OLT - Items filtered by date: September 2024
Monday, 10 September 2018 16:36

2017 Annual Report

Annual Report to Audited Financials and IRS 990

We've streamlined our presentation of the Annual Report for 2017 again and included links to the full Audit Report with graphs and the IRS Form 990 . This provides the most detailed information about OLT's financial health and well being for 2017.  We have been sending regular monthly email newsletter updates (archived on the website) which include information and highlights that used to be in the annual report.  This website presentation takes the place of the printed and mailed format that we have used in the past, which saves considerable costs while allowing us to provide more information.  If you prefer printed copies of this material, we can provide that at your request.  If you would like to provide an additional donation of support to OLT (or renew your membership) please use the links to the donation form below, call us, or use the online donation form. Feel free to provide any feedback to Executive Director Doug Bishop. Thank you.

Annual Appeal form 2018 (printable PDF)

Treasurer's Report

- Patrick Comiskey

The board received the 2017 audit report from Taylor, Roth company in early June. Scott McCumber, Doug Bishop and I reviewed the report with the auditors in a phone conference on May 9th. The audit opinion was unqualified indicating that there were no material issues relative to generally accepted accounting principles. Net assets of Orient Land Trust increased by $277,999 for 2017. Comparing to 2016 results, total revenue and support increased by $72,141 while total expense increased $31,171. Notable increases in expense occurred in the labor and payroll tax categories as would be expected as the number of visitors continues to increase each year. There was also some discussion regarding possible tax issues related to sales of products produced at the Everson Ranch. While not an issue currently, Taylor, Roth and Company will continue to advise us if and when this becomes an issue.

The database project implementation is taking much longer than the board had desired or expected. Recent decisions will hopefully result in the project getting back on track and ready for full implementation in the near future. Management and the board continue to believe that this new application will create opportunities and efficiencies beyond those that were obvious at the time the decision was made.

As in the past, I would attribute these results to the excellent performance of the organization's management team, the wonderful support and efforts of the volunteers and what I believe to be the vigilant oversight of the board.

For 2018 and the future, the organization continues to explore land conservation opportunities including land acquisition. The year 2018 is shaping up to result in another positive increase in the organization's assets. As stewards of these resources, I am confident that the board will continue to pursue and achieve the conservation goals of OLT.

OLT Statement of Activities 2017

 OLT Statement of Financial Position 2017

 OLT Expenses by Function Graph 2018


Notes from the board Chair

Doug Bishop
- John Standish 

I have had the privilege of serving as OLT’s Board Chair for another year during this period of continued steady-handed growth, management and operation. Highlights of the year included the second Fall Ranch Celebration, which featured locally sourced food and music by Colorado Springs’ Flying W Wranglers. While the celebration was not a big money maker for OLT, it was a solid success from the perspective of enhancing awareness of the dramatic improvements and activities taking place at Everson Ranch, including their new veggie garden.

After many years of research, 2017 also encompassed an intensive push to create OLT’s new reservation and database system through the engagement of a contracted Denver software developer. The inherent complexity of the project and delays along the way derailed the planned launch of the new database in December. Happily, the current stopgap application developed by Chris Miller continues to be solid and should hold us over as need be until the new database system is ready for prime time.

A second major project that began in late 2017 was the installation of a chlorination system that was the result of the state’s mandate to disinfect the tap water that up until that point had been untreated from the source of the spring in the Valley View Hot Springs property. The new system needed to be comprehensive as well as systemic, involving the rerouting and treating of multiple piping and filtration systems within the village. Since we all have been spoiled by the great tasting untreated water at OLT for many years, no one relished the idea of having to add chemicals to Valley View’s water, so I was thrilled to discover that in the interest of keeping OLT’s water as pure and good-tasting as possible, the new system plans included the addition of dechlorination filters for the drinking water at every stage.

As the positive reputation of OLT continues to spread, more and more visitors have committed to spending time at Valley View to relax in the soothing waters, hike up to the bat cave or on the many trails on the slopes of the Sangre de Cristos, view the stars through the newly acquired high-power telescope, or just chill. The downside of OLT’s growing popularity has been an increasing tendency to meet the daily quota throughout the year—including weekdays in winter—and the necessity of staff having to turn away impromptu visitors once the capacity has been reached.

The evolution of the summer Science Camp has also become a big success, as is the case with volunteer programs such as the weed pull that continue to enhance and educate. Moreover, OLT seems to be on track to sustain its legacy of conservation, education and enrichment for many years to come.


OLT's Executive Director Message

Doug Bishop
- Doug Bishop

The most important thing to say is, “Thank You!” The success of Orient Land Trust depends on everybody. The hard-working staff keeps operations and facilities running efficiently and reliably. Volunteers cover the many details of keeping things humming. Among the volunteers, we have Bat Hosts, Camp Hosts, Discovery Hosts and many people who give of their time and muscle to do what needs to be done. The board of directors also are important volunteers that tend to the business of Orient Land Trust with thoughtfulness and attention to details during the long board meetings. Directors prepare to carefully and thoroughly consider all the issues that are discussed and the decisions that need to be made. Guests and visitors for helping keep things tidy and neat. Staff works diligently to get things done and help people get what they need quickly and cheerfully. Perhaps most importantly, we want to say thank you to the members and guests that are respectful and compassionate visitors creating and maintaining the community that thrives here, even though it is difficult to define. To all, two inadequate words that are probably too infrequent, Thank You!

The year 2017 presented some challenges. The Colorado Department of Public Health, Drinking Water Division now requires us to provide disinfected drinking water. The project is a large one that involves separating the drinking water from the geothermal water. Our engineer came up with a system that provides for the state required disinfection and includes a final filter that removes the disinfection chemistry. Late 2017 we did much of the trenching and pipe installation. The garden at the Everson Ranch was larger and more successful. We grew many pumpkins along with other garden produce. Mike and Cherrye were busy with weekend meals and farm tours. OLT engaged in building a new database and reservation system. Our operations are unusual and the needs are complex. Thankfully, the old database continues to function and we are relying on it to keep up with the demands until the new software is finished and tested.

