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Thursday, 04 September 2014 18:46

Members Appreciation Weekend in Review

Another exciting Members Appreciation week-end was logged on August 9th-11th at Valley View Hot Springs when a record 245 OLT members came from far and wide to participate in a fun-filled slate of activities or just "chillax" in our soaking ponds, pool and sauna amidst the ever-stunning Valley View-sheds. More active enthusiasts embarked on OLT's trails, hiked to the bats at Orient Mine, visited our Everson ranch to feed the…
Thursday, 04 September 2014 18:46

Garden Party in Taos, a Great Community Builder

About 28 people gathered at the beautiful Zero Energy home and gardens of former OLT Board President Dan Jones on Sunday August 17th to support OLT's Wastewater Treatment Plant Campaign. Fresh vegetables from Dan's garden and greenhouse, cookies from Matt's Bakery in Taos and local wine and beer samplings in abundance added to the festive afternoon! New Executive Director Doug Bishop, OLT founders Neil and Terry Seitz, and Board Members…
Wednesday, 06 August 2014 18:39

Contributor's Auction - this Saturday

While it may be hard to match the Members' Auction item described below, we invite you to dig into your basements, closets, garages and brains for items to bring to OLT Members' Weekend where bid sheets will abound for "stuff" that might be your unique "junk" but other people's treasure - think of professional services, artwork, or meals/catering for other OLT members to bid on. One highlighted auction item includes…
  Sunday, August 17th, 3-6 pm1245 Cardenas Lane, El Prado, NM 87529 Support OLT’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Campaign, meet new Executive Director Doug Bishop,visit with Founders Neil & Terry Seitz, experience Board Member Dan Jones’ sustainable, Zero Energy home & gardens, enjoy food from Matts Bakery Taos  as well as Dan's garden and greenhouse and sample local wine & beer.
Sunday, 03 August 2014 12:50

Helping Introduce Naturism

Social nudity is certainly nothing new here. The tradition is common at hot springs and was documented back to the miners who often enjoyed these warm waters after a hard day's work. Naturism, as we know it today, was undoubtedly the sensible choice for soaking when Ute tribes flourished here the Valley. But over time, clothing came to represent much more than its functional use, becoming a cultural expectation even in…
Saturday, 02 August 2014 23:15

Conservation Easements with a Little TNC

Orient Land Trust (OLT) staff and volunteers joined three representatives from The Nature Conservancy on July 29th and 30th for the annual assessment of the conservation easement on the ranch and hot springs properties. For those who haven't heard, the OLT has partnered with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to place a conservation easement on 1,270 acres encompassing the ranch and hot springs. This easement was implemented in 2010 to ensure…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.