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Thursday, 01 May 2014 00:00

OLT Needs Board Members

Fellow appreciators of OLT and fellow soakers, we need board members and board committee members. If you have ever thought of serving OLT this is the time to step up and be counted. If you are interested in serving on the board of directors or a board committee, please send an email to BDCchair with your name, phone number and any other pertinent information you wish to share. We…
Wednesday, 30 April 2014 00:00

Volunteer Your Time!

Want to get involved at Orient Land Trust? Volunteers are extremely important to OLT. Please consider a donation of your time to help us work more efficiently toward the protection of the northern San Luis Valley’s unique resources and open space. Summer 2014 Volunteer Hosts Needed The Host opportunities listed below are all "full time," onsite positions that run for a minimum of two weeks, or more during our peak…
Wednesday, 30 April 2014 00:00

Waste Water Facilities Campaign

OLT's campaign for Valley View's Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades is well underway and is now nearly 15% complete. Our fundraising dinner was attended by nearly 200 people and raised over $15,000 in donations/ pledges and proceeds from guest speaker John Fielder’s generous donation of 30 % of book sales for the evening. Combined with donations from the December Annual Appeal mailing seeking funds for the WWTP upgrades, we have…
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 09:17

2014 Membership Dinner and WWTP Fundraiser

Thursday, April 3 Enjoy a great meal & OLT friends, learn about OLT’s new strategic plan, support OLT’s Wastewater Treatment Plant campaign! Door prizes!
Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:59

Let's Donate!

We Need 1500 Donors @ $100 Each! Ever sit on the back porch at Oak House in warm summer months and catch our "drift"?!? It's not too swift on hot, sunny days, depending on which way the wind blows! OLT's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), constructed in 1983, has gotten heavy use over the last 30 years by our thousands of annual visitors and is in dire need of retirement. We…
Wednesday, 27 November 2013 13:58

OLT’s New Interim Executive Director

Born in Appleton, WI at the age of 28, after traveling a good deal, I realized I could leave once and for all! I lived and renovated buildings in New York City from 1984-1988, also exploring Theatre and Art. My wife and I have resided in the Baca Grande, south of Crestone, CO for the last 25 years in a house that we hand-built. During that time I was a…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.