Attendance for 2017 was up over the year before. We are filling our capacity limits more frequently, especially during mild weather. We reach capacity every day in the summer. Some days fill earlier than other days. As the population of Colorado grows, and people like what they learn about Orient Land Trust, admission to the hot springs will require a reservation more and more frequently. We don’t like turning people away. We do that to protect and preserve the hot springs from overuse.


2017 Visitation

The year showed an increase in day and overnight admission passes, adult and child visitation. We have a great staff who managed the Welcome Center, guest registration, housekeeping and facilities maintenance.  Seasonal volunteers supported staff as ambassadors, hosts and tour guides. We received many compliments from guests that our staff and volunteers are friendly, helpful and added to the experience of visiting OLT!


2017 Adult

2017 Children

2017 Total

2016 Adult

2016 Children

2016 Total


































2017 Volunteer Report

Volunteer Program:  Best ever!  We had many experienced and devoted volunteers return along with some exceptional new people joining the program. Our program grew by an additional 15 volunteers and 143 person-hours! 128 volunteers donated 8,275.25 person-hours!  This year we received many compliments about our camp and discovery hosts and tour guides. OLT hosted the third annual Volunteer Appreciation Weekend on December 1 & 2, which was attended by 42 volunteers. Warm weather was a plus, we had a great potluck at the pavilion celebrating our community!  This program is on a solid foundation and continues to grow and improve. Many of our volunteers expressed sincere gratitude at being a part of the OLT Family and have already committed to returning for 2018. So much gratitude goes to these devoted volunteers who help us to keep this exceptional place running smoothly!


Volunteer Hours by Category for 2017


Camp Host

Discovery Host

Astronomy Host

Bat Host


Hydro Elec


Special Events










Science Camp



Board of Directors















2017 Educational Programs

Educational Programs: We gave 553 Educational Tours to 4,997 youth, adults and seniors.  That is an increase of 236 tours to an additional 1237 people from 2016!

Astronomy, Bat and Everson Ranch tours were offered daily throughout the summer and Hydroelectric Tours were offered weekly or upon request. We did not have a geologist available on a regular basis so geology tours were offered for science camp and upon request.  This was the first year we kept track of hot springs tours and history tours. A Hot Springs tour consists of a staff or volunteer walking guests around the hot springs and telling them about our mission, community, membership, educational programs and culture.

Science Camp: We had an increase in registration to 30, which almost doubled from past years!  OLT’s program continues to grow, offering new workshops and educational experiences. Science camp workshops are led by OLT staff and volunteers and are sponsored by a Saguache County Sales Tax Grant of $2,550.   

Everson Ranch tours were offered daily this summer (not just weekends as in 2016) and we recorded the greatest increase of almost 400 guest visitations in this program.  Guests loved the Ranch, visiting the animals, seeing the bees, gardens, and greenhouse. The Ranch was used as our base for Science Camp, which took impact away from the hot springs.  As our registration grew, we needed more space and the ranch worked great, offering workshops under the big tent. Mike and Cherrye were instrumental in the Ranch Program success by welcoming guests, supervising volunteers, giving tours and hosting events.



# Tours Given

# Guests


Science Camp


Total Guests

+/- 2016









































Hot Springs





No data








No data

Bird Workshop
















Annual Appeal form 2018 (printable PDF)


Membership increased in 2017 by an additional 326 new members!  

This was an increase of 9% from 2016 and brought our total number of members to 3,651.











2017 Member Acknowledgements

(We are only listing those that have given us permission to acknowledge them publicly.)


Joe Eaglesfether
Scott Hamilton
Darrin Pyle
Karen McLaughlin & Mark Schubin


Peter Carroll
Damian Taggart
Sam Duncan
Robert Heiberger


Richard Ward
James Young
Don Geddes & Kathy Geddes
Thomas Blomqvist
Gelly Landman
Robert Leach
Dan Jones
Randy Fischer
Steve Hutto
Mike Morone
Michael Lawrence & Maureen Lawrence
Chris Miller
Richard Mullane
Aaron Rodgers
Bill Singer
David & Vickie Vogel


Michael Albi
Mike Allen & Andrea Allen
William Anderson, Jr.
Ron Boyd
Connie Call
Stewart Cohune
Alice Cole
Amelia Conrado
LaLa Cornelius
Daniel Currie
Claude Dean & Margaret Dean
Julie DeWald
Hillary English & Tom Fuhrmann
Todd Fife
Teddy Finney
Don Fishburne
Germaine Fraley
Roger Franz
Mike Gacek
Emily Galvin & Josh Galvin
Christina Gangemi
Marcia Goldin
Michele Hawley
Steven Hecht
Peter Heinz
Jim Hinde
Alexander Horsky
Peter Huber & Deborah Van Dyke
Ray Ilczyszyn
Jennifer Infantino
Lucy Johnson
Jeremy Kalan
Michelle Kirsch
Joani Kleensang & Dave Kleensang
Andrew Klein
Barbara Lavender
Jeff Lazaroff
Dorothy Lessem
Jim Longwell
Teresa Louis-Tomlinson
Gail Marcus
John Mariner
John Marlin
David Marquardt & Kandi Marquardt
Charles Meredith
Barbara Miller & Preston Miller
Ginger Mitchell
Kelli Mlinarik Marko
Melinda Murphy
Michael Musialowski
Ruby Nahan
Doug Neese
Rachel Noble & Daniel Noble
Julie Norem-Hawley
Jim Nugent
Michael O'Brien
Chris Ortega & Michelena Brew
Don Palermo
Brian Paulson
Melissa Percell & Robert Percell
Gerald Pine
Bruce Poster
John Redick & Jan Redick
John Redick
Aleia Schaum
Mike Schlater
Ilene Schmidt
Uwe Schroeter
Patricia Seator
Gary Shannon
Scott Sharot
Andrea Silver
Sam Silver & Yelena Tomas
Sondra Singer
Mary Lou Singleton
Joe Stapen & B.J. Stapen
Graham Steinruck
Ray Stewart
Michael Thompson
Scott Walker & Vicki Walker
Crystal Wallace
Leroy Walz
Pamela Wear
Martin Weinberg
Jill Wilson & Dwight Burgess Jr.
Larry Wuerffel
Dena Zocher
John Hallinan & Kenda Hallinan
Anna Frank
James Kimble
Adrian O'Leary
Cindy Rusch
Michele Abbotts
Fern Barker
Sue Bloom & Ted Pollack
Kenneth Childers & Susan Childers
Bill Cita
Alice Cole
Mark Flora
Chris Gaffney
Ed Hall
John Hartshorn
John Hendry
Susan Hicks
Cassandra Katz
Josh Lazaroff & Clara Lazaroff
Ken Lindas
Paul Schiro
Edward Schrems
Jane Scribner
Elliot Smith
Mindy Stuemke
Mike Tully
Chris Turk
June Wiebe & Frank Wiebe
Roland Williams
Christian Woehr
Brad Wright
Don Zumstein
Ron Foster
Tim O'Connor
Oscar Voss
Frank Barron & Mary Lubcheco
Ed Cannon
William Harris & Julie Harris
Andrew Klein
Robert Leach
Joanna Mouming & Geoff Mouming
Michael Royer
Barry Schwartz
Tracy Sondeen
Trevor Stone
Trevor Stone
Jim Taylor


