OLT - Items filtered by date: September 2024
Wednesday, 07 February 2018 14:57

2018 Ranch Babies

This year's first baby goats have arrived and we are thrilled to announce they are a set of triplets! The kids were born on January 29th in the middle of the warm sunny day. Since that time they are doing great and have already stolen our hearts with their exuberant personalities and adorableness!! We do have more mamas that are expected to deliver in the upcoming weeks. Anyone who would like visit the ranch and experience the playful love of a baby goat is welcome to come on down!

We are also fostering two 10 week old border collie/heeler mix puppies who are looking for loving homes. Stop by and see how much they have already learned from the time they've spent working on the ranch! For more information contact or 719-480-3336

Remember to look for baby highlands in the spring and piglets mid summer.

Young animals on the Ranch - Young animals on the Ranch - Young animals on the Ranch -

Wednesday, 07 February 2018 14:54

Scheduling for Volunteers!

2017 was a banner year for volunteers with 128 dedicated people donating 8,275 hours in facilities, at the ranch and garden, as camp hosts, discovery hosts, bat tour guides and astronomy hosts. Others helped with weed pulling, trail building, consulting or as a committee member or board director. Thank you to all of the incredible people who helped last year, your participation is appreciated!

Calling all Astronomers! Last year we installed a new 16" Meade Scope. I am currently seeking volunteers who have interest in being trained to run the scope and give astronomy tours. You don't need to be a professional but a passion for astronomy and an understanding of the universe is necessary. Previous telescope experience is helpful. The schedule for astronomers would be a three night training with lead astronomer Mark Cunningham. Once you have demonstrated how to operate the equipment, you would be scheduled to run astronomy tours. A two week commitment is preferred.

Gardeners & Ranchers! 2017 saw the second Everson Ranch garden and a new green house built. Many opportunities available for help in the garden and with the animals. Experience not required, work is outdoors and very physical. Ranch volunteers camp at the Ranch, hot springs day access provided.

Our volunteers are an important part of the Orient Land Trust and help us to take excellent care of this very special place. If you have time and expertise to share, please consider becoming an active part of this program.

For the descriptions of opportunities and an application please go to our web site www.olt.org. From the home page, select Get Involved and then Volunteers. Please email me at if you have questions or would like to schedule.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:42

Happy New Year!

The re-opening of the hot springs in late December went fairly well. The weather was mild and sunny. We were grateful not to be plowing the road, shoveling snow, and sanding the walkways. The weather continues to be quite nice for outdoor activities as of January 17th. The mountains are bare and we'll want some moisture eventually. In the meantime, we might as well enjoy the mild temperatures. It's not often that you can be comfortable on a short afternoon hike without clothing in early January.

Over the New Year's holiday, we discovered a burned out and broken element in the sauna heater. The sauna remained usable with the remaining element but it did take longer for the temperature to recover from the continually opening door with lots of traffic and a cooled down stove due to lots of water being poured on. When the sauna is functioning normally, the water boils away more quickly. With an element out, the extra water caused the air temperature to go down ten to twenty degrees and it took longer to heat back up. Remember to be careful when putting water on the hot rocks. Water will damage the electrical heating elements so be careful to prevent water splashing into the heater itself.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:39

Massage Available


In the presence of eternity, the mountains are as transient as the clouds.
-Robert Green Ingersoll

Visit our website: olt.org 
to learn more about Massage & Bodywork during your Valley View visit.

Or contact Cynthia Nielsen
Massage Therapy Coordinator

Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:35

Winter on the Ranch

"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness." – John Steinbeck

The work is never done! 365 days a year, seven days a week, there's no end to what must be done on the ranch. Even in the dead of winter there's lots to do. In fact, it can be the most challenging time of year!

Keeping the animals healthy and warm are top priority. Ranch Manager, Mike, daily hand feeds livestock since the pastures are usually frozen or blanketed with snow. Making sure that the critters all have plenty to eat helps to build up fat and body heat. Water troughs are constantly maintained to make sure they don't freeze. Shelters are winterized by making sure they are wind and leak proof as much as possible. Stapled on feed bags make the best coverings for openings and extra insulation. The floors are lined with a thick layer of straw. This provides a cozy bed. When the bedding becomes soiled, a clean layer is applied on top and a composting process starts which generates heat, like an electric blanket. Above all, it is love perhaps that keeps the ranch animals going strong throughout winter.

Winter is a great time for maintenance projects that have been put off during the busy warm months. There isn't a better time to clean the shop, the vehicles, and the freezers. One of the biggest jobs is fence repair. Our animal herds spend a good amount of time trying to find ways into the "greener pastures" and the fences can get really out of shape.

The cold season is also an opportunity to take some time to revisit goals and update them for the next year. As we're planning for the coming year, we have the chance to figure out what we can do differently and some new ideas to try.

Year round tours are available at Everson Ranch and winter is a magical time for guests. A visit to the ranch is both fun and educational. The Scenery is breathtaking and it can be a wonderful place to take an adventurous walk. Everyone is welcome to come learn about our holistic grazing program and enjoy the beauty of winter!

Winter picture of the reservoir - Cherrye Williams  -

Thursday, 14 December 2017 16:33

National Forest Plan

Attention OLT wildlife corridor and landscape lovers;
Please find a moment to write a letter to the Rio Grande National Forest planning team regarding their twenty-year Forest Plan revision.

The deadline for public input ends Friday, December 29th. This is your opportunity for public input regarding how the Rio Grande Forest surrounding Orient Land Trust will be managed over the next twenty critical years.

