OLT - Items filtered by date: September 2024
Wednesday, 07 November 2018 13:31

Colorado Gives Day - Dec 4, 2018


Colorado Gives Day is an annual fundraising opportunity that adds to your donation to your favorite non-profit. There is a partial match when donations are made through Colorado Gives to listed participating organizations. To see our profile, search the Colorado Gives site and look for Orient Land Trust

Wednesday, 07 November 2018 13:30

Valley View Closed Dec 1st - 28th

Valley View Hot Springs will be closed from December 1 through the 28, reopening on December 29. A tradition here at the hot springs, it's a time for staff to work on maintenance projects that are difficult to do while guests use the facility. It's also a time for rejuvenation, peace and quiet for the springs, the wildlife and the land. This is the one time it is OK to tell your friends about Valley View; remind them that there is no admission to the hot springs for these four weeks. The OLT office will be open from 10 am to noon to check messages and make reservations, Monday through Friday through December 21. The office is closed from December 22 through the 26th for the Christmas holiday. You may also send an email to and leave a number and time to call you back. Regular membership benefits apply. We wish everyone a very happy holiday season and look forward to seeing you next year!

Wednesday, 07 November 2018 13:29

Volunteer Appreciation Weekend!

To all of the wonderful volunteers who donated time to Orient Land Trust this season: Our Volunteer Appreciation Weekend is scheduled for December 7 & 8. If you are a volunteer in good standing and have participated in our program for 2018 you are invited! Invitations will be mailed next week so please keep a lookout! If you have moved, changed your address or do not receive your invitation, please give Rosie a call after November 12th. Thanks to everyone who helps make our volunteer program a success, we couldn't do it without you!

Wednesday, 07 November 2018 13:22

Imagine Being an OLT Board Member

Orient Land Trust's current board is doing an awesome job ensuring that the vision and mission of OLT is met. The current and past board members work closely with OLT staff to keep things spinning like a smooth running hydro generator creating energy that electrifies all visitors. I believe OLT's influence join other tribes in being guardians of our world. Perhaps the season of longer nights may lead to your own schemes and dreams for new directions and beginnings that may include the Orient Land Trust.
Monday, 15 October 2018 12:04

Dark Skies ~ Quiet Nights

"Speak only if it improves upon the silence."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Orient Land Trust (OLT) is a magical place for first time visitors and "old timers" alike. For those who have never been here (especially city dwellers), the dark skies and quiet nights can be both enchanting and also a bit disorienting, as it's quite different from typical ambient light and noise levels.

OLT is committed to keeping it's corner of the valley dark, thus sheltering visitors from the harsh city lights that obscure the stunning beauty of the night sky. This has been and continues to be one of the rare gifts to all of us who come here. We in turn can pay it forward by protecting the gift of quiet. In doing so, we all make a contribution to what makes this place such a peaceful getaway.

A broader way we can contribute to the unique beauty of the San Luis Valley is through membership donations, which enable OLT to acquire and protect more land throughout the surrounding area. Our membership donations have supported OLT in conserving over 2,200 acres of natural habitat that will remain wild forever!

At Valley View Hot Springs, we step away from our bright lights and digital distractions, allowing space for something better to emerge. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods."

So as you step into the deliciously warm and welcoming waters, and savor the vast starlit expanse, let the loudest sound be the distant chorus of coyotes, the fluttering of velvety black bat wings, the trickle of the laughing waters, and the soft whisper of gentle voices. Dark skies, quiet nights!

~ Suzanne Mariner, External Affairs Committee Member

Milky Way - Moon Rise -

Monday, 15 October 2018 12:03

Shared Space

People sometimes ask, "What's the biggest problem?" While there are not an overwhelming number of disruptions, we do get complaints. Some are about dogs, some are about other people's behaviors that make people uncomfortable, some are about overindulgence or substance abuse. If you follow the thread far enough, the general attitude that generates a specific complaint is usually traced to behavior that is inconsiderate and self-absorbed. Problem people want to do what they want to do and are only marginally aware of how what they do might have an impact on another. While we all cherish the feeling of an unchained experience in nature, this is a shared space. How we share that space determines if it is uplifting, rich, rewarding, and positive - or not. Over the years, we have tried to define what it is that makes for the magic that pleasantly surprises people and motivates them to return. One of the basic, underlying values that contributes to the atmosphere we all appreciate is that we are becoming more skillful at sharing and treating our friends and fellow travelers with respect and tolerance.

This fall we say good-bye to several front desk staff and hello to some new friendly faces!