Emerald Ainge
Gemma Akins
Amanda Allen & Nate Nelson
Dave Ambors & Chris Ambors
Adrienne Anderson
Don Andress
Fred Appleyard
Katie Arcila
Kristiana Avery
Alexandra Aznar
Anastasia Azure
Christina Bain
Hill Baker
Tom Baldner
Tara Banks
Ellen Barnett
Ryan Beavers
Steve Beleu
Cory Bergerud
David Bisenius
Milton Bixler
Art Blanchard
Ken Boettcher
Jessica Bonasso
Eric Borg
Joe Bradley III
Judy Brey
Cameron Brooks
Steve Brown
David Bryan
Susie Bucklin
Gregg Burgess
Ana Burrows
Randy Canney
Henry Case
Louise Chawla
William Chen
David Chorpenning & Beth Chorpenning
Fred Clauss & Terri Clauss
Denise Cope
Paul Counts
Josh Coyle
Elizabeth Cramer
Spencer Crawford
Brian Crawford
Jerome Crawford
Marna Dannenbaum
Suzanne Degross
Anne Delling
Brian Dewitt
Stephanie Donbusch
David Drucker
Nicholas Duckworth
Erin Dula
David Edmonds
Ken Ellison
Kirsten Erkfritz
Amber Fasick
Suzanne Forrester
Jeremiah Gallagher & Shari Gallagher
Bruce Gillen
Natalie Glass-Cherry
Beitani Gorski
Quinton Grochala
Edward Groth & Carol Groth
Cailey Halloran
Greg Harper & Pam Harper
Jessica Hartkop & Mike Hartkop
Elizabeth Haynes
Heather Head
Diane Hopkins
Rachel Hunt
Chuck Hutaff
Harriet Ivker & Robert Ivker
Seth Jacob
Jan Janecka
Helen Johnson
Nicole Jordan
Debbie Kelley
David Kelly
Michale Kernan
Kary Kilmer
Brad Klafehn
Christine Knoblauch
Steve Knudsen
David Kochheiser & Erica Kochheiser
Cindy Kronauge & Dean Allison
Nicolas Lacert & Suzannah Yoon
John Lampe
Glen Larson
Lily LaValley
Rachel Lee & Gerald Lee
Alex Lerma
Pat Levad
Ron Lezon
Amanda Lopez
Sondra Loudenburg
McKenzie Lyle
Larry Macro
Casey Madison
Monique Madison
Suzi Malman
Kevin Markey
Ann Mathews
Leon Mazeika
Jennifer McCarter
Caroline Meador
Hans Meyer
Mark Miller
Robert Mitchem
Judith Mohling
Claudette Moloney-Walpole
Krista Moore & James Bennett
Christie Moran & Markus Groner
Dave Moross & Amy Coyle
James Morsicato
Diane Mueller
Richard Muerle
Marcy Mullet
Brennan Murphey
Claudia Nanino
Donald Neeper & Cary Neeper
Uri Neren
Jean Nichols
William Nixon
William Odonnell
Mindy Ogo
John Ogren
David Olsen
Dan Otero
Cheri Overstreet
Jonathan Page
Leann Pape
Richard Parr
David Pastor
Tyrone Pearson
Meagan Pelletier
Joshua Peplinski
Stephanie Pergantis
Penelope Powell
Ashok Prasad
Mark Price
Mike Reed
Richard Replin
Jocelyn Reynolds
Daryl Rhodes & Pam Rhodes
Ronald Richey & Rebecca Richey
Polina Rikoun
D Ripple
Jamie Romero
Carlette Rosales
Dara Rotunno
David Rummel
Nancy Sammons
Mark Satterlee
Milan Sefcik
Ed Self & Amy Sebesta-Self
Stacy Shockley
David Silver
Ken Simko
Tammie Singer
Willow Singleton
Willow Singleton
Carla Slatt-Burns
Doug Smith
Brad Smith
David Sodamann
Carrie Sonneborn
Patrick Speer & Rachel Speer
Sandy Starkweather & Glen Fernandez
Rachel Steele
Mindy Stuemke
Robin Svenson & Michael Allen
George Sylvester
Shelley Terrill
Bob Thompson
Andrew Tidrick
Therese Tran
Emily Tritsch
Robert Urquhart
Kathleen Valentine & Phillip Valentine
Derek Van Atta
Vern Vobejda
Evelyn Waggoner & Royce Waggoner
Greg Walljasper
Ed Watson
Mark Weeding
Rob Werge
Adam Wilcox
Anna Woodall
Silvia Zani & Henry Rowland
Jennifer Zedalis