The San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council (SLVEC), your public lands advocacy organization located in Alamosa, makes the following recommendations for comments: (please express your own personal experience and use the following suggestions, when appropriate)

Thursday, 14 December 2017 16:32

Pond Etiquette

There are many people that enjoy a beverage as they soak. Sometimes, those beverages contain alcohol. There are also people that object to alcoholic beverages at the pool. We've all seen someone get a little laissez faire about their behavior when consuming alcohol. We've also all seen people consuming alcohol become belligerent and argumentative. No one enjoys these behaviors, not even the person who is sloppy or defensive. It is difficult to ask someone who is in their cups to lower their voice, act less rambunctious, or be considerate. Usually, due to the nature of intoxication, such requests only escalate an already uncomfortable situation.

We've been asked to ban alcohol in the pools. As the years go by the tolerance for inebriated behaviors has diminished. While we can certainly understand the suggestion (we don't like it either) to make a rule runs counter to the larger goals. We have not embraced long lists of rules. We have a few guidelines that make the place enjoyable for everybody. Things like: keep the noise level down after 10:00 PM, keep dogs leashed, smoke only at the Smoke Hut or in your vehicle, avoid cell phone conversations when you are in company, respect other people's boundaries are all common sense and contribute to an atmosphere that feels good. Most people are respectful and responsible and we haven't had to become policemen. Thank You! Your thoughtfulness and care for one another are recognized and appreciated.

As is true for many things, be aware. Be alert to the people with whom you are sharing this space. If your actions are offensive, no one has a good time. There are better places for boisterous partying fueled by excessive alcohol consumption.

Thursday, 14 December 2017 16:31

Member Appreciation Weekend 2018, June 22, 23

Mark your calendars! Member Appreciation Weekend will be June 22 and 23. Every year we invite all members, and only members, to a summer celebration. We have a band on Friday night with dancing and music under the Pavilion and the waxing moon. Saturday, there is a potluck dinner in the afternoon. Saturday night, another band. Sunday morning, OLT provides breakfast. This year, the weekend is earlier than recently because of full moon timing and other events.

Saturday, 18 November 2017 09:50

2016 Annual Report

Annual Report to Audited Financials and IRS 990

We've streamlined our presentation of the Annual Report for 2016 and included links to the full Audit Report with graphs and the IRS Form 990 for the first time  This provides the most detailed information about OLT's financial health and well being for 2016.  We have been sending regular monthly email newsletter updates (archived on the website) which include information and highlights that used to be in the annual report.  This website presentation takes the place of the printed and mailed format that we have used in the past, which saves considerable costs while allowing us to provide more information.  If you prefer printed copies of this material, we can provide that at your request.  If you would like to provide an additional donation of support to OLT (or renew your membership) please use the links to the donation form below, call us, or use the online donation form. Feel free to provide any feedback to Executive Director Doug Bishop. Thank you.

Annual Appeal form 2017 (printable PDF)

Treasurer's Report

- Patrick Comiskey

First, I want to thank the board for the opportunity to serve the organization that I have enjoyed so much for many years. I started coming to Valley View in the early eighties so I have seen many positive changes since then. I also hold a great deal of admiration for my predecessor, Myron Hulen, who spent a great deal of time with me trying to insure that I understood the duties and expectations of the position. I must say that I am still learning and am fascinated with the cohesiveness of a board made up of individuals who possess a very diverse and yet complementary set of skills and knowledge. I am still learning so I appreciate everyone’s continued understanding and support.

Moving on to business, the board was pleased to receive the final 2016 audit report from Taylor, Roth and Company in early May. 2016 was another banner year for OLT resulting in a total increase in net assets of $246,828. Total Revenue increased by $148.042 to $1,447,031 from $1,298,989 in 2015 while expenditures increased by $144,386 to $1,200,203 compared to $1,055,817 in 2015.. Management and the board continue on the path of prudent stewardship of the assets and fiscal responsibility in decisions relative to spending and capital improvements. 2016 actually saw a decrease in the cost of labor and manpower. All of the hard work of the volunteers are certainly a contributing factor. I would conclude that the Executive Director and his team continue to define and redefine the efficient utilization of resources in order to achieve the most “bang for the buck” and at the same time not jeopardizing the quality of the workplace. Expenditures for repairs and maintenance more than doubled as efforts to improve the overall quality of the various facilities continues to be one of the major goals of company management. Perhaps one of the most exciting decisions made by the board was entering into a major contract to replace the current database system with a new state of the art web application. Because of the success experience by OLT during the last several years, this size of commitment was made possible without creating any significant financial hardship or risk to the organization. Once in place, management and the board believe that this new application will create opportunities and efficiencies beyond those that were obvious at the time of the decision. During 2016, $83,338 of the increase in expenditures over 2015 was expended on consultants in order to be as sure as possible that the vendor and chosen applications were the best available and most appropriate for OLT. 

The organization continues to face challenges relative to capacity, possible expansion and continued development of programs and new possible revenue sources. The 2017 budget reflects continued efforts to improve and maintain the quality of the facilities as well as insuring that OLT remains a very good employer to the talented people who work here. Different ideas continue to be considered relative to the Everson ranch as we attempt to move it toward self sustainability. Certainly our challenges are not diminishing but because of the hard work of the board and management during the last several years, it appears that steady growth and improvements in efficiency will provide a somewhat steady flow of resources in order to achieve the goals outlined in OLT’s mission statement.

2016 OLT Statement of Activities

2016 OLT Statement of Position

2016 OLT Audit Report Graphs

Notes from the board Chair

Doug Bishop
- John Standish 

As another year has come and gone, I continue to be humbly grateful to have been able to serve on the OLT Board as both Member and Chair.  July of 2016 saw the induction of three new board members, Aleia Schaum, Roger Courtemanche and Patrick Comiskey, all of whom have been welcome and hardworking members of our organization.  Patrick has taken over the key position of Treasurer from retiring Treasurer, Myron Hulen, who continues to be active as committee member in both the Governance and Internal Affairs Committees.

Throughout 2016, improvements at Everson Ranch have taken big steps forward, including the completion of a bath house that’s been years in the making.  Though less obvious to users, infrastructure improvements at Valley View Hot Springs have been upgraded to maximize efficiency of our hydroelectric system and take advantage of the benefits of our warm water to keep our indoor spaces comfortable.

