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Lots of rain, tall grass, bright sun, early summer. Add them all together and you get gnats and mosquitoes and sunburn. Nobody likes them. The bats will help with the bugs. The warm weather encourages us to shed our clothes and enjoy the warmth of summer. Sunblock protects us from sunburn and repellents help keep the pests away. However, we are at the top of a watershed and what we…
This is our chance to give a big Thank You! to all of our members. Thanks for your support! Orient Land Trust depends on your contributions. Your memberships have enabled us to pour water on the hayfields, protect the mine history and bat habitat, stock the freezer with organic grass fed beef, welcome geologists from high schools and colleges, provide research opportunities for biologists, create a thriving habitat for rare…
Sunday, 05 July 2015 03:06

Annual Report to be Mailed Soon!

Historically, the printed annual report was mailed out in the fall. Last year, when the time came to publish the annual report, we decided that it made more sense to publish each annual report earlier in the year as the audit was completed. Therefore, we did not publish an annual report last fall and the annual report that will be mailed soon will include the financial report for two years,…
Monday, 01 June 2015 18:24

Gated Pipe Irrigation

OLT has made progress on the irrigated hay fields project at the Everson Ranch (pronounced "ee-vur-son"). The project, when finished, will provide water to over 50 acres of hayfields that have been dried up for many years. In 2014, Mike O'Donal, the ranch manager, was able to irrigate and harvest 8 acres of hayfields. This year, we purchased and installed over 1100 feet of ten inch pipe that will supply…
Monday, 01 June 2015 18:23

Science Camp Updates

Science Camp in July. If you're interested in providing a wonderful week for your child with an emphasis on Science, check out the information letter and registration form. The young scientists will be free ($50.00 deposit refunded after camp ends). Parents can make normal reservation arrangements for the week. Ask for more information at the Welcome Center.
Monday, 01 June 2015 18:23

The Wastewater Treatment Plant

Everyone has heard about the WWTP and the long process involved; including recommendations, designs, permits, and the construction process. What may have been lost in the tale is the accumulating cost of the thing. Construction costs were about $180,000. We also paid the design firm and we paid the State of Colorado for permits. Altogether, the WWTP has cost more than $300.000. The good news is that we only borrowed…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.