Tom Abbott
James Abrams
Celia Adamec
Kendra Adler
Adrianna Aguilar & Drake Austin
Rachel Albert & Daniel Albert
Marcy Allard &Cary Thrash
Russ Allen
Amanda Allen
Kelly Ammann
Anita Amstutz
Hope Anderson
Andy Anderson
Sue Angel
Toni Anthony
Jean Anthony
Christoper Apodaca & Lisa Apodaca
Rachael Aronson & Wes Cochran
Andrew Ayers & Michelle Roehm
Robert Bachicha
Larry Bacon
Chuck Baker
Faith Baker
Tracy Ballard
Anna Bardos & Dalibor Simar
Sanjay Bardwaj
Andy Bardwell
Jeanette Barich
Ashley Basta
Amanda Bauer
Judy Beckman & Brad Beckman
Paul Behr
Carol Bellhouse & Lem Chesher
Alison Bernstein
Francis Bessler
Shawn Best
Andy Beyer & Lynsey Maudlin
Matt Bezark
Sanjay Bhasker
Mary-Frances Bigoney & Andrew Bigoney
Carol Bilous
Melissa Binder & Bart Vanden Plas
Ivan Binnings
Brad Bishop
Cheyenne Bishop
Kallie Bjerke
Jane Blair & Greg Blair
Carol Blehm
Shelley Blessing & Rob Blessing
Polleaanne Blue & Gregory Blue
Alexandra Blumenfeld
Demetrius Bolduc
Lindsey Bollinger & David Caughman
Greg Bond
Susanna Bonner
Bill Boro
Ann Bowler
Joseph Boyle
Lacey Brake
Finn Bramlett
Jon Brandon
Nikesha Breeze-Nelson
Adam Brege & Ashley Brege
Ryan Brenteson
Patrick Bresnahan
Geoffrey Brinker
Sugandha Brooks
Alane Brown
Laura Brown
Richard Broyles
Eric Bryant
Richard Buchanan
Tim Budrys
Elizabeth Burdge
Josh Buren
Spencer Burke
Margaret Burkesmith
Chase Burrows
Raymond Bush
Susan Butler
Shannon Cahill
Nichole Calagias
Clay Campbell
Kellie Cannon
Kim Cara
Rita Carey & Mary Anne Bennett
Andres Carlson
Juliet Carpenter
Georgia Carr
Doug Carter
Doug Carter
Cary Carter
Patrick Casey
Cas Castro & Jacob Marsh
Annie Catura
Douglas Chambers
Peter Chasteen
Jessica Chernila
Cary Choate
Aric Christensen & Morgan Duffy
Rae Christiansen & Robert Herzfeld
Gordon Chu
Alyssa Clarida
Paul Clark
David Claypool & Jeremy Shaver
Heidi Clifford
David Clifton
Mitchell Clute
Robert Clyman
Allison Cohn
Michelle Colarelli
Jaime Coleman
Julie Conquest
Richelle Conway & Jeff Conway
Doug Conwell
Tim Cook & Cathy Cook
Leslie Cook
Julie Cool
Mark Cooper
Kevin Corrigan
Patrick Corse
Gary Cox
Megan Craver
Scott Creevy & Sally Creevy
Amanda Creighton
Jacki Crill & Josh Crill
Janice Crosby
Kim Croy
Chuck Cummings
Kareem Dabbagh
Devin Dahl & Chris Yinger
Aisling Daly
Jeff Davidson
Thomas Davis
Brian Davis
Julia Davis & Greg Davis
Andre Dayley & Jetha Marek
Steve Devore
Dan Devore
David Dickey
Sky Diegel
Nancy Distler
Jen Dixon
Mary Frances Dodd
Alli Drucker
Austin Drury
Edward Duarte
Eddie Dugan
Lisa Dumont
Lauren Eisele & Peyton Peeple
Glenn Ennis & Meryl Ennis
Sarah Estes
Randy Estes  
Arthur Fairburn
Joanie Falconer
Jesse Falcon-Musik
Dearing Fauntleroy
Sophie Fearon
Maria Fenty
Matt Fernandez
Erick Fields
Roberto Fimbres & Brenda Boulier
Edward Finney
Robert Fisher
Barbara Fix
Jennifer Fleming
Adrienne Flowers
Hannah Floyd
Katherine Flynn
Tom Fortier & Jessika Laufenberg
Jay Fox
Cari Fox
Nancy Fredricks
David Freeman
Ellen Freemeyer & Joe Freemyer
Sonja Frenz & Kali Goring
Sean Friend
Vanessa Fritzsche & Kris Fritzsche
Shawn Frizzell
Rose Fuller
Giovanni Fusetti
Lisa Galey
Shannon Gandy & Benjamin Gandy
Adrienne Garbini
Gwen Garcelon
Moonbeam Gardebring
Vicky Garrison
Maximum Gatz
Katie Gavin
Dan Geary
Monte George & Connie George
April Gibson
Diane Giffin
Adam Gildar
Richard Gittelman
Chelsea Glanz
Steve Glissendorf
April Goebl & Jacob Stanley
David Gonzales
Shay Gonzales
Rafael Gonzalez
Nathan Good
Amy Goodrich
Kevin Gotchet
John Graham
Rachel Gramig
Larry Gray & Leslie Gray
Ben Greene
Jill Griffin
Theo Grondahl
Gayle Gross
Reg Groves & Heidi Groves
Matthew Grunenwald
Kirstin Gumucio
Michelle Gurule
Josh Gurvitch & Dena Gurvitch
Kristin Gushurst
Elisa Guzman & Galindo DL
William Gwaltney & Paulina Gwaltney
Eli Haine & Parker Jones
Gene Hainer
Saba Halaby
Cooper Hall
Taylor Hall
Brian Halterman
Laura Hamilton
Tory Hancock
Jeremiah Hansen
Louann Harlow
Matthew Harris
Diane Harris
Trey Harrison
Thomas Harrison
Bob Harrison
David Hawley & Erika Davey
Shauna Hay
Tim Heacox
Ruth Heal
Cheryl Heikoop
Diana Heise & Davin Watne
Sandra Heise
Bernie Heissfeld
Jenny Hekkers & Scott Taylor
Mary Helgeson
Douglas Hellweg
Maureen Herrera & Charles Herrera
Natalie Hess
Jason Hiester & Angelina Tacchia
William Higham
Kim Hill
Pam Hill
Jennifer Himelick
Michelle Hindman
Peter Hinkley
Steven Hirsch
Les Ann Holland
Tierney Holzinger & Cliff Cook
Barbara Homerding
Kerrin Hoot & Zechariah Hoot
Jennifer Horsman
Steve Houghton
Margo Houk
Philippa Howard
Chris Huang
Mathew Hudgens
Joy Hughes
Robert Hunt & Linda Hunt
Victoria Huynh & Mark Beamer
Emily Irvin
Richard Irwin
David Iwane & Natalie Andrade