As our treasurer has detailed in his report, OLT is continuing to see a steady increase in income while overall expenses have decreased.  Anyone who has been a regular visitor to Valley View has probably noticed that the popularity of the hot springs continues to increase.  This is both good for the organization as a whole as well as a challenge for those who in the past had become accustomed to making spur-of-the-moment plans to visit OLT and who now are often faced with day or overnight quotas that are full, often days or even weeks in advance!

The continued popularity of Valley View along with the reality of the necessary quota system also brings to light the eventual practical limit of income to OLT via the normal revenue stream of the hot springs.  Moreover, the philosophy of sustainability has trumped the typical nonprofit goal of unbridled growth.  As unique an organization as OLT is, I consider the former philosophy as fully in alignment with a more pragmatic, grounded vision.

OLT's Executive Director Message

Doug Bishop
- Doug Bishop

Many thanks to everybody for everything that went toward making 2016 another good year. Members for all their support and reinforcing the community values throughout the year. Volunteers for the hours and labor devoted to smooth functioning and timely assistance. Thank you to the board for their thoughtfulness and attention during the long board meetings and the preparation they bring to carefully consider all the issues that are discussed and the decisions that need to be made. Guests and visitors for helping keep things tidy and neat. Staff for working so diligently to get things done and helping people get what they need quickly and cheerfully. To all, Thank You!

The year 2016 will be remembered fondly for being a year we didn’t have a big project going. The new database project took shape and we had some help shoring up the old database to keep it functioning well. The wastewater treatment plant continued to serve us well with no problems. We were able to pick up the reins on some projects that had been delayed. Concrete was poured for the astronomy pad, the Welcome Center got a new, window-in-the-door, commercial grade refrigerator, the alternator for the hydroelectric was replaced before it failed (what an idea), and other little details in trail and road maintenance got attention. We did have a failed drinking water test for the first time in eight years, which has evolved into the Colorado Department of Public Health and Safety requiring OLT to install disinfection for the public served drinking water system. We didn’t have to do that in 2016 but it will be a project for 2017

Attendance was up during the winter, spring, and fall. We still reached capacity all summer and we continue to hold firm to our capacity limits. The lesson here, as always, is to call ahead. We embrace our ability to share the hot springs with as many people as practical. Guests come for relaxation and recreation. The number of day and overnight visitors remains the same. People enthusiastically respond positively to the opportunity to be clothes free while soaking, hiking, and living.

2016 Volunteer Report

Volunteer at Your Favorite Not-For-Profit!

Best year ever!  We had many experienced and devoted volunteers return along with some exceptional new people joining the program.  113 volunteers donated a total of 8,038 man hours, which is the equivalent of four full time employees!  This was an increase in over 2,800 hours from 2015.  Spirits were high and the connection between staff and volunteers was great.  OLT hosted the second Volunteer Appreciation Weekend on December 2nd & 3rd which was attended by 41 volunteers.  A great weekend was had by all and we hope to make this an Annual Event!  2017 is the first time we have winter camp hosts; David & Jacque Purmort and Michael Fulcher who live locally and are helping with nightly rounds, providing campfires on weekends, along with keeping pool decks neat and clean.  Many of our volunteers expressed sincere gratitude at being a part of the OLT Family and will be returning for 2017. 

Volunteer Hours by Category for 2016


Camp Host


Discovery Host         


Astronomy Host

Bat Host


Hydro Elec


Special Events










Science Camp





Board of Directors    












2016 Educational Programs

We gave 317 Educational Tours to 3,760 kids, adults and seniors!  Astronomy and Bat Tours were offered daily throughout the summer and Geology, Hydro Electric and Ranch Tours were offered weekly or upon request. Additional workshops in botany, weather, horsemanship and a bird workshop were offered at our Science Camp.  Many guests took advantage of our programs in 2016! This was the first year that tracking of all programs was done.  


# Tours Given

# Guests

Pals Kids


Science Camp


Total # Guests































Bird Workshop

























Annual Appeal form 2017 (printable PDF)

2016 Member Acknowledgements

(We are only listing those that have given us permission to acknowledge them publicly.)


Joe Eaglesfether, Paul Engelbrecht, Scott Hamilton, Karen McLaughlin, Darrin Pyle,J ay Sims, Charles Zeis