Stephanie left in late August for her second year at Fort Lewis College. Stephanie started her career with OLT as a 16-year-old intern and recipient of the Eiseman Grant. After her first summer, Stephanie was hired to work the front desk and has been an integral part of our family for several years! It has been our joy to watch her grow into an accomplished and beautiful young woman. We are so proud of Steph and wish her the very best for this coming year. She promises to visit often!

Zoe, who has been working reception for the past year and a half, left in September. She has committed the coming year to working with at risk teens as part of a wilderness program. She will be backpacking throughout Utah, seeing some incredible landscapes and helping the planet by being an awesome mentor. We all wish her the very best!

Diane has been coming to the hot springs for almost 20 years and has been volunteering as a Bat Host, Discovery Host and Ranch Hand. Diane accepted a seasonal position on the front desk this spring. She also volunteered at the Everson Ranch and was a great help in the garden. She will be leaving in October to travel the world! We wish her safe travels and look forward to her return in the spring.

In addition, Garden Manager Brian, his wife Dru and son Brooke will be leaving the end of September after our harvest celebration. Thank you Brian and Dru for all the beautiful additions you made to the Everson Garden this summer. We wish you and your family all the best!

Three new staff members join our family, Jonathan and Kelli, on the front desk and Trisha in housekeeping. All are local, have excellent customer service experience, friendly personalities and great smiles. We are excited to have them join our staff and the OLT family. Please stop and say hello next time you visit or call for a reservation!

Monday, 15 October 2018 12:01

Everson Ranch Harvest Celebration!

On Saturday, September 29, we celebrated our third annual Harvest Celebration! Folks were able to visit the animals and pick their own veggies while touring the garden and greenhouses along with buggy rides to the Everson Reservoir.

Guests enjoyed a delicious lunch from the grill where our beef burgers or portabella mushrooms were a highlight, along with garden salad, apple crisp (from the apples at the Apple Tree Pools, thank you Peter!) zucchini chocolate brownies and even some homemade goat milk ice cream! Veggie and fruit smoothies were a big a attraction using apples from the hot springs, greens, beets and carrots harvested fresh from the garden.

Additional activities included a pumpkin patch and horseback rides for the kids. Our market stand offered our first year of Everson Ranch Honey, salves, lip balm and tea made from our garden herbs. "Yoga Under the Cottonwoods" was offered to adults and kids by our Health & Wellness Coordinator Cynthia.

Local musicians Ed Johnson and Mike Brill, The Dusty Mountain Boys, entertained us with their country/folk music. The day was warm and sunny, big blue skies, lots of friends and family who joined staff to celebrate another year of hard work, abundance and beauty at the Everson Ranch. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Market Stand  - Crystal England HC Picnic - Crystal England Mike Brill - Crystal England Cynthia leading Yoga  - Cynthia Nelson

Wednesday, 19 September 2018 20:24

Drinking Water

Celebrate! Facilities staff has completed the installation of the state required drinking water disinfection system for all OLT facilities: Main Bath, Pool Bath, Welcome Center, Sunset Rooms, Spruce House, Pavilion, Oak House, Cottonwood, Elm, and Willow cabins. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has removed their boil order. The water is tested daily for the required chlorine residual and the filters that remove the disinfectant work well so that the drinking water tastes clean and chemical free. It has been a big project. Thanks to everyone for your patience and understanding as we worked through the details of design, installation, and testing. Enjoy drinking the water and be assured in knowing that it is safe. The state has a few more requirements that we will be adding and we are working on the occasional low pressure concerns. The good news is that we no longer have to provide jugs of chlorinated water that tasted of chemical and added hours of work every day.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018 20:22

Summer is Almost Gone

Thanks to everyone for another enjoyable summer. This year, there were some challenges: County wide Fire Ban, dry weather, reduced volume of water from the springs, and skies that were sometimes smoky from the many fires throughout the region and the entire west. We've had some welcome rainfall in the past few weeks and the fire ban has been lifted. We are in a desert and fire is always a danger but it is less like a tinder box since the rain. Reduced water volume from the springs made for a longer fill time for the swimming pool after each cleaning every Wednesday. We did use the diesel generator as back-up as we repaired the collection box and that did help fill the pool more quickly for those weeks. Switching from hydroelectric power to diesel and then back does interrupt power and cause some electronic devices to require re-setting. We apologize for any problems that may have been caused by that.

The days are shorter, the nights are cooler. We would like to see more snowfall this winter and if we could get some more rain in the next few months, we could recover a bit from the nearly year long drought. Thanks to all for the extra care with smoking and fire this summer. Your thoughtfulness saw us safely through thus far. Finding cigarette butts along paths or at the pools is unsightly and disappointing. Please smoke only inside the Smoke Hut or inside your vehicle

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.