Robert Jacques
Tricia James & Jesse James
Jennifer James & Gordon James
Dawn Jantzen
Carla Jenkins
Janice Jennings
Stuart Jensen
Stephen Jimenez
Min Jin
Mikhail Jirnov
Richard Johnson & Charles Johnson
Craig Jolly
Bricelyn Jones
Lindsey Jones
Terry Jones
Nancy Jones
Chris Jones
David Jones & Elizabeth Jones
Tres Jones
Florence Jones
Melissa Joss
Hannah Joss
Samantha Juarez & Camille Barrows
Betsy Kabrick
Tory Kagey & Judy Kagey
Tammy Kaiser
Kourtney Kane
Karen Karnuta
Elizabeth Karras
Karyn Katsenes
Brian Katz
Ranpreet Kaur
Tony Keady & Erika Keady
Jodi Keim
Kathleen Kelleher
Mark Kemper
Lisa Kerly
Dan Kilcommons
Nancy King
James King
Grant Kirchner
Katie Kirwan
Joe Kistner
Michael Klein
Jim Klock & Kim Kirchhoff
Montana Knapp
Nathan Knecht
Bob Knous
Jim Komatinsky
Paul Koppana
Lexi Korneitchouk
Julie Kove
Mark Kozlowski
Christine Krainiak
Jeff Krueger
Ariana Kurtz
Randy Laird
Aaron Lamb
Betsy Lamberson
Jim Landes
Erik Lang
Kayla Lange
Tara Lanich-Labrie
Alan Larpthaveesarp
Bruce LaRue
Sarah Laughlin & Peter Krusch
Ray Laws
A.C. Lee
Felix Lefevre & Meagan Crow
Joseph Legolvan
Jennifer Lemmon
James LeRoux
Michael LeVeille
Sheri Levine
Samuel Levis & Suki Liebow
Harold Linkous & Kathleen Burgess
Michael Linville
Cody Lister
Sarah Livingston
Paul Logan
Bob Long
Joe Long & Kathy Long
Jayashri Lopez & Felix Lopez
Robin Lorck
Cara Loux
Destry Lufk & Missy Lufk
Rachel Luplow
Michael Lustig
Bradford Lyons & Asia Lyons
Joanie MacCallum
Mike Mackey
Larry Macklin & Janet Macklin
Kassi Maczuga
Sadie Madrid
Kelsey Maffucci
Natalie Magee & Charles Magee
Tzuria Malpica
Joe Manley
Robert Mann
Gigi Manrique
Justin Marley
Elizabeth Marosky
Abby Martin
Jason Martinez
Ryan Martinez
Angela Martz
Peter Mason & Arianne Mason
Jennifer Mathews
Rachel Mathews
Scott Mathias
Ashley Maurer
Brenda Mavor
Daniel Maxwell
Caleb McCall
Sean McCoy
Brian McCullough
Kathleen Mcgoey
Maya McGraw
Eileen McIlvain
Hayley Mckaskill & James Mckaskill
Andy McKean
Ellis McMath
Teresa McVety
Sarah Meade & Emilio Ruiz-Burkett
Bailey Meade & Eric Markowitz
David Meens
Adam Melin
Danielle Menditch
Raymond Mendoza
Julia Mesnikoff
Jeff Messerschmidt
Eric Meyer & Jennifer Meyer
Kelley Michelle
Nancy Mikesell
Stevi Lee Miller
John Miller
Adrienne Miller
Dave Mills
Lara Minichiello
Scott Mintken
Kathryn Mitchem
Bill Moench
John Montgomery
Monty Moorman
Barbara Moriarty
Mike Morley
Jahan Mostofi
Birgit Mueller
Phyllis Mugele
Kathleen Murphy
Jimy Murphy
Dana Musto
Kevin Mycoskie
Elke Naumburg
Sue Navy
Theresa Nazzal
Eric Nelson
Debbi Nelson Erik Nelson
Mark Nelson
Mark Nemger
Julia Nerbonne & Brian Nerbonne
Alison Newman & Brian Newell
Dusti Nichols
Justin Nonnweiler
Victoria Novoselski
Angela O'Connor
Paul O'Connor
David Offutt
Jon Oppenheimer & Janelle Higgins
Michelle Osterday
Ansley Otero
Kate Padilla
Morgan Pagliuca
Vivienne Palmer
Nellie Palmeri
Mark Paluszek & Anna Paluszek-86
Sara Papathakis
Joshua Paquette
Dan Payne
Dave Peake
Mica Pepin
Don Perl
Kendall Perry
Heather Perry & Phillip Tevis
Kyle Peters & Beth Callaway
Cherie Peterson
Leigh Ann Phillips
Steve Piderit
Dana Piombino
Alyssa Pipp
Julie Pliner
Sara Poe & Adam Poe
Donald Pohlman & Elaine Pohlman
David Potter & Abry Deshong
Ryan Powanda
Heather Powell Browne
Halie Price
Ashlei Priest
Richard Pritzlaff
Chris Quave
Anthony Rackham
Jeremiah Rae & Ali Rae
Carson Ramsay
Morris Randol
Brian Rayburn
Bethany Reece & Thaddeus Wells
Ken Rehborn
Chad Reich
Rei Reid & Max Shiffman
Karin Reid
Daniel Reiher
Nick Rennie
Adam Richards
Quinton Rief
Carrie Riesberg
Joella Roberts
Alastair Robertson
Robert Robison
Christina Rochette
Alexis Rodriguez-Carlson
Andrew Romero
Robert Rose & Janelle Washington
Sheryl Rosenbloom
Annie Rotundi
Suzanne Rouge
Alex Rudback
Robert Ruhland
Scott Russell
Annie Russell
Cynthia Russell
Wojciech Rychlik
Susan Ryder
Leah Salmans
Lisa Samoy
Jane Sampson
Brent Sanders
Cj Sanders
Peter Satrun
Bill Schaefer
Judy Schatzberg
Ryan Scheck
Jacob Schneider & Nathan Mayercsik
Erika Schultz
Jeff Schultz
Barry Schwartz
Charles Scianna
Kayla Scott
Miranda Scott-Womack
Joanne Secord
Jamie Seiffer
Rosellen Sell
Peter Sevenhawks & Stacy Mendez
Jeff Shaw
Patrick Shea
Philo Shelton
Michael Sheppard
Jiah Shin
Tiffany Shocklee & Zack Shocklee
Marissa Sieck
Dharma Siener & Ingrid Regnier
Nikki Signer
Bob Siles
Helga Simons
Haley Sinclair
Susan Skellenger
Andreena Small
Wayne Smart
Reed Smith & Natasia Bawn
Lizzie Smith
Alesha Smith & Stacey Buchner
Rebecca Sobel
Bruce Soehngen
Yolanda Soler Gutielrez
Annalisa Sorensen & Patrick Carroll
Caleb Spooner & Mary Tergo
Justin Spott
Delayne Sprinkles
Ondrej Sramek