Peter & Judy Carroll, Sam Duncan, Jonathan Smith


Michael Albi, Mike Allen, Adrienne Anderson, William Anderson, Jr., Eva Avjean, Frank Barron, J.C. Bevington, Jimmie Burke, Dave Cameron, Ed Cannon, Keith Carpenter, Kenneth Childers, Michelle Cita, Corine Clark, Carla Clements, Alice Cole, Amelia Conrado, Art Cowen, Anthony Cramer, Erika Delzell, Chad Delzell,Brian DiFrank Nicholas Duckworth, Carolyn Durham, Todd Fife, Randy Fischer, Don Fishburne, Daniel Flemming, Mark Flora, Michael Foegen, Ron Foster, Germaine Fraley, Anna Frank, Roger Franz, Susan Frederick, Gregory Garbe, Mariarosa Gasbarro, Lisa Gershkoff, Dana Gibson, Ina Anderson,John Gillespie, Jessica Gray, Heather Gray, Heather Hanson, John Hartshorn, Steven Hecht, Sandra Heise, Debra Hoffman, Alexander Horsky, 
Michael Hotchkiss, Rob Hutchinson, Catherine Hutchinson,Jennifer Infantino, Richard Jones, Nicole Jordan, Jan Kabili, John Lorenz,Michale Kernan, Phil Kirk, Chet Klecha, Dave Kleensang, Joani Kleensang,Jim Landes, Barbara Lavender, Jeff Lazaroff, Julie Lazaroff,Terry Lee Malina Lee, Grayson Levy,
Charles Lee, April Lohr, Jim Longwell, Jim Manley, Julie Kley,Jaz Mannion, Wayne Marsh, Michael Martin, Robert Martinez, Christine Mastro, Aiko Materkowski, Myron McClellan, Lawrence Phillips,Greg McGuire, Kathleen McGuire, Jim McReavey B.J. Meadows, Bud Meadows, Charles Meredith, Ginger Mitchell,  Kelli Mlinarik Marko, Joanna Mouming, Larry Mullins, Dawne Murray, Rick Murray, Michael Musialowski, Rebecca Musiaowski, Tom Nagle, Ruby Nahan, Donald Neeper, Carolyn Neeper, Doug Neese, Maury Niebur, Mark Niemeyer, John Norton, Michael O'Brien, Tim O'Connor, Don Palermo, Brian Paulson, Robert Penny, Bruce Poster, John Redick, Judy Richard, John Rossell, Aleia Schaum, John Goodman,Paul Schiro, Mike Schlater, Ilene Schmidt, David Schrader, Joan Schrader, Edward Schrems, Uwe Schroeter, John Scorsine, Carol Seger, John Sellers, Gary Shannon, Peter Shell, Andrea Silver, Sondra Singer, Mary Lou Singleton, Phil Grossblatt,Elliot Smith, Tracy Sondeen, Greg Stack, Leeza Steindorf, Colin Stewart, Trevor Stone, Jessica Swan, 
Jim Taylor, Thomas Tesson, Michael Thompson, Chuck Tidd, Barb TiddRick Tidrick, Cynthia McMahon,Darrell Tomlinson, Teresa Louis-Tomlinson, Amanda Trosten-Bloom, Mike Tully, Oscar Voss, Scott Walker, Wade Walton, Don Weber, Martin Weinberg, Stephen Weiner, Edwin Wheeler, Brad Wright, Larry Wuerffel, Dena Zocher, Paul Zoric, Don Zumstein,


Alexander Acevedo,Kevin Allan,Kelly Ammann,Mark Anderson, Sue Angel, Charles Angert, Sherrie White,James Anhalt,Hill Baker,Tara Banks, Bonnie Barker, Rick & Cindy Barry, Thomas Baxter, Joseph & Jennifer Beach, Dave Beal, John Behrendt, Greg Bell, Cory Bergerud, Bob Bers, Mary-Frances & Andrew Bigoney, Ken Boettcher, Michael Bonamer, Judith Bonsignore, Bill Bliesath,Tricia Bosarge, Duane Munroe,Ron Boyd, Becky Bragg, Kenneth Branowitzer, Steve Brown, Damon Brune, David & Angela Bryan, Fred Buchwald, Susie Bucklin, Bob Butler, Daniel Callaghan, Randy Canney, Tom Carlin, Kirsten Carlson, Helen Chantler, Pauline Child Trevor Clancy, Fred & Terri Clauss, Tony Coble, Karen Cochran, Stewart Cohune, Douglas Conwell, Michelle Corazao, Elizabeth Cramer, Blaine Crowther, Diane D'Amico-Larson, Marna Dannenbaum, Jennifer Dansby, James & Beth Davis, Claude Dean, Tom Decker, Suzanne Degross, Anne Delling, Devera Denker, Ed Devlin, Brian Dewitt, Ayres Dicks, Jim Donaldson, Carroll Ann Donaldson, Jill Douglas, Chris Dremann, David Drucker, Randall Dubis, Erin Dula, Rally Dupps, Richard Durity, Robert Karl Phillips,Roger Dyer, Jan & Murray Eaton, Michael Elliot, Scott Elliott, Carol Elvington, Sandra Ely, Beth Enson, Santiago Espanosa, Madeline Estin, Larry Ewing, Jeannine Falcon, Amber Fasick, Joey Feinstein, Gary Fletcher, Stacy