeeping staff for the new upgrades to our recycling centers! New containers that are clearly marked and easy to access are set up at the Welcome Center, the Pavilion, Swimming Pool and Main Parking Area. In addition we've upgraded at Oak House, Sunset House and Spruce Lodge. You can help by separating your recycling, washing and placing it into the correct container. Please keep in mind to pack it in - pack it out if possible. We appreciate if you take your larger items like coolers, broken chairs and tents, floaties and noodles home with you to lessen the impact here at the Land Trust.

Robin & David Recycling - Robin Rosenberg Recycling Center - Robin Rosenberg Recycling at Pavilion - Robin Rosenberg

The Conservation Committee is having a two day weed pull June 13, 14, 2017, (Tuesday and Wednesday). Complimentary admission and tent camping for two nights is offered to those that can help out at least four hours each day. Save your slot; let us know if you can help.

Tuesday, 09 May 2017 22:00

Ranch Roundup: BBQ and Brunch

Memorial Day weekend, May 27th and 28th, will kick off the start to a fun season of events held at Everson Ranch. Saturday evening Barbeques and Sunday morning brunch will be ongoing throughout the summer. It's about experiencing the real deal of connecting guests to the land and the origins of their food while building OLT community. A simple menu of our fresh farm foods that will vary depending on what we have on hand. There will be juicy meat dishes from the barbeque, grilled vegetables, fresh eggs and garden salads. The cost for these meals will be $10 and a special price of $5 for kids under 10.

Monday, 17 April 2017 11:10

Spring at the Ranch

Calling all green thumbs! Everson Ranch garden is starting up for it's second year of growing! We have been busy preparing the soil, putting up greenhouses and looking forward to another season of gardening fun!

We have a big list of things to do ranging from construction projects to digging and organizing, seed sowing, and planting. There are plenty of opportunities for folks that want to help! We will even have some kids craft activities to do (which will need an adult volunteer to oversee.) Now is also the perfect time to start seedlings indoors. When they are ready to transplant, we would love to give them a home.

Please let us know if you would like to join our garden club! Any amount of volunteering would be appreciated. All you have to do is fill out the online volunteer form and submit it to our Volunteer Coordinator - Rosie. If you don't have time to work in the garden, you're still welcome to come on down for a tour.

Let's get growing!

Lorena and her daughter Reiko working with Mike and Slim - Lorena and her daughter Reiko working with Mike and Slim - Lorena and her daughter Reiko working with Mike and Slim -

Monday, 17 April 2017 11:09

Kids Science Camp 2017

Kids Science Camp 2017 is scheduled for July 23rd through the 27th. Our goals are to create awareness of environmental issues, resource sustainability, land and habitat conservation. Our program provides the opportunity to experience this unique environment, to expand knowledge of natural world and to instill a sense of stewardship and personal responsibility.

We have reached full enrollment as of April 14th. Interested families may still add their names to a wait list in case of cancellation. Please send info to:

Kids Science Camp is supported by a Saguache County Sales Tax Grant. Thank you Saguache County for your continued support!

Monday, 17 April 2017 11:09

Bird Watching Workshop

Bird watching workshop scheduled for Saturday afternoon, May 20th and Sunday morning, May 21st. Explore Orient Land Trust with nature photographer and bird watcher Jim Welch. There is no charge for this workshop. 

Bird Fun Photography
& Identification Workshop

MAY 20TH & 21ST 

Saturday Afternoon 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Sunday Morning 7:30 – 10:30 am

Jim Welch, Wildlife Photographer

Identify and record the different birds at Orient Land Trust by walking transects across the diverse habitats on the preserve. Those interested in bird photography are encouraged. Jim will use a high zoom point and shot cameras to help in identification. Bring binoculars and your camera!

Please Call to Reserve Your Space!

Identify and record the different birds at Orient by walking transects across the diverse habitats on the preserve.

Orient Land Trust
64393 County Road GG, Moffat CO 81143
719-256-4315 www.olt.org

Monday, 17 April 2017 11:08

Please Welcome Our New Staff

Next time you check into the Welcome Center, you may notice a few new faces! We'd like to welcome Zoe and Tina to the front desk staff and Jamie to our housekeeping staff. Also welcome Kim, Haven and Sarah who started in housekeeping this fall. Please say hello when you stop in.

Kim and Sarah, 2017 Staff - Robin Rosenberg Zoe, 2017 Staff - Robin Rosenberg Tina, 2017 Staff - Doug Bishop Jamie, 2017 Staff - Doug Bishop

Monday, 17 April 2017 11:06

Last Chance to Apply

Time is running out if you want to be considered for the Orient Land Trust Board of Directors. The Governance Committee, the group responsible for reviewing applicants for the OLT board, would like to begin interviewing soon. If you have an interest, act soon to get your name in front of the committee. Preferred are people who have been to board meetings, have served on a committee, or have been involved with the OLT community. Contact the Governance Committee Chair at:

Friday, 10 March 2017 10:50

Hiring Seasonal Staff at Valley View

Orient Land Trust is a great place to work! We have a dedicated and friendly staff who work year round to promote the mission of the land trust, maintain this beautiful property and assist guests with their visit.
We are looking to fill several seasonal front desk positions starting in April. These positions are part time, approximately 21 to 28 hours (3 to 4 days) per week. A commitment to work through September is required. Love & enjoy working with people, computer literate, ability to collect money and make change, multi-tasking and working in a busy and noisy office are necessary skills. Flexibility in scheduling is a must! We do not provide staff housing or camping on the property.
To apply, please print and submit application to:

Villa Grove, CO 81155
attn: Rosie


Or drop it off at the Welcome Center!

OLT Job Application (PDF)

In conjunction with the San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council, (our local public lands advocate organization), Orient Land Trust is participating in the public comments process as the U.S. Forest Service determines their management plan for the Rio Grande National Forest for the next 20 years. OLT has already submitted a comment package and the OLT Board of Directors is in the process of submitting their perspective.

We are inviting any and all members of our organization to consider submitting individual comments. What will be very effective as the USFS reads our submissions are personal stories that you might have regarding your personal experiences in the wild areas surrounding the San Luis Valley, within the Rio Grande National Forest. Hiking, fishing, horseback pack trips, personal moments of inspiration as you have interacted with wilderness... any and all of these (and more) are valid and welcome. As you describe these moments, consider tying your personal experiences to preservation of these lands and if you see fit to do so, perhaps recommend how you think our public lands agency, the USFS can best perpetuate and enhance these experiences.

USFS Spokesperson Mike Blakeman says, "I want to emphasize that although we have passed the end date as announced in the legal notice published in the Valley Courier, the Rio Grande National Forest planning team is always interested in receiving comments pertaining to the forest plan revision. The RGNF is targeting late May to release the Draft Environmental Impact Statement." They would like your comments by April 15th if at all possible.

For more background on this process, please go to: http://www.slvec.org/projects/rio-grande-national-forest-management-plan. Remember, these lands belong to all of us and it is our right if not our trust to intelligently manage these lands for ourselves and our future generations. Participating in this process is another way that we can encourage our democratic processes.

Please consider supporting SLV Ecosystem Council's recommendations. If you have any questions, please call (719) 589-1518 or e-mail:

Comments are to be sent to three places:

Spokesperson Mike Blakeman; <>

Planner Erin Minks; Minks, Erin - FS <>

General comments: <> (please note, underscore after rgnf and forest)

General US Postal Mail:

Rio Grande National Forest
Forest Plan Revision
1803 US Hwy 150
Monte Vista, CO 81132

By Mark Jacobi

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.