Elana Sue St. Pierre
Teddi Stabler
Sylas Stanfield & Kathryn Pitman
Heather Stanley
Heather Starsong
Jessica Stayton
Jenna Stevens
Anna Stevens
Gary Stimson
Markus Stobbs
Jill Stoll
Julian Stollmeyer
Mya Strasser
Sheryl Strohm
Lindsey Stuart
Paul Sucharski
Daniel Sullivan
Joshua Swanson
Lora Swartz
Lindsay Sworski
Bonnie Swyers
Jesse Taenzer
Damian Taggart
Alondra Taveras
Scott Taylor
Bret Taylor
Lauren Taylor
Gwen Tenney
Bonnie Thompson
Alicia Thompson
Boris Tikh
Stephen Tims
David Toney
Britt Toppenberg
Tony Trevino & Melissa King
Deborah Troillet
Tammy Trott
Sara Truitt
Raviv Turner
Carolyn Vaclavik
Olivia Valentin
Sergio Valladares
Kendall Van Nostrand
Pieter Van Winkle
Gabriel Vanaver
Denise VandeWalle
Adam VanStraten
Linda Vaughn & Mike Vaughn
Mariza Vazquez
Ryan Veit
David Verdoner
Scott Vincent
Brian Waite
Beth Wales
Kathy Walker
Jeff Walker
Mait Walker
Martin Ward
Bruce Ward
Arlen Ward
Dick Weaver
Morgan Webert
Jennifer Weibel
Briana Weintraub
Lane Weis
Kate Wellington
Katie Wells
Kate West Jeremy West
Erica West
Alex Whitemore
Dru Whitledge
Vicki Whittecar & Daniel Willard
Travis Wichmann
Ronnie Wilcox
Kerry Wilke
Tony Williams & Lori Williams
Dennis Williams
Brenna Witt
Jeffery Wittig
Joel Worcester
Anthony Wright
Shawna Wright
Jeff Yates
David Yeats
Chongmin Yuan
Roland Zamberry
Michael Zerella
Jacob Zimmerman & Lisa Zimmerman
Maya Amack-Ratner
Kaitlyn Bailey
James Byrnes
Reed Campbell
Zach Childs
Pamela Craig
Judy Crees
Katie Crosby
James Crowley
Jennifer Dansby
Mike Dardi
Ian Davis
Jackie Dayton
Allen Denoyer
Frankie Dickson
Curt Dodson
Front Donations
Phil Dougan
Mateo Eidson
Larry Ewing & Jeannette Ewing
Dudley Finter
Ken Goodwin
James Graebner Jr.
Lindsay Haarmeyer
Alexis Hermes
Vernon Hill
Edward Hines
Chad Jackson
Courtney James
Jill Jones
Jennifer Kaercher
Jan Kirschner
Aiko Knapp & Leaf Soltis
Jared Kuhn
Wendy Larson
Shakhila Lindsay
Christine Lowry
Jacqui Marti
Red Matthiesen
James Mauck
Lois Maxwell
David Musante
Kevin Palmer
Erik Parker
Matthew Parris
Paul Pekar
Galen Pereira
Jesse Porter
Sallie Robinson
Tober Schorr
Carmen Schultz
Nolen Shaber
Jodie Simon
Ondrej Sramek
Alexandra Swan & Bruce Swan
Chris Taylor
Fred Todd
Hannah Van Eendenburg
Allison Wallace
Rachel Wiebeck
John Eiseman
Daniela Honegger
Chris Taylor
Rachel Wiebeck
Jessica Adams
Russ Allen
Kristi Anderson
Faith Arbor
Brad Bartlett
Dawn Beck & Gerard Gatz
Melissa Binder & Bart Vanden Plas
Michael Biondo
Ray Blackhall & Sally Blackhall
Margaret Brown
Cindy Burrows
Cindy Burrows
David Caughman
David Clifton & Anne Clifton
Tony Coble
Lisa Coder
Allison Cohn
Richelle Conway
Marya Corneli
Deela Cox
Robert Critchfield
Elle Dailey
Kell Delaney
Dennis Dempsey & Brenda Dempsey
Andy Dieringer
Larry Dixon
Front Donations
Edward Duarte
Emily Dugan & Joe Dugan
Steve Duker
Lawton Eddy
Ariele Erwine
Janette Fetter
Barbara Fix
Sheila Freehill & David Hirt
Sean Friend
Riox Frosher
Christi Frum
Lisa Galey
Angela Galik
Shannon Gandy
Sarah Gershuny
Diane Giffin
Caitlin Gordon
Molly Green
Leanne Griffin
Justin Grinwis
Kevin Hammond
Jacqueline Hardy
William Harris
Sheila Hayter
Allen Heggen  
Sharon Hemenway
Carl Henrikson
Kassie Hopkins & Daniel Hopkins
Andrew Jatras
Janice Jennings
Scott Kallase
Tony Keady
Warren Kesselring
Robin Klasson
Mark Kneisley
TJ Koehler
Mitch Kraemer
Phillip LaRoe
Scott Laughlin
Richard Leirer
Nityamo Lian
Daniel Lindsey
Scott Linton
Alex Lizzi
Jayashri Lopez
Indra Lusero
Joe Manley
Jetha Marek & Andre Dayley
Susan Mathison
Cynthia McGrath & Philip McGrath
Julia Mesnikoff
Eric Meyer & Jennifer Meyer
Claudia Milius
John Miller & Lucinda Miller
Caitlin Miller & Jonathan Page
Michael Millner
Steve Montoya
Lou Muzikar
Angela Myers
Claire Nafziger
Tom Nagle
Mary Neff
Rachael Nelli
James Power
Richard Pritzlaff
Daniel Ramirez
Daniel Ramirez & Jessica Royal
Bonnie Reichers
Miriam Rosenblum
Michael Royer
Margaret Rudin
Alan Sage
Adam Saks
Nichole Salankey
Marilyn Saltzman
Daniel Schaefer
Susan Schmidt
Marilyn Sherbring
Laura Shill
Jim Skvorc
Belinda Smiley
Heather Starsong
John Sutjak
Ainsley Thompson
Jeff Thompson
Reanna Ulibarri
Travis Ward & LaDonna Ward
Thaddeus Wells
Erica West
Erica West
Fred Yost & Jane Yost
Walt Young & Malia Young
Walt Young
Jon Zadra
Matt Zakrajsek
Julie Zavage
Tom Zieber
Tom Zieber
Jodi Zuber
Front Donations
Steven Penn
Annie Pace
Tony Coble
Susanne Peck
Brett Burbridge
Ray Isaac
Richard Mann & Jill Mann
Eva Avjean
Bill Bliesath
Judith Bonsignore
John Cornelius & Charlotte Cornelius
Rachel Denker
Daniel Flemming
Tracy Grundy
Jess Koski
Chuck Tidd
Gene Tison
Ian Kelly
Geoff Kohn
Robert Griffin
Susanne Keough