Forget, Joseph Forrest, Cherry Freiwald, Ron Frickel, Riox Frosher, Adam Gainer, Delaney Gale, Jeremiah & Shari Gallagher, Amanda Garcia, John & Vicky Garrison, Sarah Gershuny, Robert & Dorothy Gilbert, Terry Godfrey, Marcia Goldin, Rafael Gonzalez, Beitani & David Gorski, Sheri Graham, Mike Green, Robert Green, Leanne Griffin, Thomas Gruber, Tracy Grundy, Jesse & Karen Gwidt, Nancy Hall, Ed Hall, Sarah Halliday, Henry & Gretchen Harbin, Kyle & Dana Harden, Bill & Amy Harrington, Bill Harris, Barbara & Stephen Harsh, Eric Hartman, Rhett Hatfield, David Hawes, Sheila Hayter, Alison Hazel, Tim Heacox, Melissa Hefner, Peter Heinz, Walter Herter, Bonnie Herter, David Hetzel, Donna Hinkle, Norman Hoffman, Jared Holste, Andrea Hooley, Peter Huber, Tricia Huth David Engelken,Ethan Ice, Ray Ilczyszyn, Supercraig Janelli, Kardena Metter,Sarah Jennings,Greg Tyndall,Min Jin, Nancy Johnson, Steven Johnston, Hannah Joss, John Juarez, Eric Kallgren, Marilyn Kaub, Bruce Kell, Debbie Kelley, Maureen Kelly, Frank Kilmer, Brad & Chris Klafehn, Robin Klasson, Gene Kobneck, TJ Koehler, Kip Kojima, Jim & Gen Lamancusa, Michelle Landes, Jordan Landis,Ashley Guesman,Glen Larson, Jeff Lauckhart, Scott Laughlin, Lily LaValley, Amanda Laverdiere, Maureen Lawrence, Rachel & Gerald Lee, Jesse Lee, Nicholas Ramey,Joseph & Cynthia Legolvan, Nancy Leibig, Dorothy Lessem, Margie & Marcus Lessen, Simon Lipstein, Mark Lockwood, Carrie Logan, Amanda Lopez, John Lorenz, Michelle Lorr, Sondra Loudenburg, McKenzie Lyle, Jamie Macbeth, Dusty MacDougall, Larry & Marsha Macro, Donna Maddux, Rick Maddux, Suzi & Bob Malman, Kevin Markey, Sandy Marks, David Marquardt, Lynne Marshall, Ann Mathews, Shane McClure, Sean McCready, Kathie McEachern, William McGrath, George McGuire, Eileen McIlvain, Mark McIntyre, Nicholas McKay, Jack McKenzie, Kelly McKoon, Christian Mclaughlin, Kathleen Mereau, Barbara & Preston Miller, Jen Miller, Scott Miller, Scott Mintken, Sam Mishelow, Claudette Moloney-Walpole, Doug Monroy, Michael Moravan, Joanna Morsicato, Robert Moss, Richard Muerle, Paul Muhle, Melinda Murphy, Carol Myers, Kirk & Linda Navo, Mary Neff, Penny Nelson, Steve Sator,Ben Nelson, Douglas Nelson, Lisa & Michael Nelson, Jean Nichols, William Nixon, Tony O'Brien, Paul & Patricia Oconnor, Kirby O'Connor, William Odonnell, John Ogren, Bonnie Orkow, Bruce Blodgett, Liz O'Rourke, Gary Osburn, Sonya Ostrander, Cheri Overstreet, Patricia & Anthony Padilla, Erik Parker, Meagan Pelletier, Steven Penn, Mick Perry, Anne Peters, Jim Roberts,Jennifer Peterson, Cherie Peterson, Gerald Pine, Jenny Posnak, Mark Price, Will Prull, Galen Carpenter,Katie Queen, Daniel Ramirez,Jessica Royal,Susan Ramsey, David Randall, Michael Ray, Mike Reed, Patricia Rexenes, Jocelyn Reynolds, Ronald Richey, Don Richmond,Teri McCartney-Richmond,Alan Robbins,Diana Roddy, Mira Rookey, Autumn Rowland,Amy Winchester,Robert Ruhland, Cindy Rusch, Harry & Linda Safstrom, Alan Sage, Thomas Saunders, Philip Schechter, Patrick Schlehuber, Scott Sharot, Amy Sheber Howard, Conner Shepherd, Marilyn Sherbring, Rocky Shockley, Melissa Siders, Sam Silver, Yelena Tomas,Ken Simko, Jodie Simon, Tammie Singer, Greg Susuras,Jim Smith, Julie Snyder, Bruce Soehngen, Sonia Spanitz, Patrick Speer, Heather Stanley, Marion Stelts, Padmani Stone, Keb Stoops, Marty Streim, Brenna Sturgeon, Randy Sweat, Tom Taylor, Shelley Terrill, Jerry Thompson, Scott Thompson, Craig Thompson, Chris Valentini, Denise VandeWalle, Meghan Vesely, Hand Viviano, Vern & Jarla Vobejda, Betty Wagoner, Alfred Wallace, Rob Werge, Lisa Wheeler, June Wiebe, Adam Wilcox, Julia Williams, James & Connie Williams, Cindy Williams, Brad Leach,Jason Willis, Sarah Wise, Bill Witwicki, Martha Woods, Mary Wright, Gordon Yates, Samuel Young, Jennifer & Tim Zedalis, Rich Zizik