Thursday, 23 August 2018 19:44

Summer on the Ranch

Food is not just fuel. 
Food is about family, 
Food is about community, 
Food is about identity. 
And we nourish all those things when we eat well. 

-- Michael Pollan

There's something magical about watching food grow. What starts as a tiny seed in the spring first emerges from the soil as a seedling and, by summertime, blossoms into a full, thriving plant. What appeared to be a barren field of dirt in March is now a thriving garden. Walking out to the garden to pick your next meal is a ritual nearly lost in our modern world of convenience.

The Everson Ranch garden continues to provide the opportunity for guests, visitors and volunteers to learn about sustainable food growth. Our garden is thriving under the watchful eye of garden manager Brian Ross. Brian has filled the hoop houses and the garden space continues to grow with the completion of several new trellises. With a passion for learning and seed saving, there are several varieties of well loved favorites planted so he can determine which will grow best in our high valley desert. Tasting the different types of basil was a learning experience for all of us. We had no idea they could each taste so different! We're waiting in anticipation for tomato season to see which of the heirloom varieties will win the taste test.

The garden also provides much needed nourishment for our volunteers. We couldn't be more grateful for all of the hard work provided by the folks we've had the honor of hosting. There's always so much to be done and having the summer help makes so much more possible. Thank you volunteers!!

One of our volunteers, Dorothy Lessem, wrote this about her day at the Everson Ranch:


Volunteering at the Everson Ranch (also known as playing in the dirt)

Who says you have to be on "FarmersOnly.com" to have fun? Instead try volunteering for a half day at the Everson Ranch. Recently Mark Allen and I volunteered to "weed and seed" at the Ranch. It may be a bit hard on your knees, but playing in the dirt (aka pulling weeds and planting seeds) is very therapeutic, and a throwback to the mudpies some of us made as children. When we finished planting a variety of beets, I helped prepare lunch for the volunteers, students, staff and others who also work there through a variety of programs. Picking the fresh vegetables for the salad was a real treat since I used to do that myself when I had a home garden. Other benefits include feeding the weed scraps to the chickens and visiting the other animals that live there. And .. next time I'm there I can check on the growth of the beets we planted. So, try volunteering, either at the ranch or the hot springs. Besides the intrinsic rewards of working in such a beautiful, peaceful environment, you will also get a pass for the hot springs. The staff's accomplishments rejuvenating the ranch are amazing and the environmental friendly approach is what this land is all about.

Over our members appreciation weekend, the ranch crew set up the first farmers market stand near the pavilion for Valley View guests. With fresh produce and a variety of goods created using food grown both on the ranch and throughout the valley, we hope to build our stand into a lasting part of the Valley View experience. We strive to provide fresh, organically grown food to our guests and community. The market stand also allows us another outlet to share with our guests the ideals that drive us; protecting the land and water, responsibly raising animals, improving the soil, and encouraging a culture of sustainability. Be sure to stop by the market stand for local produce, meat, eggs, ranch products, and to set up a tour to visit the ranch.

Our community Field to Fork meals are still being offered throughout the harvest season. Join us on Saturday for the "Market Stand & Grill from 10am to 2pm or on Sunday for brunch at 10am. Take a tour, visit the reservoir and stroll through the gardens. Our community of animals grew larger this June with the birth of piglets! Watching the baby pigs play is sure to brighten your day, but they won't stay little for long so be sure to stop by soon!

Thursday, 23 August 2018 19:43


We've been relishing the rain. Even brief showers help to ease the anxious tension from so many dry months. Saguache County has ended the fire ban. However, we ask that you use only propane or gas stoves and grills. No open fires or charcoal grills are permitted anywhere. As always, smoking is restricted to inside the Smoke Hut or inside your vehicle. This is for everyone's safety and to show our respect for those who do not smoke. None of our guidelines are arbitrary. They are the result of careful thought and are meant to provide an atmosphere that works for all with minimal impact. This is a guideline that has evolved over many years. There are many people who have contributed to establishing and maintaining this guideline. We appreciate everyone who has accepted their responsibility in this regard and have demonstrated that we can coexist harmoniously. Thank you for smoking only at the Smoke Hut or inside your vehicle.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018 01:16

Micro Trash

If you see a cigarette butt, a twist tie, a corner of a candy bar wrapper, a straw, a store receipt, a shiny bit of cellophane, or some other small bit of trash, pick it up and throw it in one of the new bear proof trash cans. If you notice it and walk by, it's like throwing it on the ground again. The Conservation Committee is targeting micro trash and encouraging all visitors to be aware and stoop to the occasion. Thank you for helping keep OLT clean. It's encouraging that micro trash is the problem instead of big pieces of debris.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018 01:13

Share and Increase the Fun

In the summertime, the pool deck is a favored spot. OLT provides the flat concrete near the pool and a few deck chairs. There is space for about a dozen chairs with nearly 140 people wanting those spots. (Odd that concrete is so desirable but that may just be a personal preference I haven't acquired.) Thank you for sharing the swimming pool deck space. If you aren't in a deck chair, someone else will use it. If you bring your own chair and you aren't sitting on it, someone else will. If you don't want to share the limited deck space, consider setting up your chair somewhere else.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018 01:12

Members Appreciation Weekend

Members Appreciation Weekend was a great success with record numbers attending! Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped as camp hosts, discovery hosts and tour guides, shuttled members to their cars, helped cook and clean up breakfast for 260+ members, volunteers and staff. This is a special weekend for us where we get to celebrate our members. We received many compliments this year, folks loved the bands, the food, the community. Our Silent Auction raised $562 for educational programs. Thank you to everyone who attended making this a weekend to remember!

Breakfast Crew: Scott, Krista, Brett, Jamie and Mark cooking up Sunday Breakfast - Robin Rosenberg Camphosts Ready to shuttle guests: Jamie, Scott, Smokey & Joe our shuttle guides, Ian and Lisa not in photo. - Robin Rosenberg

Tuesday, 17 July 2018 01:08

Upcoming Summer Events!

July 21: Annual Board Meeting and BBQ at the Pavilion!

Join us for our annual meeting, meet the board directors, share comments and suggestions and have lunch on us! We will be providing a BBQ lunch for all who attend.

July 25: Colorado Parks and Wildlife will be here doing research on our bat colony.

July 23 - 27: CCW Adventure Program, Science Camp at the Everson Ranch (special program)

July 29 - August 2: OLT's annual Kids Science Camp (registration is full)

August 6 - August 12: Rustic Roots Music Camp at Everson Ranch

OLT is thrilled to have this wonderful event returning to the Everson Ranch.  To learn more about it contact Rustic Roots directly.

Rustic Roots campfire jamming camp announces its 8th year and 2nd year at Orient Land Trust in the San Luis Valley - August 6-12, 2018.  Join Teaching Artists and Camp Hosts Joy Adams & Andy Reiner (Half Pelican) as well as Hazel Ketchum & John Holenko (The Hungry Monks) and Jerry Bryant and others for a musical-foodie-outdoors retreat in the mountains. Music workshops, collaborative farm-to-table meals, campfire jamming, tent camping with bathhouse access (or bring your large camping vehicle), yoga, optional adventure excursions to hot springs, hiking, Great Sand Dunes National Park, and rock climbing. 

Musical Styles include: Campfire Songs, Old-Time Appalachian, Bluegrass, Celtic, Grateful Dead, Scandinavian, Sea Shanties, Gypsy Jazz, Free Improvisations and more!   Families and non-musicians welcome - come for the whole week or just a part!  All Ages (Under 18 w/parent or guardian). Sign up and more information at www.rusticroots.net

Thursday, 14 June 2018 13:57

Member’s Appreciation Weekend

Members Only! June 22, 23 is Member Appreciation Weekend. The celebration is coming up soon. No members will be turned away but non-members will not be admitted. Don't bring a guest unless they are a member. The Friday night band is The Groove Farmers from Salida, Colorado. The Saturday night band is Reviva from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Remember to bring a delicious contribution to the Saturday afternoon potluck. Breakfast Sunday morning provided by Orient Land Trust and staff. Noon Sunday, non members will be considered based on capacity. Please, park your vehicle along the road. Unload first and then remove the vehicle from the people space. Ask for a shuttle ride back to the yard. If you visit Valley View for peace and quiet, consider a different weekend.

Thursday, 14 June 2018 13:57

Call Ahead

Yep. Here we are in the good ol' summertime. Valley View is a refreshing spot. We will reach capacity every day through September so, call ahead!

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.