Wendy & Eddie Achtel, Jessica Adams, Jane Adorney, Steve Fillenberg, Alayna Altman, Celia Alvarez, Bianca Amparan, William Wallace,Maureen Amundson, Maggie Anderson, Rod Anderson, Heather Anthony, Lisa & Christopher Apodaca, Fred Appleyard, Nick Aquino-Roithnayr, Carri Arata, Faith Arbor, Jan Artis, Dave Axford, Andrew Ayers, Jennifer Babiak, Morgan Bachicha, Jerimiah Moralez,Jessica Badgeley, Julia Bair, Chuck Baker, Faith Baker, Elizabeth Baker, Chris Baran-Mickle, Matthew Barber, Ben Barnard, Jeremy Barnes, Brian Bartel, Electra Bassett, Ashley Basta, Grace Battista, Dan Beach, Keenan Beals, James Beckmeyer, Lara Miller,Amulya and Doug Beechwood, Ken Beegles, Paul Behr, Ray Behrman, Steve Beleu, Daniel & Emily Beliveau, Christine Belka, Leah Bennett, Stephanie Bergner, Ben Bernstein, Austin Presas,Sandie Bershad, Francis Bessler, Elizabeth Betwixt, Bryan Rodriguez, Matt Bezark, Justin Biel, Rose Muniz,David Bisenius, Karen Bish, Ray Blackhall, Carol Blehm, Nana Boakye, Agata Bogucka, Mary Bogus, Demetrius Bolduc, Bob Boll, Sheryl Boltz, Trevor Bona, Ted & Shelly Borden, Eric Borg, Bill Boro, Andrew Borsick, Martha Bourke, Colin Bradley, Kelsey Renning,Russell Bramlett, Duane Brands, Kate Briggs, Jill Brilhart, Geoffrey Brinker, Sugandha Brooks, Alane Brown, Kelsey Brown, Tracy Brown, Reid Brown, Margaret Brown, Richard Brown, Robyn Broyden, Richard Broyles, Sarah & Tarn Brubaker, Mike Bryant, Richard Buchanan, Megan Buck, Cyndi Buck, Dena Buckendorf, Ann Bunting, Brett Burbridge, Kate Burdess, Jennie Burdick, Chase Burrows, Ana Burrows, Cindy Burrows, Joseph Burton, Jake Butynski, Robert Calderon, Jacqueline Calderone, Ginny Campbell, Sandy Campbell, Matthew & Kara Campbell, James Campbell, Reed Campbell, Verina Campos, Samantha Caplan, Jeanne Carden, Rod Carlson, Steven Carlson, Georgia Carr, Amanda Carrothers, David Carter, Doug Carter, Gail Carver, Sarah Casaletto, Kris Cassidy, Lenka & Martin Cech, Sarah Chaikin, George Chandler, Jesus Chapa, Rise Charles, Alejandra Chavez, Sut Che, Jessica Chernila, Madeleine Child, Maria Chilton, William & Suzie Chlanda, Mk Christian, Evan Christie, Gordon Chu, Sue Clark, Martha Coder, Michelle Colarelli, Brianna Coleman, Sharon Coleman, Don Combee, Laura Savalli,Emily Conner, Mel Constant, Richelle Conway, Daniel Cooney, Mark Cooper, Denise Cope, Steven Morrow,Richard Copeland, John Cornelius, Princess Cortez, Kevin Cox, Teri Craig, Ashley Crangle, Bonnie Bullock,Janet Crawford, Curtis Crawley, Scott & Sally Creevy, Robert Critchfield, Janice Crosby, James Crowley, Brianna Crowther, Kim Croy, Allison Curtis, David Cwynar, Donna Dague, Elle Dailey, Mike Dardi, Jeff Davidson, Peter Davis, Ian Davis, Dillon Davis, Scott Davis, Julia Davis, Cy Davis, Joseph de Raismes, Chelsea Debernardis, Martin DeFrance, Peter Degnan, Kell Delaney, Lisa Delia, Susan Dellinger, Joel Delpha, Dennis & Brenda Dempsey, Andrew Deslauriers, Madigan Miller,Steve Devore, Swithin Dick, Don Dick, David Dickey, Brian Dickinson, Nichole Didelot, Mark Dirsa, Larry Dixon, Dennis Donohue , Christine Donovan, Greg Ashcrast,Phil Dougan, George Doukas, Nan & Mark Dowiak, Tess Downer, Brian Duchinsky, Dean Duckwitz, Jane Ellen Dudley, Steve Duker, Lindsey Dunlap, Lourdes Dunn, Jessica Dunne, Sharon Duran, Steve Duren, Sandy Duren,Bobby Dye, CB Eagye, Barbara & Ian Edwards, Kayte Edwards, Jami Egan, Joel Hawk,Joyalice Eisenhauer, Shawn Elfahdi Karen Eller, Aaron Pugmire,Geriann Elliott, Glenn & Meryl Ennis, Jeri Ennis, Elliott Enriquez, Kirsten Erkfritz, Chip Fair, David Fairman, Elizabeth Farrell, Dearing Fauntleroy, Michael Fehrie, Helen Feldman, Maria Fenty, Tracie Ferrero, Janette Fetter, Beau Finley, Tom Firth, Carrie Fischer, Robert Fisher, Rob Fitzgerald, Barbara Fix, Kyle Fladland, Maria Flegas, Hannah Floyd, Angela Fontenot, Shawn Smith,Emily Ford, Richard Forman, Lily Fraias Torres, Antonio Francesco, Bernadette Franco, Terry Frank, Jennifer Franklin, Brian Franz, Justine Fraser, Andrew Bohn,Roxanne French, Jamie & Tim Freymuth, Sean Friend, Alysa Fritz Barbara Frontella, Robert Frost, Christi Frum, Heather Fuentes, Rose Fuller, Angela Galik, Katherine Ganev, Lisa Ganora, Adrienne Garbini, Gwen Garcelon, Ben Garcia, Gretchen Gardebring, Ernest Garibay, Joyce & Greg Garrett, Sabrina Garvin, Vanessa Gatewood, Katie Gavin, Jason Gee, Sheila Gentry, Jessica George, Richard Gibson, Molly Gibson, Larry & Kathy Gifford, Clark Gilbert, Adam Gildar, Bruce Gillen, Fred Gillette, Carl Gilmore, Chelsea Glanz, William Roy Glaser, Steve Glissendorf, Lauren Golten, Valerie Goniwiecha, Evan Alcorn,Hannah Gooderham, Cheryl Goodnow, Amy Goodrich, Ron Kraft,Lani Gordon, Jamie Gordon, Caitlin Gordon, Jason Gore, James Graebner Jr., Tiffany Graham, Harrison Graves, Julie Greason, Leah Green, Molly Green, Ben Greene, Scott Gregoire, Mike Griffin, Gayle Gross, Lauren Grossman, Matthew Grunenwald, Laura Hamilton, Scott Hammen, Kevin Hammond, Michael Hand, Maila Hang, Naomi Hannah, Lilly Hansing, Tom Hanson, Henry Harding, Riet Harlan, Louann Harlow, Rachel Haroldson, Matthew Harris, Zane Harris, Cameron Harris, William Harris, Jenna Harrison, Trey Harrison, Kathy Hartman, Eric Hartman, Scott Harvey, Yuko Hashimoto, Lauren Haskell, Alistair Hawkes, Kosei Hayashi, Sarah Dawn Haynes, Harry Heilmann, Bernie Heissfeld, Heidi Helminen, Ben Henry, Cari Fox,Leslie Henslee, Nina Hernandez, Maureen & Charles Herrera, Mark Herzog, David Hessman, Jason Hiester, Angelina Tacchia,Allegra Hilburger, Mitch Davis,Vernon Hill, Bill & Tammy Hinch, Jim Hinde, Paul Hines, Edward Hines, Taylor Hines, Peter Hinkley, Terry & Dianne Hirschlieb, David Hirt, Jason Hirtreiter, Laura Hobbs, Cynthia Hoekstra, Marlow Hoffman, Lisa Hoga, Mark Holland, Les Ann Holland, Chris Holloway, Alicia Holm, Daniela Honegger, Selena Hotchner, Terry Goergen,Steve Houghton, Dustin Huff, Ki Shih,Joedy Hulings, Laurel Hunziker, Sheri Hupfer, Lee Hurter, Megan Husen, Chuck Hutaff, Jason & Kristen Jackson, Jock Jacober, Pete Jacobs, Robert Jacques, Carl Jager, Eric Jahnke, Courtney James, Francis Schott,Dan & Cheryl Janes, Greg Jankowski, Drew Jeffers, Janice Jennings, Stuart Jensen, Richard Jewett, Kate Jobgen, Dave Johnson, Helen Johnson, April Johnson, Doug Johnson, Erick Johnson, Mona Johnston-Zellers, Craig Jolly, Terry Jones, Tracey Jones, Alison Jones, Sarah Joyce, Samantha Juarez, Camille Barrows,Betsy Kabrick, Dave & Tammy Kaiser, William Karam, Geoff Karras, Jenna & Chris Katsaros, Brian Katz, Robert Kaye, Erika Keady, Jodi Keim, David & Laura Kelly, Shea Kelly, Christopher Kelly, Tammy Kilgore, Kary Kilmer, Amalya King, Kristin Kinseth, George Kitchin, Michael Klein, Matt Knebel, Erica Adelstein,Mark Kneisley, Cele Knight, Kent Kobakoff, Kitty Koch, Anne Koenning, Ilona & Keith Kolb, Kevin Kolosky, Cristal Lima,David Koppa, Julie Kove, Ben Krulwich, Sabrina Kuratomi, Ariana Kurtz, Stacie Kushner, Justin La, Tim Lacey, Anna Lalik, Lee Lambert, Erik Lang, Kathy Lang, George Lang, Tara Lanich-Labrie, Frank Lannutti, Erin Lanum, Andrew Larkin, Phillip LaRoe, Brooke Larson, Bruce LaRue, Susan Laskowski, Brian Lavin, Seth Law, Ray Laws, Clara Lazaroff, Farran Leach, A.C. Lee, Melanie Lee, Robert Lee, Eric Lee, James Lehnert, Richard Leirer, Patricia Whalen,Charlotte Lenssen, Buffy Lenth, Dawn Leonard, James Leyes, Sandy & Ron Lezon, Nityamo Lian, John Ligas, Eve Lindemann, Daniel Lindsey, Scot Linton, Michael Linville, Virginia Lipsky, Cody Lister, Patrick Liston, Alex Lizzi, Pinar & Sophia Lloyd, James Locashio, Hank Lochhead, Jill Logan, Hope Logghe, Bob Long, Elisabeth Long, Christina Longman, Joe Lopez, Julian Love, Christine Lowry, Ron Lumsden, Rachelle & Larry Luna, Lyn Lunsford, Emily Lux, Carlton Lynch, Larry Lyon,Lyndsey Lyons, Kelly & Melissa MacInnis, Amber Mackey, Mary MacWilliams, Rob Magill, Katherine Malengo, Ryan Mallo, Joe Manley, Jill Mann, Jolee Mann, Sarah Manshel, Tania Marie, Robert Maritt, William Markey, John Marlin, Chad Martens, Emily Martin, Kaela Martin, Anthony Martinez, Crystal Martinez, Antonio Martinez-Lopez, Brooke Mason, Red Matthiesen, Michael May, Neal McBurnett, Charles McCloskey, Raymond McDermott, Mary McDonald, Jeff McElroy, Lauren McEvoy, Andy McEwen, Patricia McGuigan, John McGuire, Reed McHeyser, Grace Mckay, Andy McKean, Lois McLauchlan, Aaron McLaury, Donna McMurtry, Matt Meinhardt, Mikayla Menard, Danielle Menditch, Kara Mertz, Julia Mesnikoff, Jeff Messerschmidt, Dan Meyers, Jocelyn Michelle, Jennifer Miles, Greg Miller, Adrienne Miller, John & Lucinda Miller, Sara Miller, Michael Millner, Dave Mills, Lara Minichiello, Robert & Shannon Mitchem, Mark & Jen Mitton, Eric Moffat, Judith Mohling, Jim Moloney, Barbara Monroe, Phil Cousins,Jim Monroe, Steve Montoya, Jason Montoya, Estella Moore, Krista Moore, James Bennett,Monty Moorman, Glenn Moreton, Lauren Morgan, Cyndi Morris, Sean Morrow, Lynne Mosbaugh, Gary Moskoff, Zach Mosley, George Mossman, Birgit Mueller, Mike Mullane, Kathleen Murphy, Jimy Murphy, Lou & Debra Muzikar, Joseph Muzzio, Kevin Mycoskie, Angela Myers, Amy Myszko, Claire Nafziger, Julie Nania, Rowan Chevalier,Sue Navy, Christopher Neal, Marcus Neilson, Nikesha Nelson, Haley Nelson, Debbi Nelson, Vivian Nesbitt, John Dillon,Noel Newnam, Thomas Newton, Alisa Nguyen, Samantha Nielson, Mark Nielson, Grace Noel, Cyndy Noel, Terri Noland, Justin Nonnweiler, Ben Norman, Richard Norris, Jennifer Novotny, Milos Novotny, Jesse Nugent, Amie Oakley, Colleen O'Brien, Chris Lee,Elizabeth Ocean, Shaina O'Donnell, Misun Oh, Alexandria Ohmes, Robert Okun, David Olsen, Michael Onewing, Kelley Michelle,Nathalia Ophele, Terry O'Reilly, Kevin O'Reilly, Jessica Spering,Candice Orlando, Charlene Owen, Sam Pace, Annie Pace, Thomas Page, Jonathan Page, Morgan Pagliuca,James Palin, Vivienne Palmer, Kevin Palmer, Jennifer Pap, Baitsar Papazian, Joshua Paquette, Timothy Parnell, Richard Parr, Liz Passman, Cory Pavicich, Gina Payne, Dave Peake, Taylor Peltier, Lonna Pelton-Bloom, Corey & Sarah Peterson, Kim Pfennigs, Dana Piombino, Cyndi Pointer, Elysa Polovin, Francine Popkin, Sarah Poston, Ryan Powanda, Penelope Powell, Christopher Johnson, Heather Powell Browne, James Power, John Prevost, Mike Procell, Eric Pruett, Anthony Rackham, Paul Raffa, Jerry Raney, Lynnea & Scott Rappold, David Raridon, Marsha Ready, Rafia Rebeck, Kayleen Reeve, Ken Rehborn, Madeleine Reingold, Jeffrey Reinhard, Katy Reis, Scott Renney, Richard Replin, Ralph Reschke, Kara Retta, Amber Reyna, Jason Bachman,Noelle Riccardella, Jessica Ridd, Quinton Rief, Polina Rikoun, Jospeh Rivera, Joella Roberts, Alastair Robertson, Anne Robinson, Robert Robison, Jacqueline Rock, Jennifer Rolley, Andrew Romero, Heather Romero, Miriam Rosenblum, Rachel Rosenfield, Ainsley Rosenthal, Caitlin & Melissa Roth, Flora & James Roth, Suzanne Rouge, Alex Rudback, Margaret & David Rudin, Christine Ruemenapp, Robert Ruf, David Rummel, Steve Runnings, Elitza Rusinova, Cynthia Russell, Kevin Ryan, Kathleen Ryan, Shannon Ryan, Susan Ryder, William Safford, Nichole Salankey, Brianna Salazar, Torie Salley-Rain, David Sample, Adam Kessler,Jane Sampson, Jodi & Damas Samson, Dean Sanna, Amanda Beasley,Mike Saparow, Anjaneya Sardonicus, Matthew Sayre, Bill Schaefer, Elizabeth Scheff, Terry Schifferns, Bill Schiller, Kendra Schipper, Susan Schmidt, Randy Schultz, Carmen Schultz, Michael Schulze, Barry Schwartz, Charles Scianna, Chanel Scott, Peter Sevenhawks, Will Shaffer, Ethan Shafroth, Marissa Shatzer, Danielle Shelton, Michael Sheppard, Kristin Sherwood, Paul Shippee, Brandon Sigrist, Bob Siles, Erynn Simone, Haley Sinclair, Iona Singleton, Don & Anne Skinner, Taryn Slawson, Roger & Belinda Smiley, Chrissy Smiley, Mark Smith, Brenda Smith, Ruth Smith, Becky Smith, Ryan Hiatt,Christopher Smith, Brad Smith, Kayley Dorsa,Rebecca Sobel, Yolanda Soler Gutielrez, Anne McDonnell, Dan Solsbery, Shawn Sowden, Jennifer Speredelozzi, Marilyn & Steve Sprowles, Ian St Clair, Heather Shaffer,Teddi Stabler, Susan Staley, James Stallcup, Jessica Stayton, Rachel Steele, Ruth & Bob Steen, Cathy Steinberger, David Stevens, Anna Stevens, Ginger Stolmar, Bill Stone, Bianca Storlazzi, Jessica Stout, Andrea Stout, Lindsey Stuart, Tibor Sulyak, Jim Sumler, Kristina Sutcliffe, Kari Sutton, Robin Svenson, Leslie Joe Swanson, Melbe Sweet, Lindsay Sworski, Mandy Szakacs, Tim Szurgot, Leo Tanguay, Bret Taylor, Rob Taylor, Meagan Telaga, Ricardo Tenente, Elizabeth Tengler, Gwen Tenney, Eric Theodore, Ashley Thiessen, David Thing, Sarim Thomas, Max Thompson, Teresa Thompson, Mearl Thompson, Jeff Thompson, Sara Tice, Karen Todd, Lorrie Todd, Robert Todd, Britt Toppenberg, Kari Sue Tornow, Rudy Torrez, Kevin Townsend, Therese Tran, Susan Trapp, Nolan Tredway, Emily Tritsch, Erica Tucker, Edgard Chilin,Jim Turini, Reanna Ulibarri, Robert Urquhart, Anthony Valero, David & Teresa Valier, Derek Van Atta, Kendall Van Nostrand, Gabriel Vanaver, Art Varga, Isa Vasanti, Terry Vaughn, Angelia  Dotson, Mariza Vazquez, Debrah Veeder, David Spenny,Carly Verrette, David VerSchure, Jen Vroom, Brian Waite, Kurt Walberg, Rita Haramy,Beth Wales, Laurel Walker, Jilba Wallace, Greg Walljasper, Gabrielle Waters, Xavier Fretard,George & Shari Watson, Ashley Webb, Jennifer Weber, Jeff Weber, Tamera Joy,Bob Wegerer, Ryan Weggler, Jennifer Weibel, Wendy Weiss, Rosalyn Weiss, Jackie Weiss, Kate Wellington, Paul Weppler, Tom Westhoff, Brent Wheeler, Jay & Christina White, Holly White, Alex Whitemore, Rhea Wiersema, Cody Wiersema, Holly Wilder, Kerry Wilke, Roland Williams, Tony Williams, Devon Williams, Barbara Portell,Robyn Willie, Kevin Wilson, Shelly Wilson, Mitchell Burzynski,Jill Wilson, Claudia Winkler, Brenna Witt, Roger Wolsey, Erich Wonsavage, Anna Woodall, Anthony Wright, Shawna Wright, Chris Wuest, Laurie & Jim Wyckoff, David Yeats, Sheri Thompson,Kris & Kerry Youngblood, Matt Zakrajsek, Mark Zielanski, Eden Zillioux, Joe Zucchini

Sunday, 12 November 2017 09:29

Colorado Gives Day: December 5

For those that would like to boost their donation amount with what is added through the proportional match that is available through Colorado Gives, see their website for more details.

Colorado Gives

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.